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Attraction- Part 7

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An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "The Captain loses his temper with unforeseen consequences. Commander Tucker is left with a decision to make."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part Seven


* * * * *

Pain. Sorrow. A variety of emotions tore through him, fragmenting the peace and calm that had been his just moments before his best friend appeared. The Captain was staring hard at him. Still waiting for an answer. Trip swallowed slowly. He felt sick to his stomach. *Ya know, don't ya?*

*Know what?*

*How I feel about T'Pol?*

*Why don't you just tell me?*

He felt his heart miss several beats. The Captain was not going to make this easy for him. Trip tried to pick up on the mix of emotions in his friend's demeanour then decided he did not have enough time to engage in such a luxury. The Captain's anger was growing though outwardly he looked so calm. He had seen him like this a couple of times before and it made him tremble inside to see that simmering powder keg directed at him. *I think I'm fallin' in love with her.*

*You think? Don't you know?*

The tone was sarcastic. Anger tingeing the edge of it and something else. *What d'ya want me to say? I've been a perfect gentleman, never stepped out a line once.*

*So you haven't kissed her?*

Yes, he was right. Definitely anger. *No.* Only here.

*But you want to, don't you?" The Captain pressed.

Trip hesitated. Captain Archer frowned.

*Answer the question.*

*Jon, I don't know what ya want me to say? I'm attracted to T'Pol and under any other circumstances the whole Vulcan planet wouldn't stop me from makin' a move but we don't have that luxury.*

*We?* He pounced on the word.

*I mean 'I' don't have that luxury.*

*You said 'we'.*

*Just wishful thinkin', Cap'n.*

There was a slight pause before the Captain spoke again. He was remembering how he had found the Sub-Commander asleep on Trip's bunk. In his quarters. A feeling of intense jealousy swept through him. So powerful that it surprised and unsettled him. His anger if anything sharpened. There could be no possibility of any future between himself and the Sub-Commander because of the political implications. Also, T'Pol seemed to want Trip not him. That hurt. It should not have done but it did. If he, being the Captain, was not allowed to contemplate such a relationship he was damn sure his Chief Engineer was not going to have the opportunity. Fair was fair after all. *If I find out you've been sneaking around to see her I'll have you off the ship so fast your feet won't touch the ground!*

Trip's eyes widened. Surprise. Disbelief. Sorrow. A sharp stab of pain as he realised what it meant. His friend was in deadly earnest. Realisation dawned, sickening him. *You're jealous.*

*Don't be ridiculous.*

*Ya can't lie to me in here, Jon.*

*And you can't lie to me either. Don't forget that.*

Trip could feel his temper slipping. *How can I with ya shovin' it down my throat ev'ry chance ya get?*

For a moment the Captain stared daggers at him then something inside him snapped. *On your feet, mister!*

*No. I haven't finished watchin' the sunset*

*You've finished if I say you've finished. Now on your feet!"

It seemed for a moment as if someone else was standing there not Captain Archer. The incensed man glaring at Trip with his hands bunched at his sides was a world away from the best friend he would die for. Yet he knew it was the same man. He hesitated. More troubled than he liked to admit even to himself.

*NOW, Commander!*

The barked out order drove the Commander to his feet. The reaction as automatic as breathing. Captain Archer got right in his face, a look close to hate distorting his handsome features. *I expect you to act as if there is nothing between you and the Sub-Commander. You are a professional, Commander Tucker, and you will act like one. At 'all' times.*

*I'm surprised you don't tell me not to speak to her.* He fired back, voice sulky and pained.

The Captain only heard his come-back as a test of his authority. Angrily he shoved Trip back. Hard. The Commander stumbled but managed to keep his feet. His temper was rising in response. *What the hell was that for?*


*Are ya crazy?*

That was it. The Captain lost it. Trip never saw the punch coming, the fist connecting solidly with his face, snapping his head back and knocking him to the ground. Captain Archer stood over him, face red and angry. *Get up!*

Trip blinked up at him. Stunned. Reached out to pick up his harmonica.

The Captain kicked it away from his hand. *I said UP!"



He nodded and got slowly to his feet. No sooner had he done so that another punch sent him flying backwards. It never occurred to him to hit back. This was his Captain. His closest friend. Each blow was like another little piece of his heart being ripped out. He felt groggy now, his split lip and eyebrow dripping in blood. Another blow connected just as a steely voice broke in followed in rapid order by the speaker himself.

