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Fragile-Part 16

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

Written by Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "As Enterprise closes in on the pirate vessel they face a nasty surprise. Kai has plans of his own."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part Sixteen


* * * * *

She could not bear it. Her strength and stamina stretched to breaking point. Her lungs gasping for fresh air it could never have. The poor substitute now burning her eyes as bitter tears glistened against cheeks that could no longer feel. A fever was seeping through her. Confusion multiplied in a mind fragmented by dizziness and the opalescent vision of blurry sight. Sounds popped around her in a disorientating cacophony. Images haunted her with no separation between those of fantasy and the mundane. Her heartbeat was becoming sluggish and pained, her head lancing with pain as her control began to degrade. Enough. This had to end but how to end it? How to get out of this awful place? Or was she destined to die here? Death was death and the only waking eye that observed her would blink on oblivion. Closing her eyes she tried to still her sense of panic. Ignore the feeling of being watched. It was growing in the gloom like some persistent shadow of evil. Yet she had not heard anything. Not seen anything to support her fear. Perhaps she was just going mad? Whatever was happening she wanted only one thing now. For it to end.

* * * * *

Enterprise rocked hard. The pumping salvos from the Naausican vessel hardly paused.

"Polarise the hull plating! Bring the phase canons on line and fire at will!"

Lt. Reed's fingers flashed over his console. Everyone grabbed onto their workstations as another violent judder rocked the ship. Commander Tucker was getting more and more agitated. "Cap'n!"

"Not now, Commander."

"Cap'n, let me take Malcolm down to the hold."

The Captain glared at him. "In case you hadn't noticed, Commander, we are under attack!"

Trip gritted his teeth. Not wanting to get into a shouting match with his Captain. Sar and watched from his position by the door. "Cap'n we're losin' an' ya know it. We just don't have the firepower to do 'em any damage and the hull platin' won't stay polarised for long."

"What do you suggest, Commander?"

"I have an idea but I'll need the services of Lt Reed to implement it."


Trip shook his head and took a chance. "No time to explain, Cap'n. If you've ever trusted my judgment I'm beggin' ya to trust it now."

That single word. Trust. It blew every reservation out of the Captain's mind. He gave a terse nod and watched his Chief Engineer and Armoury Officer run off the bridge as if all the hounds of hell were chasing them. Looking up at the view on his screen that was a pretty accurate description.

Lt. Reed kept up with the fleet thunder of the Commander's pounding feet with ease, only breathing lightly as they ran for the elevator. Sar paced them in silence. "Okay, Commander, now that you have my undivided attention what is this idea of yours that has dragged me away from my tactical workstation in the midst of us being blown out of the sky?"

They skidded up to the elevator and scrambled inside. Trip glanced at Sar then looked at Malcolm. "That sheetin' we took on board."

Malcolm's eyes widened in disbelief. "You dragged me down here to talk about metal sheeting?"

"Just listen, Malcolm, okay? Ya can shove me out an airlock later."

"Don't tempt me."

"I noticed when we were checkin' it over how it's easily magnetised."

The elevator doors opened on their floor, they darted out and made straight for the hold. "How does that help us?"

"I was thinkin' about when you and the Cap'n were stuck with that bomb. How the Cap'n had the section detached."

"Don't tell me you've come up with an equally hairbrained scheme?" Perhaps it was something in the water?

"I can't promise to come up with somethin' as stunnin' as that but it gave me an idea."

Malcolm rolled his eyes. "God save me from heroic Captains and inspired Engineers."

"Will ya just shut your yap for a minute and let me finish?" He waited while Lt. Reed snapped his mouth closed. "Thanks. What I want is to do that trick again only fully magnetise the sheet of metal and stick a few surprises to it."


Trip grinned and looked at the huge piece of metal. "Yeah. I wanna cover the damn thing in magnetic proximity mines then blow it out the hatch of the hold and retreat as quick as possible."

