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Fragile-Part 10

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "Captain Archer accepts an invitation from the Prince Regent. Sub-Commander T'Pol has time to consider the repercussions of her father's revelation."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part Ten


* * * * *

Captain Jonathan Archer had never been so stunned before. When the Prince Regent invited him to the planet surface he was wary. Recalling only too well his own close brush with death which had precipitated this unwelcome chain of events in the first place. Yet the Prince Regent had intimated that he had many things to impart, none of them suitable for transmission over an open com channel. It made him nervous. What did that mean? Had Trip died in prison? Been killed in an accident? Was he even now slowly dying from the blooms he had so carelessly touched in his innocence and wonder? He could not believe his friend would be so foolhardy as he had been but his heart still faltered with a thousand dark imaginings. Lt. Malcolm Reed watched the struggle of emotions on the Captain's face. His own features taut. Anxiety building but controlled behind a protective wall of armour.

"Captain, surely you cannot be considering this invitation?"

The Captain took in a steadying breath then turned his head to look the Tactical Armoury Officer dead in the eye. "You said we should check on the Commander and that's what I intend to do, Lieutenant."

"I *suggested* Captain."

"Then what are you *suggesting* I do? Sit on my hands and politely decline? Go, knowing that every day of my life thereafter I would be wondering what might have happened? What he had to tell me, show me? Never knowing if Trip was alive or dead? Or....dying?" His voice trailed off as the pain seeped in. A second later and he was back in control. "No, Lieutenant. I got him into this and if I can, I want a chance to get him out of it."

"Then if you don't mind my saying Captain, I'd like permission to go with you."

A slow smile lightened the tension on the Captain's face. "I'd consider it an honour, Lieutenant."

In the end Captain Archer decided to keep the landing party as small as possible. He did not want to risk more people than was absolutely necessary so it was just himself and Lt. Reed that descended in the shuttlepod. Ensign Sato had tentatively suggested using the transporter but neither the Captain nor Malcolm liked that idea very much. When they declined she breathed an inward sigh of relief. It was not just her. The others did not trust having their molecules scrambled then put back together again either. Somehow she found the thought comforting. Handing them their UTs and a data PADD she wished them luck.

"You have the bridge, Ensign."

She nodded then watched their progress on the sensors as Shuttlepod One launched. Hardly daring to breathe until Lt Reed had executed a perfect touch down. Travis Mayweather looked across at her. "I'm sure everything's going to be alright, Hoshi."

She bit her lip. "I'd feel a lot more confident of that if the Prince Regent had told us the Commander was all right. He didn't tell us anything, Travis."

The boomer gave a shrug. "Perhaps there isn't anything to tell?"

His attempts to lighten the mood failed dismally. "Then why ask the Captain to go down to the surface? What is it they're not telling us Travis?"

The helmsman fell silent. He had no answer to that. Two solemn faces now watched the sensors, Ensign Sato fiddling with her communications controls. Anxious not to miss a single word. Even though nobody liked using the transporter she took the precaution of having it manned just in case they had to get their Captain and Armoury Officer out of there in a hurry. She prayed it would not be needed. Prayed that they were not about to lose two more members of their crew.

* * * * *

She tried to meditate but could not still her mind. Apart from the physical pain of what Koss had done to her there was the emotional trauma of having been used. Her father's stern face filled her mind. Her mother's insistence that she must leave and let them deal with Koss. She wondered what they had in mind. Her father had called the authorities. That meant a trial. A judicial ruling. Her name would once again be aired in the most unflattering guise possible and she was not held in high esteem as it was. The High Council tolerated her unorthodoxy because it served their purpose to have a Vulcan on the human ship. Would they still feel that way if a high profile trial ensued? The exposure of such a private area of Vulcan life would offend many. Despite her former fiancé’s actions she would be the one held to blame. She who had abandoned her duty to tradition to remain with another species. A species deemed vastly inferior in almost every section of Vulcan society. Why did they have to be so dogmatic? Rigid in their beliefs and unbending in their understanding?