*What the bloody hell is going on here?*

Captain Archer turned his head in surprise and stared at Lt Malcolm Reed. For a moment he forgot all about Trip. *Malcolm? What are you doing here?*

The lieutenant quickly assessed the situation and placed himself bodily between the Commander and his Captain. *Stopping you from killing our Chief Engineer.*

He was gratified to see the Captain flush with embarrassment. *It's a private matter, Malcolm.*

Lieutenant Reed was shaking his head, his eyes flicking downward to where Commander Tucker sat on the floor making no attempt to get up. His face was battered and bruised. One eye half shut. The split lip and bloody brow adding to the mess the Captain had made of his face. The lieutenant did not like to think what other injuries he might have suffered had he not managed to join them. A cold fury burned behind the Tactical Armoury Officer's eyes but he kept his voice level and clipped. His naturally polite and efficient manner sharpened like a blade in warning. The Captain was not so foolish as to ignore the fact that in Malcolm's mind he had stepped over a most definite line. *A private matter, Captain?* He paused slightly and made a point of not looking at Trip now. *I think not. We have all been worrying and trying to find a way to bring the Commander out of this dream state. Thanks to your actions we may not be successful*

The import of what he was saying popped the Captain's self-absorbed bubble. A look of shame disolved the anger. His fists unfurled and relaxed to hang loosely at his sides as his face paled. *Oh God what have I done?* He looked at Trip. Took a step towards him but the lieutenant blocked his way.

*I think you should return to Enterprise, Captain, and let me handle this.*

*I need to put this right, Malcolm.*

Lieutenant Reed nodded but did not budge. *Yes, you do but not here and not now.*

*What do you mean?*

*Just go, Captain. Please. If you really are sorry I assure you it is the best thing you can do.*

Trip was sitting with his eyes closed, rocking slightly back and forth. The Captain felt terrible, a deep burning shame replacing the madness that had blinded him only moments before. *Trip, I'm so sorry...*

The Commander ignored him. Ignored them both. Lost in a world of pain both emotional and physical. He did not want to interact with anybody right now. Protectively, the lieutenant watched his Captain carefully. Ready to flatten him if he tried to touch the Commander again. The Captain blinked. His look now a little sheepish. His voice much quieter than it had been.

*I really am sorry, Malcolm.*

*Then prove it by going, sir.*

*I won't hit him again.*

*You shouldn't have hit him in the first place.*

He hung his head. Knowing the lieutenant was right. His voice was quiet. Defeated. *How do I go back?*

*It varies but you could just try wanting to.*

A thought occurred to him. If he could go back just by wanting to then why couldn't Trip? He remembered some of the things he had said to his friend. Mentally wincing at his own words. As if it was any business of his what feelings his friend harboured for the Vulcan Sub-Commander. Whether or not the two of them acted in an improper manner was another thing and so far, as Trip had asserted, they had not. He sighed heavily and closed his eyes. Mentally visualising the Enterprise and himself back on it while in his heart he was hoping that a way could be found for him to heal the damage he had done this day. He was not sure how he would survive the loss of his best friend. Was determined to do everything in his power to make sure that it did not happen. First he had to wake up. Return to Enterprise. Let Lieutenant Reed look after Trip while he tried to come up with a way to get his Chief Engineer back. This was a nightmare. He hoped that like real nightmares it would vanish on waking. Then he would have to find a way to make it up to his friend.

* * * * *

Ensign Hoshi Sato was nervous. Travis looked across at her communications' station. Lieutenant Anna Hess was at the Commander's station on engineering. No one was at the Tactical or Science stations and there was still no sign of the Captain. Travis broke the growing tension on the near deserted bridge. "What do you suppose is keeping the Captain?"

His voice was soft but in the silence carried easily. Hoshi tried to shrug. "A late breakfast?"

Travis Mayweather gave her a look that said she was clutching at straws.

"Maybe he went to check on the Commander in sickbay before coming on to the bridge?"

The boomer brightened up slightly, that sounded like something he might do. He smiled. "I'm sure that's where he is."

There was a pause. Hoshi's eyes drifted over to Tactical then met Lt Hess's gaze. She looked anything but happy to be there but orders were orders and right now the Chief Engineer was in no position to obey any of them so it was up to her as his second in command to make up the shortfall. But it did not explain Lt Reed's absence. Ensign Sato could feel a headache coming on.

"Have you seen Lieutenant Reed, Lieutenant Hess?"

She shook her head. "No, Ensign. I came up directly from Engineering."

Hoshi nodded, sighed, then decided to get a couple of the crew to check up on the whereabouts of Lieutenant Reed and the Captain. She did not want to do it because that would be to admit her fear that somehow this nightmare was beginning to engulf them all. They should be finding solutions to the Commander's condition not more problems. Travis tried to reassure her.