Lt. Reed looked at the Chief Engineer as if he had completely taken leave of all his senses. Always supposing he had any in the first place. "Commander, your plan could easily backfire. The whole bloody thing could just as easily gravitate back to us and attach itself to Enterprise. Need I point out that that little bit of impact would set off every ruddy mine you attached to it?"

"Which is why Mr. Smarty Pants, I wanna fit an electronic switching device. So we can jettison it once its' set up, move to a safe distance then instead of polarising a piece of hull plating we switch on the magnetic field and send our giant magnet into the maw of the beast."

The Lieutenant looked stunned. His silence worried the Commander until his friend began to slowly respond. "That is actually a very good idea, Commander."

Trip nodded, not letting the unexpected praise go to his head. There simply was not time. "Okay, then how about helpin' me out so we do this before that ship blows us all to kingdom come?"

* * * * *

In Sickbay Dr Phlox was riveted by the detailed scans. Kai lay quietly on the biobed, his hand in Sarsa's. An-aga stood on the other side of the bed next to the doctor.

"I am surprised to note that a lot of the difficulty with Kai's vision stems from cataracts. They are quite easily removed." He looked at the boy. "Kai, can you ever remember *seeing*?"

Kai turned his head towards the doctor. "I think so."

"How long ago was that?"

"I... I'm not sure. I was only small at the time."

"There is also a fairly advanced stage of glaucoma but with the modern medical technology at my disposal a little corrective eye surgery will sort that out."

No one dared to breathe for a minute then Kai's voice whispered quietly, as if fearing to voice his hope out loud in case it was snatched away from him. "Do you think you can help me see, doctor?"

Dr Phlox smiled. His kindly face filling with the kind of joy that reminded him day after day why he became a doctor in the first place. "Yes, Kai."

A shudder rocked the ship and the doctor looked anxiously at An-Aga. Recognising only too well the fact that Enterprise was under attack. He deliberately kept his voice calm so as not to alarm his young patient.

"Naturally, I would need to get your father - Commander Tucker's - permission to operate..."

An-aga spoke up quickly. "Is that absolutely necessary, doctor? It is not a life threatening operation is it?"

He shook his head in reassurance. "No, it is in fact quite a simple procedure but Kai's eyes will be sore for a few days afterwards. I will recommend he wear dark glasses until his eyes get used to taking in light and images again. Everything will seem suddenly too bright and the flash of images may make him feel a bit nauseous for a while. Just until he gets used to it."

An-aga nodded and smiled gently at him then reached out a hand to touch Kai's free hand. She gave his hand a squeeze. "How would you like to surprise Trip, Kai?"

The boy's face broke out into a happy smile. "I would love it, can I do that doctor? Is it allowed?"

Dr Phlox swallowed carefully, moved by the sudden worry in the boy's trembling voice as if making a choice about his own future might be forbidden. The boy had experienced so little freedom in the past. The idea that he could have any say over what happened to him was a novel concept. The boy wanted to grasp it but was afraid it would all be snatched away from him. The doctor disabused him of his fear. "If you want me to operate Kai I will happily do so."

"And you won't tell Trip will you? I want to surprise him."

The doctor smiled at him and patted the boy's shoulder. "No, I won't say anything Kai."

An-aga exchanged a smile with her daughter then looked at the doctor. "How soon can you start?"

Another tremor rocked the ship. "As soon as the impacts stop. In the meantime I'll get ready."

"May I help you doctor?"

He considered the Volaran woman for a minute. "I don't see why not, An-aga. Your help would be most appreciated."

* * * * *

Captain Archer was getting more than anxious. Ensign O'Reilly was doing his best at Malcolm's tactical station but he was not nearly the dead-eye shot that Lt. Reed was. He was beginning to regret letting Commander Tucker spirit his Armoury Officer away from him. He jabbed at the coms.

"Commander? Lieutenant? Whatever you're doing you'd better do it FAST and that's an order!"

"Yes, sir!" Floated back the Commander's distracted voice.

The Captain frowned. Just then Travis's eyes widened in surprise. He looked up from his console at the Captain. "Sir, the bay doors have just opened."