T'Pol stared at the candle again and began to inwardly chant. Making her mind a still pond. The clear unrippled surface a mirror for her deepest thoughts. Soon she would be back on Enterprise. This period of her life could be put behind her. She still had her work. An environment that had become more familiar to her than her home world. It was odd to finally concede that the only place she felt she now belonged was among a human starship. Serving alongside an overly emotional Captain and his colourful and illogically disciplined crew. But one face hovered before her. A smile slowly engulfing her in a pleasure that was disproportionate to the proper feelings expected between crew members. She would hide it of course but he would know. And in the gently mocking cadence of his laughing eyes would be a deep serious well of knowing. A gentle wisdom. An emotional strength that knew her better than she knew herself. Only when she gazed upon him would she know for certain that she had truly found her preferred home.

* * * * *

The boy stared. No words would form in his mind let alone spill from his tongue. The keeper kept the smile off his face, his expression stern but his eyes gleaming with quiet pleasure. The Human looked equally stunned but recovered first. Joy and laughter spilling from him like a fountain, his arms wrapping gently around Kai and hugging him to his heart. The boy could not believe it. "But I am blind." He said as if that precluded any kind of happiness from being his.

Trip gently kissed the top of his head. Tears of joy running down his smiling face. Unable to hold back the tide of emotion running circles around his heart. The boy had become so precious to him. "Yeah, you're blind Kai but you are so much more than that."

"I am?"

Trip pulled back and knelt facing the boy, a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah. Don't ever doubt that. I may not be Volaran but there is such a lot of good in you. Too much to waste being on your own. I want to be there for ya not just every now and again but always. I want ya to know if ya need me I'm here."

He thought about what was being offered. Felt his heart crack with a depth of emotion he had not known he was capable of feeling. "Trip?"


"You really want to make me family?"

Trip had to pause to wipe his eyes. The tears were blurring his vision of Kai and nothing in the world was worth that. "Ya bet I do. If ya say 'yes' I'm gonna adopt ya and make ya my son. That means no law on any planet will have the right to take ya from me." He paused. His voice gentle, not wanting to pressurise the boy with a decision of this magnitude. "But ya don't have to answer right away Kai. Take as long as ya want and if it's too much to ask I promise I won't hold it against ya. All I want is your happiness."

Kai sniffed and fought to hold back tears of his own. "I never knew my parents." He said quietly. "But..." His voice trailed off, suddenly feeling awkward and embarrassed.

"It's okay, Kai. No pressure."

"It's not that, Trip, it's just." He paused and took a deep breath to steady himself. This was important to him and he wanted to get the words right. A small hand reached out to touch Trip's cheek. He froze and watched the boy's face intently. Hoping this was not too much for him. "I never knew my father but if I had I would want him to be just like you."

Fresh tears coursed down Trip's face. He felt Sar's hand on his shoulder. "Ya don't know how happy an' proud that makes me feel, Kai, 'cause to tell ya the truth I couldn't love ya more if you were my son."


"Yeah, really."

Kai sniffed again, a few tears rolling slowly down his face. "I want to go with you, Trip. Wherever you go. I want to call you father."

Trip grinned like an idiot, lifted the boy in his arms and stood up. "Oh Kai, Kai, you've just made me the happiest man in the whole damn universe."

The boy wrapped his arms around Trip's neck and cried into the side of his neck. Trip rocked him gently, his words soothing him. Telling him how much he loved him. How he would spend the rest of his life trying to make sure he was happy.

"Never leave me, Trip." Murmured the boy quietly.

"You're a Tucker now, Kai," Said Trip with emotion. "an' once a Tucker always a Tucker!"

The boy stopped crying and thought about that, but did not relinquish his hold on Trip. "You are giving me your name?" He breathed in awe.

Trip pulled back gently so he could watch the boy's face. His own expression suddenly anxious. "But only if ya want it, Kai."

A slow beautiful smile washed over the boy's face. As if he had just been given all the keys to Heaven. "I want it Trip, with all my heart."

The Human blinked back tears. "Then it's yours Kai, same as I am son. Same as I am."

