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Fragile- Part 6

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

RATING: NC-17. T'Pol/Other
ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html
SUMMARY: "While Commander Tucker's position begins to improve, things get bleaker for the Sub-Commander."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part Six


* * * * *

Lt. Malcolm Reed could not believe that the Captain was going to let Sub-Commander T'Pol board the Sh'tok. He was suspicious enough about the motives of Captain Turov and this latest development had done nothing to allay his fears that something was going on. Something he sensed he would not approve of. Yet the Captain was allowing it. Although he did not know the details of why she was leaving he had seen her face when Koss had first appeared on the screen. The Sub-Commander's appearance the next day did nothing to reassure him. Ensign Hoshi Sato was also worried. She exchanged a tense look with Travis Mayweather. The handsome young boomer did not know what to make of it but tried his best to reassure her. "I'm sure the Captain knows what he's doing, Hoshi."

"Yes." Hoshi replied, careful to make sure she was not overheard by the Captain who was about to return to the bridge. "But does the Sub-Commander?"

Travis raised his eyebrows in a look of complete surprise. What did she mean by that? Before he could ask the Captain resumed his place on the centre of the bridge but instead of sitting in his chair he stood behind it. Face tense, eyes fixed on the viewscreen. Lt. Reed was taking the Sub-Commander over to the Vulcan vessel in Shuttlepod One. He waited now to hear that they had safely docked. The tension in him was palpable.
The screen flicked from a view of the Sh'tok to the Vulcan Captain moments later.

"Captain Archer, your shuttle has docked with our ship. Thank you for your assistance."

The Captain nodded his head but did not say it was a pleasure. Hoshi watched him closely, the omission saying more to her than a hundred words. She frowned slightly, waiting until the transmission ended and the screen went back to a view of the Vulcan vessel. "Captain?"

There was a slight delay before he responded. "Yes, Ensign?"

"The Sub-Commander *is* coming back, isn't she?"

He wanted to lie to her. Tell her it was no more than a visit but he had a feeling the Sub-Commander would not be coming back. Once Koss had forced a mating they would be bonded and a loveless marriage would follow. Her *husband* would no doubt insist she returned to the Vulcan home world where generations of miserable Vulcans would insist she followed tradition. She would not even have the comfort of a life exploring the stars. Doing work that she loved. She was a Science Officer for God's sake not a brood mare. Realising that the Ensign was still waiting for an answer he resisted the temptation to sigh dramatically and kept things simple. "I honestly don't know."

Surprised by his candour it took Hoshi a moment to control her sense of alarm. "I'm afraid I don't understand, Captain."

This time he looked at her. His sensitive face grave. Eyes reflecting a sadness he would not put into words. "Neither do I, Ensign, but this is the Sub-Commander's call not mine."

* * * * *

Commander Tucker did not wake for many hours. At first Sar was grateful, it meant he was saved the agony of being carried so unceremoniously up the levels to the Substrata where his family lived. His duties to the Prince Regent meant he saw little of them, managing visits on average only four or five times a year. Now he would be able to stay with them and the joy that brought to his heart was without equal. He smiled and adjusted his step to avoid jarring the sleeping man too much. Soft moans occasionally spilled from the swollen lips but he did not wake. Behind him, a Guard named Kar-kol carried medicaments provided by Physician Lek. He also carried several pots of the greasy gel that Sar had used to treat the burns on the Human's skin. While he would not have to work in the mine any more, there were parts of his body that still wept from the damage of the deeper burns. Anything that would aid his friend's recovery he would accept with gratitude.

When he reached his quarters the look on his wife's face drove everything else momentarily out of Sar's mind. He froze. An idiotic smile slopping over his face and rendering him speechless. An-aga paused but a moment then tears rolling down her face she hurried to greet him, all smiles and tender words. A tug on Sar's pant leg drew his eyes down to the youngest member of his family. Little Sarsa wanted a hug from her father but he still had his hands full. He smiled for her and kissed his wife. She glanced at his burden and asked no questions, holding the door ajar and relieving Kar-kol of the medicines. With a nod Kar-kol left them. An-aga glanced at the unconscious man. "Husband, who is this?"

Her voice was hushed and melodic. She did not recognise the species or why her husband had brought this stranger to their home but watching how gentle he was with him she made her own determination and led him into the main bedroom. Furs adorned the large heavy stone bed. A fire of burning coals and ash warmed a room that was never cold. An-aga added another fur to soften the hard surface and helped Sar lay Commander Tucker out as gently as possible. Worry gnawed at her gentle face, her eyes resting on the unknown face then rising to meet her husband's. "My heart-love, what has happened?"