"What?" The Captain flicked his com again. "Commander what the hell do you think you're doing?"

There was no reply. Before he could say anything else a breathless Lt Reed skidded on to the bridge and the incongruous image of a sheet of metal tumbling out of the hold filled the screen.

"What the...?"

"Permission to interrupt, sir? We need to withdraw from here as quickly as possible - NOW!"

Hardly waiting for the Captain's surprised nod, Travis Mayweather reversed the direction of travel. For a moment the ship shuddered at the contradictory pull on the warp engine but she moved back slowly. Lt Reed was looking anxiously at the screen. "Can we go a little faster, Travis? Sooner rather than later would be advisable."

Again the Captain gave a nod and Travis increased speed to Warp 2. As soon as the Armoury Officer judged they had retreated to a safe enough distance he comm'ed Commander Tucker. "Now, Commander!"

Captain Archer was completely baffled. He looked from Malcolm's tense face to the sheet of metal spinning between them and the advancing Naausican vessel. To his surprise the sheet of metal seemed to speed up until it slapped against the advancing hull. Malcolm looked the Captain firmly in the eye. "You might want to hang on, sir."

It was a masterpiece of understatement as the proximity mines peppered on the metal sheeting exploded. The concomitant concatenation of explosions was better than the Fourth of July. A startled grin split all across the Captain's face. He whooped with joy at the sight of their enemy receiving a dose of their own medicine. A huge hole appearing in the side of the vessel as the superstructure was both weakened and blown out by the sheer number of mines Trip and Malcolm had cobbled together. Trip's voice sailed over the com, tinged with anxiety. "How'd it go, Malcolm?"

"It was bloody beautiful, Commander!"

"Where did you get such a bizarre idea from?" Said the Captain just as a breathless and jubilant Chief Engineer joined them on the bridge. Beside him Sar was grinning from ear to ear. The Captain had never seen such a happy look on the Volaran's face. "Actually Cap'n ya gave me the idea."

"I did?"

They watched the Naausican vessel begin to list. "Yeah. Remember when ya went out to help Malcolm with that mine that got attached to Enterprise? I remembered what ya did with that piece of hull platin' ya asked me to detach. Figured I could use some of that inspiration."

Captain Archer laughed and shook his head. "Well I'm glad it worked, Commander. I don't know what we would've done if it hadn't."

Commander Tucker did not respond. He was staring at the enemy ship now effectively dead in the water. He was not smiling any more. In fact he was beginning to look depressed.

"Commander? Are you alright?"

He shook himself out of his contemplation but kept his eyes on the ship. "Yeah, Cap'n, I'm fine. I'm just thinkin' it's time we went across and found out what our Naausican friends have to say about their actions."

The Captain nodded slowly, sobering up fast. Knew that his friend was thinking about Sub-Commander T'Pol. Knew he wanted answers. They all did. He looked at Lt. Reed. "Lieutenant, put together a security team. It's time to pay the Naausicans a little visit."

"Yes, sir."

The Commander started to follow him off the bridge. The Captain frowned. "Where do you think you're going?"

Trip's lips compressed in a firm line. "I'm goin' with Lt Reed, Cap'n."

His eyebrows rose. "This is security work, Commander. I need you here for repairs."

The Commander shook his head in the closest he could get to an apology right now. "Just consider me temporarily drafted, Cap'n."

He was about to argue when Lt. Reed interrupted politely. "Don't worry, Captain, I promise to keep an eye on him and keep him out of trouble."

The Captain considered the two men for a moment in silence. He did not really relish the idea of forcing Trip to stay on Enterprise kicking his heels while Lt Reed got to see first hand what the Naausicans might be up to. But it did not stop him worrying about him. "Okay, but at the first sign of trouble I want everybody back on Enterprise. I'm not prepared to sacrifice anybody is that clear?"

Both men nodded. "Thanks, Cap'n." Added Trip.

Captain Archer nodded back and hoped he would not regret his decision. Ensign Sato and Travis Mayweather exchanged a look. Ensign O'Reilly watched his Armoury Officer exit the bridge and got back to working through the list of repairs that would need to be addressed while his boss and the Chief of Engineering were gone.