The ceremony was a lot simpler than Trip had imagined it would be. Papers were signed, vows made and witnessed. Then Trip was handed the papers and hanging on to Kai's hand for grim death, he was led into a long miserable dormitory to collect his adopted son's things. Sar, An-aga and Sarsa followed quietly. Not to intrude but to be there if needed. When Kai led Trip to his bedspace a great ache opened up in the Human's gentle heart. The boy's bed was in a corner, pushed further away from the row of beds in the rest of the dorm as if even when he was sleeping he was kept apart. It hurt him to see the distinction, whether intentional or not. The casual cruelty of children could inflict scars that lasted a lifetime. He vowed to erase every scar. Every hurt visited upon this much maligned child. Kai pulled a foot locker out from under his bed and began to put his few possessions in it. Trip made no comment but swallowed hard. The pitiful rags that were his clothes, the small broken things that had once been toys. A small collection of feathers and rocks which he guessed Kai had chosen for their tactile qualities. All were examples of his own personal treasures. Trip wondered what memories accompanied them and vowed to find out. A feather drifted out of the boy's open palm before he could close his fingers around it.

"I'll get it, Kai."

Trip knelt down and angled his head to peer at the disappearing feather. He reached out to catch it when he found himself staring into a set of brightly fashioned and exotic eyes peering up at him from the shadowy depths.

* * * * *

The ship was fast. Warp 5 quickly gave way to Warp 6. The crew determined to make what speed they could. Top speed was a little above Warp 6.2 but it could not be maintained. Short spurts of speed then a deceleration back to Warp 5. Stars streaked by. Tension mounting slowly as the light years flashed by. New space for old. Each man fixed on the task ahead. Purpose solidifying around them as they finally dropped out of warp.

* * * * *

Captain Archer was happier than he could ever remember being. His face wall to wall smiles. When the Prince Regent had first told him that he did not know where the Commander was his first instinct was that the man had to be lying. Was trying to cover up bad news. Then Ambassador Ren had joined them and an urgent exchange of whispered words had produced a most unexpected smile on the Prince Regent's face.

"It seems good fortune has favoured you, Captain Archer."

"Why do you say that, Highness?"

The Prince Regent did not reply. Instead he turned to his Ambassador and nodded. Ambassador Ren clapped his hands and the door to the Royal Audience Chamber was thrown open and all the air in the Captain's lungs whoofed out in total and utter shock. The surprise so great he could not find words to express his relief and joy. Walking into the room looking fit and tanned was none other than his Chief Engineer, Commander 'Trip' Tucker. A grin on his face that blinded the Captain at first to his companions. Lt Reed noticed straight away and his eyes widened in undisguised curiosity.

The Captain hugged him long and hard, oblivious of Trip's sharp intake of breath. He did not want to admit the Captain was hurting him. Malcolm moved in close and as the two men parted he gave Trip a hug and patted him on the back. His eyes full of affection but also teasing. "Where did you pick up the fan club, Trip?"


There was a tug at Trip's leg and he found himself laughing. Captain Archer was mesmerised and could not resist teasing his friend. "I thought you'd been imprisoned? I was worried to death about you."

Trip nodded, his smile slipping just a little. "I was." He paused then made the introductions. The Captain noticing a deep quiet pride in his voice as he began to present his newfound friends to the Captain and Malcolm.

A smile of amusement tugged at the Captain's lips, his eyes dancing with merriment. So happy and relieved to be reunited with his best friend. He shook his head gently. "I still can't get over it. You were supposed to be incarcerated for five years and yet here you are less than a year later - a free man with a bodyguard, an adopted son and a...." His voice trailed off, momentarily stumped. He pointed at something raggedy with miles of teeth panting at the side of Trip's right leg. "What in hell *is* that?"

Trip laughed. Malcolm got an inordinate amount of pleasure hearing that happy sound once again. It made him want to cry with happiness but he was damned if he was going to let the side down by blubbing. A smile broke out on his face as he watched the Captain try to work out what the creature was. Trip was just as amused. "Ya could say he's the Volaran equivalent of a dog, Cap'n."

Captain Archer shook his head. "By no stretch of the imagination is that a dog!" He broke off to chuckle softly then gave his friend a thoughtful look, head angled to one side. "Do I even want to know this story, Trip?"

His friend laughed. "I have a feelin' Kai's gonna make me tell it anyway."


Trip smiled and put his hands proudly on the boy's shoulders. "Cap'n, meet my son Kai Tucker. Kai, this is my good friend Cap'n Jonathan Archer. The finest starship Cap'n in all of Starfleet. Ya'll have to excuse his manners but he didn't have the good grace or fortune to be born a southern gentlemen so the rest of us have gotten used to makin' allowances for him."

