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Fragile-Part 17

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

Written by Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "Kai emerges from surgery. Sub-Commander T'Pol returns to Enterprise. Unexpected rivals change everything."
DISLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 17


* * * * *

Captain Archer met Lt. Reed as he brought the first few prisoners back on the shuttlepod. His eyes narrowed when he saw no sign of Commander Tucker. "Where's the Commander?"

"He's back on the Naausican vessel Captain. He and Sar have started to search the rest of the ship. Once all the prisoners have been ferried to the brig I'll be taking my men back to help them."

The Captain did not like the sound of them splitting up but it could not really be avoided. He looked at the truculent prisoners, memories of his own treatment aboard a prison transport still fresh in his mind. He was amused to see they were wearing the same pain restraints he and Trip had been forced to wear. Lt. Reed saw him looking at their cuffed wrists and smiled wryly. "Don't worry sir, I have the control pad safe."

He grinned and nodded. "Good work, Lieutenant. Do we know which one is the Captain?"

Lt. Reed shook his head, the Captain falling into pace alongside his Tactical Armoury Officer as the first half of the prisoners were escorted to the brig. "Not yet, they wouldn't tell us."

The Captain noticed one of the prisoners had a bloody nose. "They give you any trouble?" He said with a slight frown.

"No, just wrong answers."

Captain Archer gave him a quizzical look. "Wrong answers?"

There was a definite smirk on the Armoury Officer's face. "The Commander asked which one was the Captain and one of them spat in his face. Sar broke his nose. Rather efficiently I thought."

The Captain hide an answering smile. "In that case I think we should leave them to stew for a while. I'm going back to the bridge. Get the rest back as soon as you can then finish up the search with Commander Tucker. I don't want any of you spending a second longer on that ship than you have to. Travis says it looks like its' on the verge of breaking up."

Lt. Reed nodded. Serious again. "Yes, sir."

* * * * *

An-aga watched the boy's sleeping face. Her eyes lifted to those of the Denobulan doctor, his serene expression bringing a smile to her gentle lips. "It was a success?"

Dr. Phlox beamed at her. Noticed how the little girl Sarsa was still holding the boy's hand. It made him happy to see that a boy who had been through so much and started out with so little could now have so much. If only all stories were as happy as this one was turning out to be. Some of his own children included. "Yes, An-aga, a complete success. He will sleep five or six hours perhaps a little longer. I want him to adjust slowly when he wakes. Not that he will see much more than bright lights and fuzzy colours at first. The focus will come quite rapidly as he learns to adjust his vision. The dark glasses will help. They have interchangeable lenses so we can gradually lighten them over the next few days until he is able to cope with the full spectrum of visible light on his retinas."

There were tears in her eyes. "You are a remarkable man, doctor. We can never thank you enough."

The doctor straightened, his chest pushed out a little to refute the accolade while also being proud of the compliment. "Nonsense, if you must thank something thank the medical technology that has enabled this kind of procedure to be possible in the first place."

"Ah," Said An-aga "But a scalpel in the hands of an ordinary man is just a scalpel. The skill of the surgeon is what makes the difference."

Dr. Phlox inclined his head and acknowledged the compliment. Watched as the Volaran woman gently brushed the boy's hair back from the neat bandage around his eyes. "I cannot wait until his vision is restored." She said gently. "Kai so wants to surprise Trip, he has set his heart on it."

The doctor was smiling. "Then he will achieve his aim."

She looked at the doctor. "And I cannot wait to see Trip's reaction."

The doctor chuckled happily. "Commander Tucker is a very emotional Human. He is also very sentimental. I can assure you this will have a most profound effect on him."

* * * * *

Sar was getting impatient. Anxious. What was taking his Senisa so long? He misliked this place more by the minute. The last of the prisoners were being taken back now and soon Lt. Reed and his men would return to help finish the search. It could not come soon enough for the Volaran. His golden eyes surveyed the dark corners of every shadow. He felt a sense of forboding that did not auger well. Where was Trip? Why could he no longer hear his muttered curses or echoing clatter of his feet stumbling through the rubbish below? He took a deep breath and stuck his head down through the open hatch. "Senisa? Senisa, it is time to go!"