* * * * *

For once Trip did not argue when he was handed both a phase pistol and a phase rifle. They had no idea what would be facing them aboard the enemy vessel but Lt. Reed was taking no chances. He looked at Sar then at Trip. The Commander answered his unspoken question. "Sar comes too."

The Lieutenant did not argue the point. Knew the man stuck to Trip like glue most of the time. He had become used to the oversized shadow at his friend's side but every now and then it still surprised him. They piled into the shuttlepod and boarded the alien vessel in near silence. Lt. Reed had hand picked his men, all sharp shooters and experts in their field. There were seven of them all together. The Armoury Officer set a few ground rules but Trip was not really listening, he was anxious to find the ship's Captain. It took less than an hour to round up the crew of the vessel. 18 Naausicans in all. There were no passengers and with no obvious signs of rank it was hard to pick out which one was the Captain. Trip picked a man at random. "Who are ya? An' which one's the Cap'n?"

The Naausican glared at him then spat in his face. Before the man finished closing his belligerent mouth Sar's hand had flashed out and broken the man's nose. Lt. Reed just blinked. Nice economical punch. He approved the man's efficiency. Trip glanced around restlessly. Lt. Reed watched the Commander's body language. "Commander, is everything alright?"

Trip was shaking his head. "I'm okay but this could take some time." He looked down at the man on the floor, holding his broken nose and staring at the floor. "Where's your ship's schematics?"

When the man did not answer Sar lifted him clean off his feet. Trip was happy to see the glaring eyes widen in fear. He really did not like being this close to an enraged Volaran.

"Now," Said the Commander lightly, his eyes glinting with steel. "Those schematics?"

When he had them Lt Reed leaned over Trip's shoulder more than a little intrigued. His men were systematically handcuffing the prisoners with some rather elaborate cuffs they had found in a locker. Trip recognised them as the same kind of pain restraints that had been used on him and the Captain when they had been captured and accused of being smugglers. His memories aboard the prison transport had not been happy ones. A few words to explain to Lt. Reed how they worked and the Englishman had palmed the control pad with a happy smile on his face. The Lieutenant was more than a little surprised at his friend's preoccupation with searching the ship.

"What are you looking for, Commander?"

Trip had spread the schematic out on a dirty table. Sar did not look to see what it was, he was busy keeping his eyes on the prisoners and making sure no one tried to jump any of his friends.

"Dunno yet, Lieutenant, but I'll know it when I see it."

Lt. Reed straightened and stared at him. "Well that's an oxymoron if ever I heard one."

"An oxy what?"

Lt Reed grinned. "Moron!"

"Hey, that's insubordination Lieutenant."

His friend was grinning, unrepentant. "If the cap fits, Commander..." He trailed off with a smile then became serious again as the Commander scowled at him. "Seriously Commander, what are you looking for?"

Now that it came to it Trip was reluctant to admit that he was hoping to find the Sub-Commander. It was stupid he knew but they had not found a body which meant that somewhere the Sub-Commander was either being held in captivity or chewing vacuum. Some instinct told him she had not been spaced like the others. If only because that creep Koss was involved. The man just oozed spite from every pore. Trip had never met him but he knew the type. His one regret was that the man had died before he could kill him.

"Commander, I suggest we go back to Enterprise with our prisoners then return and go over this vessel with a fine toothcomb."

"Good idea Lieutenant except I don't think this tub's gonna last that long. Look, you start ferryin' the prisoners back and me and Sar'll make a start on searchin' the ship. I promise if we find anythin' even remotely interestin' we'll tell ya."

Lt. Reed did not like the sound of that but the Commander was right about one thing. The ship would not last much longer. With the gaping hole in one side of the superstructure and so many critical systems damaged it was only a matter of time before it started to break up. He nodded reluctantly. "Very well but be sure to be careful, Commander. You know how easily you attract trouble."

"That's not fair, Lieutenant."

"I know it's not but I try not to hold that against you."

