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Attraction- Part 6

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An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html
SUMMARY: "Captain Archer discovers some things he would rather not have known and things about himself that could make or break his ability to help a friend."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part Six


* * * * *

Ensign Hoshi Sato was not sure of many things but she was sure about this. She noted the stunned look on Travis Mayweather's face and could hardly blame him. The cheerful boomer had hardly touched his food. No doubt trying to fathom out whether the Tactical Armoury Officer was joking or not. Around them the mess hall was emptying but they took no notice. Hoshi put her other hand over Malcolm's, now holding his in both of hers. The added contact underlining the fact that she was there for him. Her eyes not leaving his. Willing him to listen to her every word. "You can't do that, Malcolm. What if you get trapped as well?"

His eyes were wide, staring, and so full of anguish that it hurt her to see. She knew the two men had become friends but had not realised how strong that friendship was. "I have to, Hoshi. If it were me, Trip would do everything he could to get me out."

She nodded. "Yes, he would. But not by becoming trapped himself."

The lieutenant was shaking his head, getting even more anxious. His eyes beginning to lose focus. "You don't understand. I *have* to go."

"What don't I understand?"

She was alarmed by the bitterness in his voice. "This is all a game to them."


He blinked but did not seem to see her. "Her."


For a moment he went completely quiet, his body still as if straining and listening to something she could not hear. Travis gave her a worried look. She wondered if she should call Dr Phlox. Then the moment passed. Lieutenant Reed gave a long deep breath, blinked a few times, then focused on her face. A slight smile offered in apology for his lapse. The anxiety attacks were coming closer together now. He was still linked to the Commander in some nebulous fashion. He could feel it. Sense it on the periphery of his consciousness. Yet it was a tenuous link that was grower steadily weaker the longer he remained 'out'. What would happen when it grew so fragile it broke? Would Trip die? Would he? Or would it be the end of the breadcrumbs with his friend trapped inside a nightmare that had no end? And no way out? The rest of them forced to watch over a body that would die by inches but never recover? The thoughts frightened him. It took effort to control himself emotionally. Losing it now would be of no help to the Commander. No help to him at all.

"I have to go back."

Alarmed, Hoshi gripped his hand hard. He realised she had misunderstood him and his eyes became gentle. His tone more reassuring.

"To sickbay, Hoshi."

Realisation was slow in coming. Her eyes widened slightly then he saw a flicker of cautious relief in them. He gave her a true smile and watched her relax further though she still looked anxious. Travis sipped his coffee, a thoughtful look on his face. "What about the Sub-Commander? I hear the Captain was in quite a state. Dr Phlox had to order him to leave sickbay."

Lieutenant Reed shot him a look which made the young man flush.

"No offence, sir." He mumbled into his coffee mug. "It's just what I heard."

The Lieutenant relaxed. Gave Travis a sheepish look. "I'm sorry Travis, just a bit on edge if you know what I mean?"

Travis nodded. He did not really understand what was going on but knew the lieutenant had been traumatised by his experiences and was now suffering pangs of guilt because he had returned unharmed and the Commander had not. Now another member of the crew appeared to be trapped. What was going on? And where would it end? Lt Reed got up abruptly. "I'm off to sickbay."

Travis gave him a serious look. "Is there anything we can do?"

"Do you believe in God?"

The young boomer looked surprised at the question. "Yes, why?"

Lieutenant Reed gave him a little grim look then looked at Hoshi. "Then I suggest you pray."

They watched him go with mixed feelings. Travis looked at Hoshi. Her face so pale he wondered if was going to be alright. "Hosh?"

She answered without looking at him. "Yes?"

His voice took on a little boy lost quality. "Is everything going to be all right?"

She turned her head then. Saw that he was just as affected as she was. A sad smile washed her features. It was meant to reassure him but her own uncertainty was cutting her like a knife. "I don't know Travis but I hope so."

His voice became very quiet. "Do you believe in God, Hoshi?"

Something unreadable settled deep in her eyes. She was looking at him but seeing something else. "If everybody pulls through this in one piece Travis," She paused. Focusing on him again. "Then yes, I will believe in God."

* * * * *

He could not remember being so alone before. Yet in some ways it was easier like this because he had his senses filled albeit with images too fantastic to be taken from his own reality but in his imagination such vivid colours walked and breathed. And now they did so here as well. Had the entity been right after all? Had *he* created this? Was it all his fault? If so, how could he put things right so his friends would not be made to suffer? How could he wipe the slate clean and start again? His heart ached. He missed T'Pol. And in ways he could never have hitherto imagined. It pierced him deep. It brought grief to paradise.

"No other lover ever really cared
When I've reached out for you
You've always been there
Now I'm so far away and
Baby I'm scared.
Never knew lonely 'till you..."