"Careful, Trip," Warned the Captain in a teasing tone. "It can get lonely in the brig."

"An' this polite gentleman," Continued Trip, ignoring the Captain's comment. "Is my friend Lt Malcolm Reed. There's nothin' Malcolm doesn't know about missiles and armaments. Fortunately when his finger's on the firing button they're usually aimed at someone else." He chuckled. "Malcolm's also in charge of security aboard Enterprise and in keepin' the rest of us safe so we can get on with the serious job of havin' some fun."

Sar watched the Lieutenant with interest. He had noticed that no matter how relaxed everyone else became this quiet young man remained alert. Now it made sense. Quietly he evaluated Trip's two friends. Was pleased to see how easily they appeared to accept the extra baggage his friend would be taking home with him. The boy would obviously be no problem. It would remain to be seen how they felt about him, his wife and his daughter joining them. Trip obviously was thinking along the same lines.

"Cap'n, I know it's kinda a lot to take in all at once but I have a favour to ask ya."

His friend's eyebrows rose and he looked at the scruffy creature now being fussed by Trip's adopted son. Trip shook his head and gave a smile. "Not the *dog*, Cap'n." He paused and signaled for Sar to step closer. Lt Reed watched the big man closely. He was certainly an impressive specimen. Easily seven foot six and built like a brick outhouse. His ebony skin shone, white teeth flashing when he smiled. Eyes bright and sharp with intelligence softened when they looked at Trip then became wary when they focused on the Captain. Interesting. He wondered what the man's story was. How Trip had come to adopt not only a small Volaran blind boy but a whole family too. His irrepressible friend drew people to him like a magnet. He would have to start calling it the 'Tucker Effect'. He watched the man's golden eyes appear to take in everything. Whatever else the man was, he was obviously not dull witted. He missed nothing.

"I owe Sar my life, Cap'n."

Sar began to protest but Trip gave him a look and the big man gave a solemn respectful nod and fell silent. Malcolm raised an eyebrow. Impressed. How had his friend done that? Turned a mild look of censure into a command? He could swear there was a look of deep respect in the man's eyes and a guarded affection. He really *did* have to make sure he heard that story when he could get his friend alone.

"When I was first imprisoned," Trip carefully ignored the way the Captain's breath hitched at the word. Determined not to be drawn into his friend's propensity for amassing guilt. "Sar was appointed my personal guard."

Lt. Reed looked even more intrigued now but kept his tongue. He noticed the Prince Regent and his Ambassador were content not to intrude on the conversation. Neither did they seem in the least discomfited by being reduced to the sidelines while Trip explained a few things to his friends.

"Your personal guard?"

Trip nodded and smiled. "Remember me tellin' ya that I would be treated well 'cause I hadn't done anythin' wrong, Malcolm?" Lt. Reed nodded. "Well Sar was my guarantee. He watched over and protected me from harm."

Malcolm saw something flicker in the big man's eyes. Trip ignored it. The Captain had not noticed.

"Thanks to him I gained my freedom, Cap'n. And also thanks to him, I was given the right to adopt Kai. With your permission I want to bring Sar, his wife An-aga and their daughter Sarsa with us to Enterprise."

The Captain was doing calculations in his head. Relieved that only he and Malcolm had come down to the surface otherwise there would not have been room to take Trip's friends with them. Even so he was not sure he liked the idea of collecting strays. Not that the boy could be classed a stray. Trip had obviously adopted him legally and that meant if he wanted his friend and Chief Engineer back he would have to accept the boy as well. No problem. The *dog* he still was not sure about. Perhaps the doctor could keep him with his menagerie? He certainly did not want it anywhere near Porthos. The thought of those needle sharp fangs making a tasty snack of one beagle was not a happy thought. Then there was this former guard and his family. Should he take them as well? Obviously they meant a lot to Trip. How much he could not even begin to guess but he could tell there was a firm bond between them. Seeing the hesitation in the Captain's eyes, Trip looked down at Kai.

"I'm gonna go talk to the Cap'n a moment Kai, will ya be okay with Sar?"