No response. Surely he had not gone so far into the bowels of the ship he was no longer in earshot? Sar heard the metal creaking. Knew what it meant. The stress and strain was building, the vessel weakening. Soon would come the sound of tearing metal. He was getting frantic. "Senisa! Senisa! Can you hear me? We must go now, this ship is about to break up!"

Further into the bowels of the ship, Trip Tucker cradled the traumatised Sub-Commander in his arms. Everything else in his universe was on hold. At last she had stopped crying, was no longer trembling. She held on to him as if he was the only thing holding her up which was probably accurate. He knew they had to leave but was reluctant to hurry her in her fragile state. Gently he pulled back a little and cupped a hand around the side of her face, tilting her head so that he could look at her in the dimness and get some idea of how she was holding up. "We have to move now, T'Pol." He said gently. "Want me to carry ya?"

She nodded. A little surprised by how easily she acquiessed he gave her a light kiss to reassure her then hefted her as carefully as he could in his arms.

"Put ya arms around my neck, T'Pol, an' hang on tight. We're goin' home."

T'Pol obeyed, her head dropping back to his chest. Her ear pressed against the comforting throb of his heart. The beat lulling her. Eyes closing. So weary. Safe now. At last. Safe. With him. Trip. The only one she wanted to let into her heart. As Trip turned to make the journey back to the hatch the solemn unblinking eye noticed everything. Unhindered by the darkness it watched. Silently focusing on the face of T'Pol's rescuer. The Commander trudged slowly back through all the hideous slime, the dank foul smell no longer making him gag. His senses numb to the awful unrelieved stench. Waves of something stronger and even more vile choked the fetid air with more putrid fumes with every step that disturbed the wake he was forced to wade through. He thought he would never feel clean again.

It was when he was closing the distance, only forty yards away now, that he heard Sar's voice calling him. The anxiety and strain in it telling him that the man must have been calling for some minutes. He paused to yell back. Heartened to hear the voice of his friend and feeling his burden of care lighten with affection and hope. "I'm here, Sar, don't panic. Just went further than I thought."

"We have to go, Senisa, now!" Sar's voice echoed back urgently.

Trip paused to smile. "I'm goin' as fast as I can, Sar. Not so quick when there's two of you."

The silence made his smile broaden. He carried on trudging forward, careful how he placed his feet before trusting his weight to shift.

"Two, Senisa?"

He caught the wariness in his friend's voice. He sounded louder now, the voice getting clearer as he got closer to him. The dimness lighting gradually but still not showing him much in the gloom. "Yeah. I found Sub-Commander T'Pol, Sar. She's beat but still breathing."

A loud splash stopped him in his tracks. What the hell? Next thing he knew a huge shape was lumbering towards him. Only as it grew close enough to make out did he draw a steady breath. Even so his voice sounded suspiciously shaky when he did speak. "Jesus Christ Sar, you almost scared the shit out of me!"

Sar grinned, flashing white teeth out of his ebony face. "Then we are in the right place, Senisa."

"Huh?" He looked around a moment then the dime dropped and he chuckled. "Ha ha, very funny. Malcolm Reed is rubbin' off on ya Sar. That is *not* a pretty sight."

Sar reached out to relieve his friend of his burden so that they could move more swiftly. T'Pol stirred in Trip's arms and just gripped tighter, refusing to be parted from him. Trip's voice was soft. "It's okay, Sar, not that far now. I'll carry her."

The big man nodded and understood. He could not wait to get his first good look at this woman. The woman who had stolen his friend's heart. When they were within twenty yards of the hatch a sudden blaze of light blinded them. Trip stumbled but Sar caught him. They stood frozen in the bright light when a familiar voice floated over to them and echoed in their ears. "What the bloody hell are you doing down there, Commander? And what is that awful smell?"

Trip could not open his eyes properly nor raise a hand to shield them. "Malcolm, will you point that damn light somewhere else? I can't see a thing and it's hard enough keepin' my footin' in all this mess."

