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Fragile- Part 9

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html
SUMMARY: "T'Pol realises she has been used. Trip makes a decision which stuns Captain Archer. All they know for sure is that nothing will be the same again."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part Nine


* * * * *

T'Pol was in total shock. "He *lied*?"

"Yes." Her mother's single word tore down the last of the scales from the Sub-Commander's eyes. Anger began to blaze in her dark eyes while inwardly every cell in her body ached. She felt dirty. Unclean.

"He not only misled me, he used his deceit to systematically rape me."

Her mother winced. Her father's face darkened. She turned on him.

"What were you going to do? Pretend it never happened? Hope I would marry him and say nothing?"

Something deep and private stirred in his eyes. A sorrow so vast and ancient that she hesitated in her tirade to call it pain. It seemed to go further than that. Seeking someone to blame she was starting to lash out at whoever was nearest and that unfortunately was her parents. A flush of shame cooled her down but she could not relinquish her temper. She could only constrain it within the tight walls of her own self loathing.

"How did you find out?"

Her parents exchanged uncomfortable looks. It was her father who told her. "Koss was in a local bar. A friend overheard him...." He broke off, his voice strained. Seeing the look in his daughter's eyes he forced himself to continue. The time for prevarication was over. He would not shield a dishonourable man. "He was bragging."

T'Pol clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. Worried, her mother tried to bring some common sense to bear. "T'Pol, you must leave. The sooner the better. Leave us to deal with Koss."

She shook her head. "No. Koss is *mine*."

That was when it happened. The one thing she never thought she would live to see. Her father. A diplomat. A mild, measured man of so few words she could write them all on one page. Finally lost his temper. It was not a loud eruption of explosive declamations, nor a stream of blistering invective. Rather it was the intense language of cold fury. His eyes blazed, his speech became bite sized words of bitter hatred dropped in acid. It chilled her to hear him and to see the passion like cold fusion yet part of her was impressed. Proud that even in his ire he was still in control. Wielding his fury with all the skill of a focused laser beam homing in on an illusive and particularly malign target. "No, T'Pol. You will leave NOW. A transport is ready to take you back to your starship. Koss is *my* problem now, not yours."

Stunned she stared at him. All the days of her life she had never seen him lose his temper. Never seen such an intensity of emotion. Her voice was unnaturally subdued. "I am the one aggrieved, father."

He acknowledged her claim with a brief nod, a pulse throbbing in his jaw. Eyes glinting like cold steel striking hard flint. All he lacked was his target. "Yes, and you are still my daughter."

A gentle hand touched her arm. Her mother's look pleading. "Go, T'Pol. We have already called the authorities. You must not be on Vulcan when they arrest Koss."

Now she was confused. "Why? What is it you are not telling me?"

"T'Pol," Her father said carefully, his voice quiet and firm. Speaking words of caution. "Koss has *friends* here on Vulcan and you have been away too long."

She frowned. "Are you saying I would not be believed?"

"No, daughter. I need you to do as you are told and leave now. Once the matter is in hand I will contact you on your ship. Do you understand?"

She nodded, face pale and eyes searching his for the full meaning behind his words. But the shutters were down again. The immovable object was back in place. It was her mother who stirred her to motion. "Quick, T'Pol. I will help you pack."

In a daze she allowed herself to be coaxed and hurried. Before she realised it she was on the transport ship Argon, the Vulcan home world shrinking as they broke out of the atmosphere. Her thoughts awhirl. Her mind numb as a slow deadly anger began to build and set fire to her veins. Weeks she had endured of the deceit and sanctimonious degradation of that man's touch. His foul breath. His loathsome presence. Her first instincts had been right. She should never have listened to him. Now she had not only lost her honour, she had also lost any chance she had of being with the one person she most desired to see again. While Commander Tucker rotted in a far away prison on a distant world, she would rot from the inside out. Despoiled and ruined by the selfish vainglorious spite of one insignificant man.