His smile filled the room and washed over the walls of her heart. He touched her face with joy, kissed her over and over again. Light touches that bespoke a love never dimmed by the passage of time. "This man is a friend, An-aga. An off-worlder. His name is Commander Tucker but we may call him Trip."

The respect in his voice told her more than his words. Sar cared for this off-worlder. For a man to earn his respect was a rare thing. Unheard of in a stranger such as this. He saw her eyes fill with questions but knew her tongue would be patient. Waiting on his decision when and what to tell her. He loved her so very much and the news he bore was momentous but first he needed to see to Trip. His Senisa. For he owed this man his life in more ways than one. An-aga helped him strip the Human, her eyes widening at the injuries that adorned his body. She felt her heart go out to him, her touch so light for fear of adding to his pain. Little Sarsa was less patient. She stood next to her father with one hand on his belt, the other clutching his pant leg, her eyes round and quizzical.

"Danna, who is this?"

He smiled down at her. Eyes gentle, his touch tender as he began to lathe healing gel onto Trip's many wounds. His wife raised an eyebrow to ask if he wanted help. He smiled and offered the pot. Smiling back she took some of the gel and set to work on his other side. "This man is a Human, child. He comes from a distant planet called Earth."

Her little face scrunched up at the strange sounding word and he laughed.

"They are new to our world and came on a great starship." He watched her eyes get rounder still. Ground dwellers were often in awe of those who took to the skies. Those who lived beneath the surface could barely imagine anyone wishing to touch the roof of the sky when they could have living rock around them. "There was a misunderstanding."

"What kind of misunderstanding, Danna?"

He paused, his eyes misting for a moment. An-Aga paused to touch his cheek, her eyes caressing the beloved face with love. Her touch grounded him.

"His Captain strayed from the path, child."

Sarsa gasped then frowned. "But Danna, why is he hurt? What happened to the Captain?"

A sigh puffed out of the big man's lips. They had finished with the front and carefully rolled Trip over onto his stomach. He groaned with pain but did not wake. Carefully they removed the bandage and tended the rest of his wounds and bruises. As Sar held Trip in a sitting position his wife carefully wrapped a fresh bandage around him. He decided now was as good a time as any to tell this man's story. It would save causing him any distress when he awoke.

"The Captain is his friend, Sarsa. They were visiting our Prince Regent and the Captain was so in awe of the beauty around him he strayed from the path. He was sentenced to death but because he was ignorant of our ways and truly repentant the Prince Regent commuted it to 5 years in the correction facility."

An-aga watched the play of emotions on her husband's face. Never had she seen such emotion so easily apparent. "Husband," She said gently. "That does not explain why this man - this friend - is here."

Sar brushed back the damp hair from Trip's sleeping face and considered his words. Sarsa slipped a tiny hand in one of his big ones as if she were comforting him. "The Captain, a man named Captain Archer, had an allergic reaction to the bloom." He gave a deep sigh. "He was dying."

An-aga's eyes asked what happened.

"Trip," He nodded down at the Commander. "Commander Tucker, would not leave his friend behind. He begged for the man's life. Offered to give his own in exchange."

His wife nodded slowly. Understanding now the reason behind the respect she could hear in his voice. But it still did not explain how he had come to carry him here, to their home. What of his duty to the Prince Regent? He read her mind as clearly as if the words had been spoken. With his free hand he took hers and gave it a squeeze. "I was commanded to be his Guard. To watch over and protect him for he had committed no crime and the mines can be both harsh and cruel. I tried to harden my heart to him but he is not like us. His heart is merry and his soul is gentle. I was captivated then began to slowly understand these Humans." He paused, his look becoming pained. "Then I failed him."

She nudged him, alarmed to see his head drop in shame. "Husband?"

He looked up and searched her face for understanding. "I was called away to prevent a fight. I left him, An-aga. This is how I found him on my return. I do not know who was responsible but if I had been any longer he would already be dead."

For several minutes no one spoke. All of them knew that had the Human in his charge died he would have been put to death. By such a narrow thread lives often hung on Volara. An-aga watched her husband's face carefully. "How did you come to bring him here, husband?"

A smile lightened his solemn brow as if someone had switched a light on inside him so bright that it filtered upward through the skin. A rare joy. "The Prince Regent was about to pass sentence on me when my Senisa awoke. He was in great pain but knew the matter at hand. He pleaded for my life, An-aga. His gentle heart saved me and the Prince Regent released me from his service and gave me into his care." His eyes were bright and glossy with unshed tears. "He made a vow, An-Aga." He whispered in awe. "A vow such as only the honour-bound make."