"You don't know that anything happened to them, Hosh." He said gently.

She looked at him, nodded, but he could see she did not believe him. Swallowing carefully he kept his face neutral. Wanting to be strong for her. But his heart was faltering. Resolutely he pushed back his own fears and watched her open a com channel. They would have their answer soon enough.

* * * * *

Captain Archer took a deep breath then opened his eyes. He froze. Rigid with shock. Staring right back at him with a look of unrestrained anger was a diminutive but very pissed off Vulcan. *Oh God, now I find T'Pol!* He groaned.

She heard him. As clearly as if they were both awake and he had spoken out loud. *How could you do that to Commander Tucker? To your 'friend'?*

His mouth opened and closed. His mind reached for some mitigation. Anything to lessen his own culpability in her eyes but he could find nothing. Nothing. Now he realised something else. There were tears in the Sub-Commander's eyes. 'Oh my God, I've made a Vulcan cry...'

* * * * *

Lieutenant Malcolm Reed was surprisingly gentle. He sat next to the Commander and tilted the bruised and bloody face so he could get a better look at his injuries. Though only one eye was closing Trip kept both eyes fastened shut. His friend carefully tilted the battered face first one way then the other. *What did you say to get him so riled up, Trip?*

A small sob caught in the back of the Commander's throat. Lieutenant Reed gave him an anxious look.

*You don't have to answer if you don't want to.* He amended quietly.

Trip spoke as if he had not heard the last sentence. *He guessed about us.*


*T'Pol and I.*

Surprise stunned the lieutenant for a moment or two. "Let me get this right, Trip. Are you saying you and the Sub-Commander are 'an item'?*

Impossibly to Lieutanant Reed's mind, the Commander chuckled softly then cracked open the lid on his good eye to look at him. Sometimes Lieutenant Reed was a regular riot. *I haven't heard that expression in years, Malcolm.*

*Well are you?*

Trip sighed, a deep sorrow washing over his face like some shadow of doom. *No, but it's what I want more than anythin'.*

His frankness gave the Englishman pause. He picked his way carefully with his next words. Not wanting to pry too deeply nor offend his injured friend. *How does the Sub-Commander feel about that?*

*She feels the same, Malcolm. Can you imagine that? A Vulcan bein' sweet on me?*

This time Malcolm chuckled. They sat side by side in companionable silence for a few minutes before the lieutenant spoke again. *You make a terrible punch bag you know.*

*Thanks.* He paused *I think.*

*What are you going to do?*

*About what?*

Lieutenant Reed considered his friend for a moment. *About you and the Sub-Commander.*

*Her name is T'Pol, Malcolm.*

*I know her name, my friend. I was simply being respectful.*

*Ya were bein' starched and persnickety.*

*All right, if it makes you feel any better. T'Pol. How does T'Pol feel about you?*

A slow smile cracked through the bruises that were inflating his face like air pumped into a balloon. Lieutenant Reed tried not to frown too hard at him in concern. Not sure how to do first aid in the virtual reality of someone's head. 'If' that was where they were in the first place. He did not feel sure of anything right now. *She cares. Loves me even.*

*You're not sure?*

*Now ya sound like the Captain.*

Lieutenant Reed fell silent. Filled with a deep brush of horror. He certainly hoped he did not sound like the Captain. Trip was his friend and there was no way he would let anyone hurt him. The fact that someone of the Captain's standing had laid hands on the Commander in such a rough undisciplined manner affected him more than he would admit even to himself. It disturbed him on several levels. The Captain was one of Trip's oldest friends as well as his senior officer. His 'best' friend in fact and he knew just how much that meant to the Commander. The depth of loyalty he felt towards the Captain. What on earth had caused him to act with such violence? What was it he was missing? *Why did Captain Archer hit you?*

*He just lost his temper, Malcolm.*

*Not good enough.*

*Let it be.*

He sighed, put a hand on Trip's shoulder and shook his head. *I can't do that. You're my friend. I'm also supposed to be in charge of ship's security which means I'm the one who worries about everybody's safety and that - my friend - includes yours.*

*He didn't really mean it.* Said Trip softly.

His voice sounded a little strained and muffled as if there were tears in the back of his throat. Not wanting to push him into crying the lieutenant put an arm around his friend's shoulder. *What am I going to do with you, Mister Tucker?* He said softly.