* * * * *

Sound was a colour in his mind. Light a warmth that bathed his soul. He could feel the vibration of moving bodies beneath his feet. Sounds amplified in sharpened senses. The way the air stirred against his cheek in tiny pressure waves that told him of the shapes that moved within his frozen landscape and populated the empty echo where memory dwelt. He could detect so many subtle inflections. A single spoken word could reveal a man's soul. Vague, diaphanous constructs haunted his imagination with echoes of sight. Were they real? Had he once in times past looked out upon a world more vibrant than his own? Reduced to this biological cell of the mind. This prison without walls. Where silence was a living thing that breathed in the darkness of his despair and grew stronger. Yet he had strength too. A single man had born it. A stranger to his world. Tears pricked his sightless eyes but he did not cry. He should be inured to rejection. On first name terms with loss. Oblivious to the pain of the heart but he was not. Even when he stood as still as stone he was yet flesh and blood. The space between heartbeats could still hurt him.

"No mommy's arms to hold me
And soothe me when I cry
Sometimes I feel so lonely here
I wish that I could die.
I'd walk the streets of Heaven
Where all the blind can see
Then just like all the other kids
There'd be a home for me...

I'm nobody's child
I'm nobody's child
I'm like a flower just running wild,
No mommy's kisses
And no daddy's smile
Nobody wants me
I'm nobody's child."

- 'Nobody's Child' sung by the Alexander Brothers

For hours he just stared. Imagining what it would be like to just let go of a world that pained him so much. The more so because it was unintentional. As if he was merely an unnoticed casualty in a war he could never understand. Yet there were moments of intense pleasure too. Gifts that touched and moved him more than he had any right to feel. He made his sure way to the huge canoka tree. Its heavy laden branches making his own dappled wood. Light fragmented and danced around him, showering him with patches of sunshine amid the gloom. Momentary things. Like his thoughts. He took out the harmonica and a smile graced lonely lips. He tried to imagine what the man looked like. He was not Volaran that much was obvious before he had even opened his mouth. What Volaran would even condescend to speak to one such as he? No. Only a stranger who lived by different rules. Who measured the worth of a soul by more than what the eye could see.

Turning the instrument over slowly in his hands he delicately outlined the embossed relief Trip had worked so painstakingly to create for him. His smile widened into surprised joy as he realised that the simple engraving was not an abstract scene as he had first thought. Trip had made a little snapshot in raised relief of this very spot. The place where they had first met. A tear spilled and rolled slowly down his cheek. Feelings he had tried to shut out blossomed in his aching heart. He did not want to cling to something he could never have. That would never be his own. Like a thief taking that which was not his in stolen moments behind time's fleeting hand. Yet the stranger had come unbidden. Awakened his sleeping senses. Made him feel more in a single day than he had felt in his own short lifetime. The pain of parting from him was a crucifixion. Bright nails pinning his hope to the darkness in which he dwelt. Whenever Trip left he took every memory of light and joy with him. He was not sure what was worse. His life before this man had touched it. Or the pain of feeling a plethora of emotions that had eluded him before. Was it better to be dull and insensate to the vagaries of life or to be part of that chaotic stream? The hurly burly of a rich and vibrant world?

He was about to put the harmonica back in his pocket when a sound caught his ear. He tilted his head and angled his face to better pick up its' clear pure quality. The blend of sounds bowing his lips in unexpected joy. The voice gently teased his ear with humour replacing the music for just a moment as the musician joined him. "Well what are ya waitin' for? An invitation from the Prince Regent?"

Kai grinned. Put his harmonica to his lips and waited. As Trip began once more to play there was the beautiful sound of its' echo drawn in perfect symmetry. Trip fastened his eyes on Kai's enraptured face. The boy was a natural. Never had he seen someone with such a feel for the instrument. The music flowing from him as if it had been born in his veins. He knelt softly beside him. Their music flowing together, a bright and joyous acclamation of love and friendship. A soothing balm for the agony and pain that could not be cured by any Physician. Kai felt his heart expand. His whole world a cornucopia of hidden delights revealed one by one by the unstinting actions of one man.

Over by the gatehouse the solemn keeper wiped imaginary grit from the corner of his weathered eye. He had to confess the off-worlder was good for the boy. He paused long and deep then turned his face to look at his old friend Sar. Many years they had served together as soldiers. Long before the Prince Regent had taken Sar into his service. Long before he himself had found the only work he was worthy of was the keeper of innocents. Perhaps it was time to slacken the rules. Let this one lost cause be found. Sar smiled at him. Years rolled back and the keeper smiled his first true smile in years.