- 'Never Knew Lonely' sung by Vince Gill

The entity watched him. Took note of the ebb and flow of his emotional state. Let his landscape flavour the mood, the sky changing slowly. Muted hues that soothed the ache in his heart but could not heal him. He was unaware of the presence which was formless. No borrowed images to clothe something that was too subtle for mere sight to explore. He did not detect the sifting of his thoughts, the cool whispered touch on his emotions. A sighing breath taking his heart away with dreams that would never now come to fruition. Silent tears rolled softly down his pale cheeks. He sat unmoving and made his peace with God. Wishing with all his heart that the love he had been brave enough to confess here in this netherworld had been made flesh on Enterprise. That her culture and his had not constrained them with barriers neither was able to breach. Knowing now that she loved him too was a bitter-sweet pain that made sense of dying but did not make it any less painful. Could he go back? He did not know. Would he want to go back to not knowing? To the gentle tease and friction that was the only interaction they could have? Could he do that? Would he be strong enough to let that be enough? One misplaced word. One thoughtless action. And he could ruin her career. She would be sent back to Vulcan in disgrace. Removed from the auspices of the onerous Vulcan High Command. Sent to some God-awful lonely outpost to be mentally cleansed of her *crime*, her memories stripped, altered, returned to her with all the passion of a bland unfeeling face. Why? Because of him. Because he could not control the unfettered emotions now ruling his wayward human heart. And still. Knowing how much such a folly would cost them, he yearned for her. Keened for her. Broke his heart over and over again at the sweetness of a union that could never be.

"You are my love and the strength I need
To keep me sane in this life that I lead.
Now I'm not with you and
My broken hearts aches
Never knew lonely 'till you.

Never knew lonely could be so blue
Never knew lonely could tear you in two.
Never loved someone 'till I loved you
Well I never knew lonely 'till you..."

- 'Never Knew Lonely' sung by Vince Gill

* * * * *

Dr. Phlox had never had such an unusual case. Professionally he was transfixed, in awe of what was seemingly taking place. Fascinated, he enjoyed the mental stimulation of seeking answers to a problem he barely understood. He badly needed to converse with the Commander but that was not an option. His limited conversations with Lieutenant Reed had clouded the issue more than clarified. Yet, he felt that if he could only find some way to communicate with Commander Tucker most of those questions would be answered. He frowned slightly at his own fancy. Now why would he think that? It made no sense. It was not as if the Commander could be relied upon to know what had happened to him. To even recognise where he was. He thought again of Lieutenant Reed and the things he had said on waking. Scrolled his memory back to the first time this had occurred. His thoughts were interrupted by the Captain. He resisted the temptation to sigh with frustration.

"Yes, Captain?"

"Why aren't you doing something?"

Dr Phlox blinked. Not comprehending. "I beg your pardon, Captain?"

Irritation shone through the weariness on Captain Archer's face. This whole situation was draining him not so much physically as mentally. "I said," His words hardened as he fought to control his temper. "Why aren't you doing something?"

"The Sub-Commander has lost consciousness, Captain. She appears to have entered a similar state to the Commander. This you already know."

"Yes, yes," He snapped. His frustration reaching out to whatever was closest to the intended point of impact for his fury. Right now that person was the doctor. Instinctively the Denobulan took a step back, one hand extending behind him to grab a hypospray just in case he needed it. "I don't want you to tell me what I already know *doctor*. I want you to explain what's happening and what the hell you intend to do about it!"

"I intend to find out what is causing these symptoms then treat it. To do otherwise would be irresponsible."

"Then why aren't you doing that?"

The doctor ignored the Captains's display of pique. Knew it was an emotional state he had no control over right now but it did annoy him that he had to deal with the Captain's insecurities and not devote himself solely to the task of his patients' care. He would give him a little leeway then he really would have to insist the Captain leave sickbay. "Captain, this condition is new to all of us - myself included. Have you considered the possibility it may not be medical?"

The Captain blinked. So surprised that his temper began to filter away, his mind trying to make sense of what the doctor was saying. "Are you telling me they're not sick?"

"They are *not* sick, Captain. They are not suffering from any physical illness. Whatever is affecting them has a grip on their *minds* not their bodies. This is why I have nothing to treat otherwise than ensuring their conditions are stablised and that they are having the necessary nutrients taken into their bodies. Until they wake I am powerless to help them."

Captain Archer closed his eyes and visibly sagged.

"Captain," Said the doctor gently. "I suggest you go to your quarters and rest. We could be in for a long wait and you will be unable to assist anyone if you do not take care of yourself. The lives of the entire ship's crew rests on your shoulders, Captain, not just the Sub-Commander and Commander."