The boy nodded. "Yes, father."

That brought the Captain's head up sharp. Trip smiled and kissed the top of his head. He nodded to Malcolm then walked off to an alcove taking the Captain with him. Malcolm knew the nod was intended to ask him to stay with the others and he accepted with good grace. It would give him a chance to speak to these new people and get a feeling for them himself.

Captain Archer was watching Trip's face closely. Noticed the long white scar above his eyebrow. His friend had always been lean but now the muscles were even more toned than before. That had to mean he had been put to work. Hard manual labour by the look of it. He did not ask. Not yet. Later. Once his friend was settled back into life aboard a star ship. Right now he had a decision to make. "Trip, I know you feel you owe this man but this is his home world and we operate a star ship not a cruise liner."

He would have bitten his tongue if he could have at the spasm of pain that flashed across his friend's face. What on earth had happened while they had been gone? "Cap'n, when I said I owe Sar my life I wasn't kiddin' but there's more to it than that."

The Captain watched his face intently then slowly nodded for him to continue.

"I made a vow and I don't intend to break it."

He felt unsettled. His gut churning over. "What kind of vow?"

"The kind that only he can break."

"I don't understand."

"Cap'n, where I go Sar goes and vice versa. The only way that'll change is if Sar decides he wants to be someplace else and not with me."

He was getting alarmed now. "With you?" What kind of relationship did those two have?

"He's my friend, Cap'n. He would gladly die for me and I would do the same for him."

Putting it so starkly certainly hit home. Trip felt a twinge of guilt at the way he was laying it all in his friend's lap. Starfleet would certainly not approve but then he had no intention of telling them.

"I know I'm puttin' ya in a terrible position, Cap'n, but I can't and won't break my vow. I'm askin' ya to respect that and let them come too."

"And if I say no?" The Captain asked quietly.

"Then I won't be comin' back, Cap'n."

A stab of pain pierced Captain Archer's heart. "But you love Enterprise. It's your home now and exploring is your dream."

He nodded. "I know Cap'n but when you look back on the days of your life what are the really important things? The ones that move ya most, that make ya proud?" He paused just a second to let the words sink in. "I'll tell ya. It's the ones with people in it. They're what's important, Cap'n, not a whole bunch of rules and regulations. The regulations don't love ya back, Cap'n. They won't stop a bullet for ya or comfort ya when ya lose a friend. Bottom line. Livin' is about people. Everythin' else is just part of the view."

After what seemed like hours but was in fact no more than a few minutes, Trip returned to the others. Lt. Reed looked over at the Captain. He looked to be in shock. The boy was tugging at Trip's hand, wanting to know what was happening. Wanting reassurance that he was not going to be left behind. Trip hunkered down. Sarsa sidled near enough to Kai to touch shoulder to shoulder. She slipped her hand in his and Trip smiled. Grateful to Sarsa for intuiting how Kai was feeling. Everybody needed a friend. "It's okay, Kai. The Cap'n's havin' a little trouble realisin' either we all go or none of us go."

He saw Kai's brow furrow in worry. "Then we aren't goin', father?"

Trip brushed a hand through the boy's hair. Using touch to fill in the blanks caused by lack of sight. "I've known the Cap'n a long time Kai and one thing I know for certain. Beyond any shadow of a doubt. The Cap'n won't leave anyone behind. Just give him time to get used to the idea, okay?"

Kai smiled. "No pressure?"

The Commander chuckled lightly. "No pressure, son."

"Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost
But now I'm found
Was blind
But now can see..."

- 'Amazing Grace'

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Four of you have made comments

This just keeps getting better and better. Trip and his son are really sweet.

*sniff* I am a total sap. i love this stuff.

Oh T'Pol!

Jon... suck it up buddy. You want Trip you gotta take his family.

Love the Sar and Malcolm potential... gonna be fun watching them sit back and drain a bottle together talking about their friend Trip.

The Trip Effect! AHAHAHAHAAA!!! Love it!

Can't wait for the next bit of this - great stuff! When does Trip find out about T'Pol?

Didn't see that coming!! Trip, an adopter!! Phew, wonder what T'Pol will think about that.

And I loved the 'Tucker effect' quote, too.

Great work, as always.