*Who says ya have to do anythin'?*

Malcolm thought his voice sounded a little lost. He turned his head and looked at Trip, his eyes making a critical analysis not only of his physical injuries but also his mental state. *We need to get you back to Enterprise.*

*Ya think that's such a good idea with the Cap'n itchin' to knock my head off my shoulders?*

The Tactical Armoury Officer smiled. *Well you could always duck.*

Trip chuckled back at him as he had hoped he would. *Reminds me of the first bit of advice I was given on enterin' Starfleet Academy.*

*What was that?*

*When ya first join Starfleet and the shit hits the fan ya get covered from head to foot. When ya been in a while and the shit hits the fan ya learn to duck. But when ya been in a bit longer ya duck, look back and see who the hell got covered in shit.*

Malcolm laughed, Trip joining in even though his face hurt. As his laughter came under control the lieutenant managed a little quip back. *That explains it.*

*Explains what?*

*You 'definitely' should have ducked!*

* * * * *

He closed his eyes in horror. Unable to stem the tide of guilt washing through him. Could his life get any worse? For several minutes he just lay there. Then with a heavy sigh he opened his eyes. Surprised and stunned he found himself looking up at the ceiling of his quarters. What the hell...? Perhaps it had all been nothing but a bad dream after all.

Just then he became aware of a persistent buzzing noise. It invaded his consciousness like a nagging voice trying to remind him of something. The Captain turned his head, trying to locate the annoying sound and caught the time on his bedside clock. Damn! It was 1010 hours and he had overslept big time. He groaned, reached out a hand and slapped the alarm button switching it off. Oh God. He 'never' slept this late. Quickly he rolled out of bed and made for the shower. Ran the water until it was as hot as he could stand then stripped off his pajamas and stepped under the welcoming spray of heat. Grabbing the shower gel he began to pump some into his hand when he froze. Eyes widening in horror and distress. The knuckles of his right hand were red and grazed. It had not been a bad dream after all but real. He had found Trip and what had he done? Hurt him in the worst way possible. The Captain closed his eyes and leant against the wall of the shower. Tears running down his face that even the hot spray could not wash away.

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Half a dozen of you have made comments

WOW, that was a brilliant chapter. This just keeps getting better and better, but please...don't kill off my boy.(that's Trip in case you'd any doubts!)

So, I've been aware for several chapters that I should review this story, but words are failing me.

The friendship you show between Malcolm and Trip is very, very precious and I think, very in character. If what Malcolm says in Shuttlepod One is true-that the people on board are his family- and we know that Trip is his closest friend, then seeing him hurt had to nearly tear him in two. The additional conflict of knowing that the Captain, whom Reed wants to respect, has been the one who caused the pain-WOW.

And Archer, whom I occasionally dislike, has turned into a full fledged bastard. Inappropriate behavior? I would like very much to see T'Pol remind him about his advances towards her. Especially a certain "You'll be my date." Grrrrrr. I hope he continues to feel guilt. For the foreseeable future.

The story has character development in spades. It's lovely. Please continue soon.

Damn, girl! You've DEFINITELY got the Trip/T'Pol angst thing mastered. Wow! Please get chapter 8 done quick!

Thank you! Thank you! That was an extremely well written chapter. I agree with the sentiments of the other reviewers.

In particular, I really like how when they are in the 'dreamscape' each character seems to have a slightly different personality than in real life. T'pol can be emotional. Trip is full of sorrow (instead of his usually happy self). Malcolm can show tenderness. And, Archer can be a real jerk (I know some may say how is that different, but I'm sure that once awake he would never strike Trip like he did here.)

I have enjoyed all of your stories, but this chapter was fabulous. The Tucker/Reed interaction was great. Reed's defense of his injured friend was awesome.

I also agree with the above reviewers. I'm really enjoying this story, and each chapter is full of wonderful dialogue and character development. I'm wondering about a couple of things, however. Did Malcolm go "back in" because he felt obligated to try and help (I get this from the previous chapter) or because he sensed Archer was causing harm to his friend? Do you really think Trip would have said "T'pol and I" when Malcolm asked him which "us" he was talking about? Even if that were grammatically correct, I think Trip would have said "T'pol an' me" or even "Me and T'pol". You always have his characterizations down so well I was wondering if it was intentional on your part (or am I just over-proofreading). And Archer apparently didn't consciously get himself back to the Enterprise, as Malcolm had suggested, am I reading that correctly?
I know I've said this before but I just love the way you've shown Trip and Malcolm. I think that's one of the best relationships on the show (since they seem to have deserted Trip/Archer) and I think you've developed it just wonderfully. Looking forward to the next chapter and thanks.