It was gently said. Kindly meant. But every word was a dagger through his heart. His best friend was stuck in some kind of coma from which he would not wake. And now the Sub-Commander was trapped as well. He clasped the small hand in his, gazed at her calm face. Resisted the urge to touch her cheek, to whisper in her ear whatever inane encouragements his numb mind could fashion. He would not know what to say anyway. Had never acted on his attraction to her though God knew he had wanted to. So many times. He wondered if he would have been accepted. She respected him, he was pretty sure of that. And she had come to his aid countless times. Stood up for them against her own people even. That memory warmed him with a smile. Dr. Phlox watched him curiously but said nothing. After several minutes the Captain got up and placed T'Pol's hand gently on the coverlet. His eye lingered for a moment then he walked over to Trip's biobed and put a hand on his shoulder. "Come back to us Trip, we miss you. Hell, the warp core misses you!"

He missed the odd little pinching expression on the Denobulan's face. Seconds later he was gone. Dr. Phlox made sure his patients were as comfortable as possible then prepared a full bioscan for T'Pol. It had shown nothing in the Commander or Lieutenant's cases but perhaps he would find something in the Vulcan that could help explain what was happening. If nothing else it would reassure him that he was doing all he could do at this time. He tried to hide just how much that thought worried him.

* * * * *

Memories. How they haunted him like melodies playing in his mind. He was back in that tree. Then he was falling only to find the strong arms of his brother catching him. The tree. They had built a makeshift platform and hidden their little treasures. It was where he kept his harmonica that Danny had bought him. It was where they had shared their greatest adventures. As he grew older he added to the little structure, determined to turn it into the greatest damn tree house in the whole U. S. of A. He was back there now. Sitting on the rough wooden planks. His eyes as busy as his steady hands, working out and calculating the best way to add walls then a roof. Danny had helped him of course. Then some of their friends had chipped in to add labour and encouragement, not to mention root beer and candy. Candy. How he loved that sweet confection. He remembered how proud he was when it was finished. How horrified his father was to see the ugly tilting monstrosity perched like an accident waiting to happen in the tree at the foot of their garden. That was when he had made his first hard sell.

"Charlie Tucker, that thing's gonna fall down and bury ya all beneath it! I should tear it down now."

"No, dad, please. It's solid, honest. It even takes the weight of Maurie Walters and ya know how fat he is! Please, dad. I worked it all out myself, I know she's sound."

The father had looked at the son. His own childhood memories tempering his better sense. Danny had run across the lawn to join them, adding his voice to his brother's. Then Rick and Stemmy and Maurie and Jen had joined them and before long his father had thrown his hands up in defeat. Though looking back his father had not looked that sorry to have lost. What a party celebration they had enjoyed that hot summer afternoon up in the tree house. After they had stuffed themselves with candy and pop Danny had insisted he play something on the harmonica. So as the warm sultry breeze rifled through the branches of their makeshift paradise and rocked them he had played a haunting lilting harmony that had silenced everyone who heard it.

Danny had looked at him in awe. "What was that, Trip? Never heard such a sorrowful, beautiful piece before."

Embarrassed but pleased nonetheless he had shrugged. "It's called the Ashokan Farewell."

"The what?"

Trip smiled. They were no longer kids. He was a young man now with his eyes set on the stars and his heart set on exploring every single one of them. Sixteen years old and still sitting in tree houses. It was just him and Danny now. His other brothers were that much older and he rarely saw his sister now that she was dating that po-faced machinist down town. He never did know what she saw in him but knew his elder brothers kept a weathered eye. Just in case he stepped over the Tucker line. Tuckers always stuck together and they always looked after each other. He remembered Danny's question and his eyes took on a far away look. "It was somethin' I heard ya know? On the radio."

"Sounds kind of sad."

He nodded. "Yeah, but it sort of grabs your soul too if ya know what I mean."

The two boys nodded then Trip played something lively and the boys felt their spirits lift. But for a long time after Trip would hear the echoes of that sweet song drifting through his mind like it had a hold on his heart. He thought of it now as he gazed at the multiple sunset. He sat quietly. No more tears. No more sadness. He was all cried out. All calm acceptance. Looking down at his hands he was surprised to see his harmonica. He turned it over slowly then the oddness of it all left him and without thinking he settled into the remembered strains. Around him the light took on haunting colours to match the tone, he began to lose himself in it. One more colour bleeding into a make believe landscape that knocked reality on its' ass and left the dream firmly in its' place.

* * * * *

It was very late. Almost 1am. Lt Reed was cautious as he entered sickbay, his head turning this way and that looking for the Denobulan doctor. He did not see him. Could not hear him moving around. There was a little subdued lighting but nothing else. *The doctor must be sleeping* he thought. That suited him just fine. Quietly he stepped up to the Sub-Commander's biobed and looked at her for a long moment. Wondering why she had been in Trip's quarters. Perhaps she had gone there looking for clues? Now why hadn't he thought of that? He moved on to the next biobed and gave a little pained sigh. His friend had hardly stirred. He lay on his back, eyes closed, breathing so shallow and even that he had to hold his own breath to hear it. He looked so bloody pale. Malcolm looked around and located a chair then placed it next to Trip's biobed. Placing a hand over Trip's he pushed for the connection. His mind probing gently for his friend. Odd. Was that music he could hear?