Trip opened his mouth to give a flip comment back but Lt Reed had already walked away from him. He looked at Sar and carefully folded the schematic. "C'mon, Sar, let's see what skeletons are rattling in the cupboards."

* * * * *

The Sub-Commander had been dozing again. This time she slid down the wall and was woken with a splash as she slid under the slimy glutinous ooze which befouled the very air she was forced to breathe. Heaving, she pushed herself to her feet and found she was shaking. Cold, damp, thirsty and demoralised she cast a baleful eye around her prison. At first she did not hear it but then the reverberation traveled through the hand she used to brace herself upright against a wall. What was that? She held her breath. A loud sound then a violent shudder made her heart lift with hope. That was weapons fire she was sure of it. The ship was under attack!

* * * * *

The ship was bigger than Enterprise and had three decks. The bottom deck was purely for cargo and so far he and Sar had found nothing. His depression growing, Commander Tucker could not shake a growing sense of unease. He tried to wave Sar off to check one half of a cargo hold while he did the other but Sar would not budge. Where Trip went he went. The Commander sighed and accepted his friend's obstinacy. They scoured the holds. Nothing. He took to tapping the walls, the look on Sar's face saying he should not hold his breath. But this was a pirate ship right? And pirates liked to hide things so it stood to reason they might have built false walls, cubby holes for hiding contraband and so on. It was while he was tapping at a section in the stern that he suddenly froze, head cocked to one side, body tense. What was that? He rapped the metal then waited, anxiously counting seconds. One. Two. Three. There! It was a definite knocking sound. He decided to try something and varied the number of raps. The knocking responded but did not mimic him. No echo then. He was excited and anxious. Feverishly he began ripping things away from the walls looking for a false panel, a hatch, a door. Anything. He found nothing. He was really getting frustrated when he looked down at his feet. He felt stupid. Of course. Deck plates.

With help from Sar he eventually located a heavy metal hatch in the floor. It took both of them to lift it. Once open, he grabbed some cabling and tied it open. No way did he want to get trapped down there with no way out. He looked at Sar. The big man did not want him to go down there but Trip insisted. He told Sar to wait at the hatch for him. Make sure no one tried to lock him in. Sar shook his head but Trip insisted. After a long look into his friend's determined eyes, Sar reluctantly nodded. He looked miserable. Trip patted his arm. "I'll be fine, Sar, stop frettin'. An' you'll be close by in case I need ya. What could possibly go wrong?"

Sar did not answer. He was recalling Lt Reed's final words before parting with the Commander. Carefully he assisted his friend by lowering him down through the opening. Even so there was still a drop of a few feet when the big man let go of Trip's hands. There was a loud splash and much cursing. Sar stuck his head down through the hatch but it was pitch black down there. He could not see anything. "Why are you cursing, Senisa? Are you injured?"

"Nah, on'y my pride." Trip paused to spit some gunk out of his mouth and pulled a face. "This place stinks like a sewer Sar and there's a good two foot of water or sludge in the bottom. I just hope the sound we were listening to wasn't rats tryin' to get out. Right now I kinda feel sorry for the vermin, it's pretty grim down here."

"Then be swift, Senisa. I do not like this place."

"I'm with ya on that one, buddy. Just keep them eyes and ears peeled."

He moved away with care. Wishing he had brought a torch with him. He decided to start calling out. Just a few words to encourage whoever had been rapping back at him to respond. At first there was nothing. As he progressed he began to feel an air of despondency. What if it had all been in his imagination? What if there was nothing down here but a stubborn dim witted Engineer? He sighed and tried not to breathe in too much of the air. The place stank so much he suspected the stench would never wash out of his clothes. He idly wondered whether the Captain would make him spend the rest of the voyage in waste disposal. Right now that place seemed like a palace compared to this one. He moved on, stepping carefully in the slippery water. He had no idea how far he had gone. Time seemed to have been swallowed in the darkness. He opened his mouth and began calling again. "Hey! Is there anybody down here? This is Commander Tucker of the starship Enterprise. If ya can hear me yell back or make a noise."