"By my troth you will not regret it, brother." Whispered Sar with deep and quiet affection.

Rumas nodded slowly. If was in his gift to say yeah or nay. Both men knew it. Just as both men knew that they held the ability to make or break two very worthy hearts. A single word would do it. The result would last two lifetimes. Rumas grinned briefly. "Why is it brother, that you are more eloquent in your silence than in your words?"

Sar put a hand on his old friend's shoulder. "I had a good teacher, Rumas."

"Will you tell them or should I?"

Sar paused to watch the pair from the gatehouse. The faint strains of their conjoined song touching his heart on many levels. A sigh passed through him. "Let them finish, Rumas. There is no hurry." Watching them his heart settled in glorious content.

* * * * *

Barely an hour after T'Pol had left her home world Koss called for her. He was surprised not to be met by her at the door. He took no notice of her parents' silence as they opened the door wide, his long strides quickly bringing him into the centre of the room. As he turned his eyes narrowed. "Where is T'Pol?"

Her father stepped slowly towards him. Not out of temerity but because he wanted to savour the look in this worthless man's eyes as the teeth of the trap closed in on him. "My daughter is not here."

Startled his eyes widened. "Where is she?"

"Where you cannot reach her."

At that moment figures entered from the other rooms of the house and quickly surrounded Koss. His eyes flashed with anger. "What is this? What madness has taken you? Whatever she has said is a lie!"

"No, Koss. Everything you have said is a lie. You told my daughter that you were in the throes of the Pon Farr."

"I am." Yelled Koss as firm hands held him.

T'Pol's father slowly shook his head. "No, Koss. You lied. And even more than that you bragged about it."

Koss's eyes widened suddenly with the first hint of fear. This could not be happening. All his carefully laid plans for revenge. "It is my right to claim her."

"You have no rights! Do you think that we are stupid? I knew something was wrong when word reached me that you were returning with T'Pol to complete your marriage ceremony."

Something was flickering darkly in Koss's eyes. Like a promise being made in the pits of hell. Yet still he tried to mitigate the case unfolding against him. Blame anyone but himself. "T'Pol came to her senses. Is it any wonder that she would aboard a ship full of foul inferior Humans?"

"I may not know the Humans but I know my daughter well. Only one thing would make her change her mind, Koss. Honour. A word you mouth and defile in doing so for you know not its' meaning."

"She loves me!"

"As the condemned man loves the gallows."

"It's true!"

"Lies! If you are in the throes of Pon Farr why has my daughter not entered the Pon Frell?"

Koss tried to step back but the hands that held him were too firm.

"Why did you not bond with her in a mind meld as is tradition?"

Koss was beginning to panic now though he fought hard to hide it. Searching for a way out. "I wanted to wait and bond in the ceremony. An act of love and compassion for her."

"Love and compassion?" Spat her father. "How dare you utter those words in my presence and expect to live!"

For a moment a shocked silence held everyone in thrall. Koss had lost all colour from his face.

"You speak of tradition. Do you know what the traditional punishment is for one who would rape his own?"

A look of dread crept over his face. Looking into the cold adamantine eyes of T'Pol's furious father he saw the reflection of a dead man staring back at him. "I meant no harm." He whimpered.

"You *raped* my daughter."

"She wanted me."

"She wanted nothing to do with you. Yet you pursued her. Planned to trap her in a loveless marriage. Bind her to you. You could not risk a mind meld because in that moment of mental joining she would have seen you for what you are. Your lies would have no place to hide."

Koss stared wildly at him for a moment then another look came into his eyes. More controlled and calculating. His voice became sly. "Do you know why she chooses to stay on a Human ship?"

"I will listen to no more lies." Her father started to turn away. To give the signal for the guards to take him.

"You say I raped your daughter but she did not come to me a virgin."

Her parents exchanged a horrified look. Even though they did not believe him his ugly words began to sew a seed of doubt. "Another lie."

"No, no lie. When she came to me on the Sh'tok I was elated. Believed that finally we could put the past behind us and begin anew as man and wife. Yet when I loved her I found she had already been taken."

T'Pol's mother shook her head at him. "That is not true."