She looked stunned. Read the truth of his words in his eyes. Then she looked down at the Human sleeping fitfully and her heart went out to him. Thanks to this stranger her husband was a free man. Bound only by his love of duty and his debt to a off-worlder. "By the words of the Prophet we will not let this man die."

He smiled, nodded, then kissed her gently. Carefully they placed furs over Trip and left the room. Sitting in the main room they huddled together, speaking in low musical tones that complimented each other. An-aga was proud of her husband and so relieved to have him home. Sarsa climbed into her father's lap and wrapped her arms around his broad waist. Her little head sagged against his chest. Smiling, her parents exchanged an indulgent look. Such love, such hope. An-Aga touched a wondering finger to her husband's lips. He kissed her finger and watched the flickering firelight warm the beautiful planes of her gentle face. "Where do we go now, husband?"

His smile drew everything she loved most within his orbit. "Wherever my Senisa takes us, beloved."

Half expecting his answer she did not question it but her wonder grew. Knowing now that no day that followed would find the pattern of the one that had gone before. Their world had been rewritten. So they sat and stared with fragile joy into the flames and waited for their destiny to open his eyes and proclaim the shape of the world to come.

* * * * *

Captain Turov waited until Lt. Reed had left in the Shuttlepod before escorting Sub-Commander T'Pol to her newly assigned quarters. He paused in the corridor outside. The deck plate beneath their feet thrumming as the ship went to warp. Something in the Sub-Commander's manner making him feel a vague sense of discomfort. "Sub-Commander T'Pol, you seem ill at ease."

"I had hoped this day would come on Vulcan, Captain, not in the cold vacuum of space."

He arched an eyebrow in surprise. "A Vulcan ship is as good as standing on our home world, Sub-Commander."

"A home world that rocks beneath one's feet?"

Her fanciful response almost made him frown. "You sound like your Human friends."

The way he said Human was like a slur and offensive to her but she hid the feeling. "The Humans are our allies, Captain."

"Indeed." Was his non-committal response. This time T'Pol raised her eyebrow but there was no reaction. With a nod he turned and walked away, leaving her in the corridor outside the quarters she would now share with Koss. Her betrothed.

She knew he was inside waiting for her. His confidence grated on her nerves but she could not spend the rest of the voyage back to Vulcan standing in the corridor. As pleasant an alternative as it was to her mind at that moment. With a sigh she steeled herself and pressed the door chime. Koss opened it himself, his smile a disingenuous gloss that was meant to reassure her. She felt the hair on her arms tingle and a cool sliver of apprehension slide down her back making her spine tremble with the sudden chill of it. His eyebrow arched slightly. Had he noticed? Did he care? Something like warmth flared in his eyes.

"T'Pol! Beloved, how I have longed to see you."

She inclined her head and stepped through the door. As it hissed softly shut behind her she felt like an animal acknowledging the skill of the hunter as her cage shut and locked behind her. What was wrong with her? This was her betrothed. She was simply walking the path chosen for her. Tradition dictated this day would come. Honour urged her to fulfill the contract. She watched his face intently. Noticed the warm glow on his tacky skin. Beads of sweat so fine that it was like a sheen. As his head tilted the sheen caught the light like the glossy reflection on a still pool. Light shimmered and for a moment she was truly transfixed. When the moment passed he was standing but inches from her. His smile deeper now, bathing her in stolen warmth.

"I am glad you decided to come, my love."

She withstood the gentle touch of his hand upon her cheek, her eyes fastened on his. She saw the heat in them, knew his control was a fragmentary thing. "How long have you been in the throes of Pon Farr?"

"Three months."

Her brow arched. "And have you had no relief?"

He laughed abruptly. A harsh sound that bruised her ear-drums. "I wanted only my bond-mate, my t'hyla. My betrothed. And you were nowhere near."

His voice had trailed off into a hush. His lips hovered over her own. Still she stared into his eyes and did not blink. He had known she was headstrong. A will the equal of his own. The challenge burned in him. He would have her and make her his own. The defiance would simply make his conquest the sweeter. His head dipped again, more pressure on her lips this time. His hands now disrobing her as he pressed his tongue against her teeth demanding entry. Closing her eyes against the fall of tears she let her mouth part and tried to detach her mind. He could take her body but her heart would forever be out of reach. She hardly felt her clothing slide to the floor. He took one of her hands in his and led her towards the bed. No words were spoken. Guided to the bed she allowed herself to be laid on it and arranged to his satisfaction. She stared up at the ceiling while he reviewed his prize, the fingers of his right hand skimming her naked body as if marking it out as his. She managed not to tremble. Determined not to let him think that he could win her with his sex.

"Look at me."