Again. Silence. He was about to turn round and start off in another direction when he heard something. He stopped and tilted his head, trying to work out what the sound was and where it was coming from. Something splashed dully in the distance. But how far? How near? Was it coming towards him or moving away? He felt a slither of fear slide down his spine but ignored it. "Hey, anybody there?"

Another splashing sound. More definite this time and decidedly closer. He gripped his pulse rifle but did not charge it. Cautiously he moved towards the furtive sounds. They were getting clearer now unlike his vision which was beginning to blur. What was with this place? Was it something in the air, something in the water or just something in his eyes? He was about to call out again when something bumped into him. He huffed in surprise and lost his footing. He yelped as he fell in the muck and was surprised when a pair of hands tugged him out again. He was trembling, shaking the foul water out of his hair. Unable to see more than a foot in front of his face. His heart was beating like a runaway train. "Who's there?"

A dry cracked voice answered him. Words like dry leaves stunned him into silence. "It's me. T'Pol."

His heart leapt in his breast. Tears sprang from his eyes. He could hardly breathe let alone speak. "T'Pol? Is that you darlin'?"

A hand touched his chest. He was crying now, his hand feeling the smaller more delicate bones of the Vulcan Sub-Commander's fingers as he clasped it in his. "Oh God, T'Pol, I thought I'd lost ya!"

She tried to swallow but her throat was so dry and she had no saliva to moisten it. He reached out for her, took her gently in his arms and held her close to his heart. Felt her dry sob against his chest and let his own tears course down his cheeks in blessed relief.

"It's okay T'Pol, honey, it's over. Sssh, I've got ya now darlin' and nothin' is ever gonna harm ya again. I promise."

He had no idea how long they stood there and Trip did not care. He had found T'Pol and for the first time in many months his heart was full. All his dreams and desires held trembling and fragile in the circle of his two arms. Both of them were filthy. Smelt foul and probably looked it too. He did not give a damn. He gently brushed a hand through her matted hair and kissed her forehead. Loved how she clung to him, her heart skipping a beat until it could pick up his rythym. Two hearts now beating in synchrony.

"I know I have terrible timin' T'Pol but I've got a confession to make."

He felt her head shift slightly on his chest as if she had tilted it to listen. He smiled to himself as he gently rocked her in his arms. More content than any man had a right to be and still draw breath. At last he had found his heart's desire and he had no intention of letting her go.

"I think I love ya."

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Seven people have made comments

Great chapter; I was on the edge of my seat during the action. And once more, characters of Malcolm and Sar were really well written. One question, though - after the battle and before they went over to the Naasican ship, how come Trip didn't check on his son? It's like he forgot all about Kai for a while there.

I agree. Great stuff. Now please make sure we get at least a few chapters of Trip and T'Pol together. ;-)

Ooh! This is just getting better and better!

Hee-haw! I'm grinning like a... Big Grinning Thing on National Grinning Day. Can't wait for the next part - this is such a brilliant story. I'm still steadfastly avoiding GCSE revision in favour of reading this. No pressure or anything...

Oh man! WOW! From the prior chapter -- this bit... awesome!
When we give a service to another they are like gifts. The only real things we have to offer for they come of ourselves not purchased from the sweat of another brow. With friends, lovers, family and those we care about the things we do for each other are gifts of the heart. Whether it is a smile, a touch, a sorrow shared. Whether it is a duty born in silence. A mundane task completed for another can bring such joy. To ease another's burden is as noble as to take away his pain. It is not servitude. For my sake, Trip, do not confuse the two."

And the tension in this post! wow.

We know something bad still has to happen! Sar you be ready buddy!

Hurry please post more and soon!


Hurray, they're back together again, safe and reasonably sound. So what now?

I suspect we're about to encounter Koss again, with some pretty violent stuff to come.

BRING IT ON! Great chapter, as always.

Just a great chapter!! And I love how you've got Trip helping out with Reed with a weapon idea, and tying in that episode. Show us Trip and T'Pol!