"How do you know?" Spat Koss. "You were not there! *I* was. I learned the truth about your precious daughter. She is no more than a Human's WHORE!"

That was when T'Pol's father snapped. With speed and economy of movement his hand whipped out and caught Koss by the throat. As his strong fingers compressed the man's larynx he drew his face close and spoke through gritted teeth. "You have uttered your last lie, Koss."

He spluttered. Unable to claw away the hand that choked him. "No. Truth. She has taken a Human lover."

Shocked, the grip on his throat loosened. Koss took a thready breath, seeing an opening and using it for any advantage he could glean. "You accuse me of defiling your daughter. I accuse her of defiling our race!"

"Get him out of my sight!" The guards nodded and dragged Koss out of the house. They could hear him screaming obscenities even after the door was closed.

T'Pol's mother sank into a chair and closed her eyes. Her husband stood close beside her, a hand resting gently on her shoulder. His face devoid of colour, his eyes a cold flat mask. "Do you think it is true, beloved?"

His wife did not know what to say. Weary in heart and soul she did not think this day could get any worse. At last she spoke. The only words of comfort she could give. "T'Pol is headstrong but has honour."

"And if she has taken a Human lover?"

His wife took in a sharp breath then let it out slowly. Suddenly feeling every one of her years. "Then let us hope and pray he treats her better than her own have done."

That surprised him. He had expected her to be repulsed at the very idea. Another less welcome thought occurred to him. "You criticise us?"

She was too weary to argue with him. Too drained to want to upset him. The fight had gone out of her long ago. "No but we drove her away, Ashayam. Do not ask me to be proud of that."

They fell silent. The falling darkness touched them not. A deeper darkness had fallen over both heart and mind.

* * * * *

Ambassador Ren's face was flushed when he sought audience with the Prince Regent. No sooner had permission be given than the Ambassador hurried into the Audience Chamber and gave a quick but respectful bow. The Prince Regent felt the pique of curiosity. "What is it, Ambassador?"

"Forgive the intrusion, Highness, but we have had a communiqué."


The Ambassador paused a fraction. "We have been hailed by the starship Enterprise."

Surprise drove all other thoughts out of the Prince Regent's mind. "What? Did you advise them to leave?"

"Highness, they do not wish to come down to the surface."

He frowned. "Then what do they want?"

"They ask only for news of their crewman. Commander Tucker."


The Ambassador nodded.

"And that is all they want, then they will go away?"

Another nod. The Prince Regent looked thoughtful. He was not a vengeful man and the Commander had impressed him with the way in which he had conducted himself since his incarceration. He found himself intrigued by these Humans. Ungainly and uncouth as they undoubtedly were they were capable of great courage and moral integrity.

"Highness, what do you wish me to tell them?"

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Seven people have made comments

Okay... the idea of Koss in a bar had me smiling. But this is a great story - very entertaining. And I can't wait for more. ;-)

Oh, the evilness of cliffhangers! I wait with baited breath for the next part, as always. Now that T'Pol is returning, I do hope nobody does anything stupid to keep Trip from returning(Trip included.)

I truly love T'Pol's parents. They remind me of Sarek in ST III, when all he can think about is Spock's welfare. Logic be damned (he even says so.) It's greatness. And T'Pol wanting to kick Koss' butt? Greatness. I hope someone does before the story is over. GRR.

More, soon!

God, are there no limits to how much of a BASTARD Koss is??????


Anger, Sadness, Pain, Longing, Loss, Anger, Joy... you've run the gambit with this story and this post in particular.

Kai and Trip... Sar... I adore the line --
"Why is it brother, that you are more eloquent in your silence than in your words?"

An excellent post.

Keep it coming and soon please.


What a wonderful story! You breath life into the characters with your words. Keep up the good work, in this story and more!

The others have expressed my feelings so well, I need hardly add my two cents' worth, but this is just SO good I come to this site first, in the hope that you've posted another chapter.

The scenes with Trip and the boy are beautifully written, and I personally would like to see Sar and An-Aga adopt Kai, just as long as Trip gets back to Enterprise and T'Pol.

And Koss is such a louse!!! Somebody slip something into his food, quickly!

Thanks for another great chapter. More please.

i agree kittytrypsin! i'll gladly provide the cyanide. well guys later keep writin