T'Pol blinked and forced herself to obey. As she watched he slowly undressed. Idly she wondered whether she was supposed to be impressed. He had a firm well made body but his chin was weak. As he divested himself of the last of his clothing he commanded her to sit up and knelt on the bed facing her, one hand caressing his cock while he watched her eyes staring back at him. He reached for her with his free hand and she resisted the urge to shudder and pull away from him. The perspiration on his face was forming narrow rivulets. Fascinated she watched the slow flow of globlets form mock tears as the heat of his condition fired his blood with want and need. He placed her hand on his penis and held it there, his hand encouraging her to kneed and caress him, his blood beginning to thunder in his ears as his excitement grew. He knew she was a virgin. He would be her first and he would make sure he was her last.

A madness seemed to crawl out of the dark recess of his soul and surface slowly in his eyes. T'Pol stared. Spellbound. Not believing. Hardly aware that he was sliding her hand up and down his foreskin, now coaxing her fingers to flex and massage him with a firmer grip. He raised his free hand and began to stroke a full breast, feeling the comforting weight of it filling his hand. The full heavy gland overflowing his busy fingers as he pinched the nipple and began to massage it. He felt her twitch and bent his head to lick the other nipple, his eyes never leaving hers. His hand on her other hand now guiding the palm to caress the slit, slipping and sliding slowly in his precum as he became more and more excited. He was close now. The heat in his loins almost unbearable but he wanted a reaction from her. Wanted her panting for him. How cold she was. How remote. He suckled a breast and dropped the hand that had caressed her between the shallows of her legs, fingers prodding and probing the soft folds of her sex. A single solitary tear rolled down her cheek. He savoured it and probed deep, the finger swirling heavily in search of the bundle of nerves that would give him a semblance of control. She shuddered and his smile grew. Smug and fierce. He pushed her legs apart roughly and commanded her to sit on him. She did not move.

Smiling he placed his hands on her hips and lifted her. She was no weight at all. A feather in his arms. A feather he controlled. Without breaking eye contact he lowered her slowly down onto his hot throbbing shaft. Watched as a second tear joined the first then pulled her down as he thrust upward, his rude deep thrust impaling his shaft far inside her and pushing against the tight wall of her hymen. T'Pol stifled the cry of pain then he was on top of her, his thrusting a deep rythmic burrowing of hard flesh into soft, his hips rocking hard and unyielding bringing his engorged sheath pounding roughly against the weakening hymen until with a piercing inner rip he was through. His mouth covering hers to swallow and savour the scream wrenched from her throat. The blood slickening his entry as he gloried in his conquest. Speed now adding to the bright flare of pain that cut her in ribbons of piercing fire inside. She clung to him not out of passion but fear. It did not slow his advance nor deaden the pain. Closing her eyes the tears flowed free, her wet cheeks glancing off his sweat soaked chest. Another gentler image awakening in her mind and smiling with tenderness upon her. Her heart ached with more than physical pain. Yearned. A lost tormented thing.

He forced her to mate with him five times before sated and weary he fell into a deep sleep. T'Pol lay awake and rolled on her side away from him, facing the wall, her expression an emotionless blank. Her mind numb, a soiled thing because he had taken what she would never have willingly given him. She had agreed because he was her betrothed and it was his right. The onset of his Pon Farr should have triggered her Pon Frell but it had not. Instead she had been untouched by his blind passion. Had she done something wrong? Had he? Was this brutal coupling love? Was this what it meant to bond with another? If so it was more than over rated. Celibacy would have been the height of all mortal joy. Her body trembled with reaction. She curled up, hands shoved protectively between her legs, oblivious of the blood running down her legs as if her very womb was crying also. Would it have been any different with Trip? Though she did not know her heart said yes. With Trip it would have been love. Whatever this was it was not born of affection. Not steeped in respect. Not fashioned from the heart. She could see his face so clearly. Imagine the hurt and sorrow in his beautiful blue eyes. The tenderness of his touch reaching out to soothe her while she recoiled in horror and pain. His face, his hand, his voice but Koss's cruelty robbing her dreams of the power to heal her. She drifted in vagrant nightmares which distorted every dream the heart made. Her wishes turned to ashes in her mouth. The dancing despair a flicker. An echo. A reflection of the madness in Koss that taunted and tainted her. She bit her lip, shut her eyes tight and as she drifted into the sleep of exhaustion she sought the one person who would never harm her. The one love for which she yearned and which would never now be hers.

"Each night in dreams I see your face
Memories time can not erase
I lie awake and find you gone
I'm so blue and all alone.
So far away from lips so sweet and warm
Just out of reach of my two open arms..."