* * * * *

Sub-Commander T'Pol was anxious. The entity seemed to be making veiled threats and yet it seemed to project an air of non-violence that was at odds with the fear she felt building inside her. *Explain what you mean by 'observe'.*

*To watch, to view, to regard tentatively...*

T'Pol was shaking her head. Irritated. *That is not what I meant. I want 'your' meaning.*

Talking to the entity was rather like playing chess. A game of tactics and strategy only T'Pol did not know the rules. *Perhaps I should simply show you.*

Before T'Pol could try to fathom what she was intending the entity evaporated. Then gradually. Slowly. As if from very far away. She became aware of music. Turning, she found herself walking towards the sound as if her feet had no other choice. The music grew louder. The haunting melody touching her and drawing her closer and closer until she saw the multicoloured cloud that was Trip's sunset. She stopped eight to ten metres away and closed her eyes the better to listen and absorb the melody. After a couple of minutes she opened her eyes again and found herself looking at the Commander. He was facing the sunset, eyes closed, his harmonica cradled in his hands as he played. Putting his very heart and soul into his music. She felt tears prick her eyes. For him and for her though she barely knew why. She tried to take a step towards him but there was no sense of movement. It was as if she were watching through glass. Her heart faltered. Understanding dawned. 'Observing'. A chill touched her, a tendril of fear. Why was she being tormented like this? What did the entity want?

* * * * *

He had no idea how long he played but the music soothed him. Helped him to remain calm. He became aware of a light weight on his left shoulder. Raised his head and stopped playing. To his surprise Jonathan Archer was looking straight at him. His weary face strained but blossoming into a slow smile of warmth and affection when their eyes met. Trip's eyes quickly widened in disbelief.

*Jon! What in hell are ya doin' here?*

The Captain's smile turned to a grin and a soft chuckle. *I don't know, Trip. Hell. I've been going crazy trying to figure this whole nightmare out.*


The Captain sobered immediately. His eyes steady and solemn. *Yes, nightmare.*

The Commander shook his head. *This isn't any nightmare, Jon*

*Then what is it?*

He shrugged. *I dunno. It's like memories and wishes and all, jumbled up and just waiting for us to dip into.*

*That doesn't make sense, Trip.*

His friend grinned at him. *How d'ya think I feel?*

*How do you feel?*

Trip thought about that. *I feel fine. A little confused, baffled maybe, but okay.*

Captain Archer tilted his head, a thoughtful look on his face. *You do want to come back don't you, Trip?*

The Chief Engineer would not meet his eyes. Began instead to fiddle with his harmonica. *Why wouldn't I wanna come back, Cap'n?*

*Suppose you tell me.*

Trip raised his head and their eyes met. Locked. Neither able to look away. A whole host of reasons flooded his mind, all of them bound up in one way or another with his burgeoning feelings for the Vulcan Sub-Commander. Only he could not tell his Captain that. Jonathan Archer might be his best friend but first and foremost he was a starship Captain. A man who always put duty before anything else. Even though he and T'Pol had never said anything about it or taken steps to act on their growing mutual attraction, he was not sure that situation would remain if he went back. What then would happen to T'Pol? Being chastised he could handle. The thought of being parted he could not.

*I want an answer, Trip?*

He swallowed hard and noticed that something in the Captain's demeanour had hardened. Flints sparked deep in his eyes unsettling the Chief Engineer though he knew not why. Then it came to him. Oh God. In here they were all telepathic. Linked thought by thought, rhythm by rhythm. He felt the horror slide slick and sticky through his veins as if his very blood were coagulating at the notion. Oh God, he knew. The Captain knew about his feelings for T'Pol.

* * * * *


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A handful of people have made comments

ooooooohhhhhh shXX!

Geez, you have a magical way with words. I'm looking forward to finding out where you're going with this. And what have you got planned for Jon and Trip???

Oh, I'm really enjoying this. You have a great writing style, and I LOVE the Ashokan Farewell, it's so haunting.

More, more, more...

You know. . . you're killing me!!! I mean with the suspense. So, at the rate that you're going, only Hoshi and Travis will be left as senior bridge crew!!! Well, looking forward to the next bit.

Oh, Alison! Have I ever told you how much I love your writing? At least, I don't tell you often enough. You just have an amazing way with words and the ability to paint pictures with them that take my breath away. Don't ever stop writing!
"Ashoken Farewell" is one of the most beautiful melodies I know - I love it! How appropriate for this story!