- 'Just Out of Reach' sung by the Immortal Patsy Cline

* * * * *

Dr. Phlox was not happy. For hours he wrestled with his conscience. It was overhearing something said in the mess hall that propelled his anxious steps in search of the Captain. He reached the bridge to find Ensign Sato and Travis Mayweather staring blankly at an empty screen. The Captain was not on the bridge. Lt. Reed turned from his tactical station and caught the harried look on the doctor's face. "Is there something we can do for you, doctor?"

"Where's the Captain?"

Lt. Reed's eyes narrowed. "Gone to get some much needed rest. May I be of assistance?"

Dr. Phlox was about to refuse then reconsidered. The Captain could be very irrational. Next to the Sub-Commander, Lt. Reed was probably the most level headed member of the crew. "Thank you, Lieutenant, if you could spare a few minutes I would be grateful."

The Armoury Officer instantly intuited that the doctor wanted to see him in private. Standing up he started to walk over to the doctor. "Ensign, you have the bridge."

"Yes, sir."

Once they were off the bridge, the Lieutenant turned to the doctor but he shook his head. He did not want anyone passing to overhear their conversation. "I think it best we go to Sickbay."

The Lieutenant nodded. As soon as they reached his domain, the doctor took a steadying breath. "Lieutenant, how much do you know about Vulcan biology?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Please bear with me, Lieutenant, I am not being disrespectful."

"If you must know I don't know anything. And why would I want to?"

"You are missing the point, Lieutenant."

"Which is?"

Both turned round so quickly they almost had whiplash. Standing just inside the door was Captain Archer. He looked rumpled as if he had just woken up and was dressed in sweat pants and a top, his hair sticking up and tousled. At that moment he did not look a bit like a starship Captain. Dr. Phlox recovered first.

"Captain, I thought you had gone to bed?"

"I had but I couldn't sleep. Thought you might have something for a nightcap." He looked from one guilty face to the other. "Now. Your turn."

The Lieutenant glanced at the doctor then cleared his throat. "Actually we hadn't got to that part yet. Dr. Phlox wanted to talk to me about something. We just got here when you appeared."

The Captain raised his eyebrows and looked at the doctor expectantly. Now it came to it the Denobulan was feeling decidedly nervous. Maybe this had not been such a good idea after all? The Captain tilted his head. "Well, doctor? I'm waiting. You did say it was me you wanted to see?"

"Ah, yes."

"About what exactly?" He prompted.

"About Sub-Commander T'Pol."

Immediately the sleepy look vanished and the Captain became alert. Lt. Reed was suddenly convinced something major was up. It was almost as if the Captain had forgotten he was there. "What about her?"

"I was troubled by the medication she requested."

Lt. Reed frowned. "The Sub-Commander is sick?" Was that why she had gone to the Vulcan ship? If so it made sense but why had the Captain not told them?

"What medication?"

"To inhibit pregnancy."

Lt. Reed's mouth dropped open. Too stunned to articulate a question let alone think of one in the first place. He could hardly believe his ears. Sub-Commander T'Pol wanted to engage in birth control? The part of Lt. Reed's brain that was still functioning noticed that although the Captain was initially shocked he did not look surprised. Interesting. "Did you give her the medication, doctor?"

*What a bloody odd question.* Thought the Armoury Officer. He was still trying to come to terms with the idea of Sub-Commander T'Pol intending to embark on sex.

Dr. Phlox shook his head. "No, I did not."

The Captain looked alarmed. "What? Why not?"

"She could not satisfy my request for further information. I do not hand out pills like sweets, Captain."

The Captain sighed. "This is T'Pol, doctor. If she says she needs the medication then she needs it."

"I will still need to see the patient and run a few tests before I can issue the necessary pills."

"The Sub-Commander is no longer on Enterprise. She boarded the Vulcan vessel."

Dr Phlox looked distressed. "This is not good. I thought she was perhaps in her quarters."

Captain Archer tried to calm the doctor down. "It's not your fault, Dr Phlox."

"But you don't understand. Sub-Commander T'Pol also asked me questions about the Pon Farr and how it triggered the Pon Frell in females."

Lt. Reed looked baffled. "What is Pon Farr?"

"The Vulcan mating ritual." Said the Captain in a dull voice.

Lt. Reed's eyes widened then the penny dropped. Quite literally. "Oh bugger!"

Captain Archer closed his eyes against the flood of mental images that produced. "Exactly."

The Armoury Officer fixed him with a stunned expression. "What?"

The good doctor looked from Lt. Reed to the Captain. "Are you going to tell him Captain or shall I?"

* * * * *

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Oh, bloody hell!!!!!! Keep writing Ali!!!