Lt. Malcolm Reed did not drop down through the hatch. Cautiously he panned the light around then brought it back on Commander Tucker and Sar. "Dear God you found the Sub-Commander! I can't believe you actually found her."

"Yeah, yeah, Malcolm, that's real nice now stop gawpin' like an idiot and help me lift her out. Sar, can ya get under the hatch an' lift T'Pol up to Malcolm? I'd do it but as I'm not the size of a mountain I can't reach."

It took a few minutes to get T'Pol out through the hatch then Sar lifted Trip and pushed him up on his shoulders until Malcolm could grab his wrists and pull him through. Trip leaned over the lip of the hatch and stared down at Sar. How the hell were they going to lift him? Lt. Reed seemed to read his friend's anxious thoughts. "It's okay, Commander, I brought rope."

Commander Tucker stared at him as if he had suddenly grown wings and a halo. "You're a regular boy scout, do ya know that?"

"Someone has to be with all the trouble you manage to get yourself into." Lt. Reed stepped back and try to breathe shallow breaths. "Um, do you think you could stand downwind Commander? You're not helping my allergies."

The Commander glowered at him then moved aside, dropping to his knees beside the Sub-Commander. His angry retort forgotten as he put a hand on T'Pol fevered brow. He looked up at the men Lt. Reed had brought with him. "Anythin' ya want Lieutenant just so long as you're quick."

Lt. Reed was unraveling a length of rope expertly in his hands, his eyes calculating how much he would need to reach Sar. "What, no quick libelous comment about my parentage?"

Trip's voice was subdued, distracted. His main focus on T'Pol. He was worried about her. "Don't worry, Lieutenant, I'll make up for it later."

Now ready, Lt. Reed anchored himself and lowered the end of the rope down the hole. He nodded to a couple of his men to pick up the slack. "Okay Sar, tie the rope under your arms and we'll pull you up."

"I am heavy."

"I know, that's why my men are going to help me. Are you ready?"


Lt. Reed nodded to his men to stake up the strain then gave the command. "Pull!"

Within moments they had dragged Sar up to the lip of the hatch, the big man wrapping his huge hands around it and pulling himself up the rest of the way. The group then carefully lifted the Sub-Commander and hurried off to get to the shuttlepod and back to Enterprise as fast as they could. Back in the darkness, the dank water lapped and echoed where it had been disturbed. The impassive eye slowly closed and gave in to the darkness. Loud creaking became the screech and tear of metal. As the shuttlepod reached Enterprise sections of the Naausican vessel were collapsing in on themselves, other sections ripping and drifting off. Trip could not believe how close they had come to not making it out of there alive. But close calls were soon relegated to the distant past in his memory. They had survived and that was all that mattered. Lt. Reed wrinkled his nose.

"No offense Commander, but may I suggest that you three go through decon before you do anything else? You don't know what diseases might have been inadvertently picked up down there and with the Sub-Commander this weak her immune system may not be able to fight it off."

He was surprised when Trip did not argue. "Good thinking, Malcolm."

They accompanied the foul smelling members of the crew to Sickbay, Dr. Phlox's eyes widening at the state and smell of them. His expression changed to one of joy and surprise when he saw the Sub-Commander. Trip interrupted what he was going to say, holding a hand up then pointed to decon. "I'll explain everythin' later doc, right now Malcolm thinks decon would help make sure we didn't bring back any bugs if ya know what I mean?"

He nodded and quickly ran a hand held scanner over the Sub-Commander.

"How's she doin' doc?"

"The Sub-Commander is weak and severely dehydrated and I can detect no physical injuries though I won't know for sure until I can do a more detailed examination. The Sub-Commander is well enough to endure the decontamination chamber."

Trip nodded. That was all he needed to know. Sar helped him carry the Sub-Commander inside then Dr Phlox activated the speaker as the door hissed shut locking the three of them inside. "Commander, you need to remove those wet clothes. That goes for all three of you."

He was about to argue but one look at his unconscious companion and he did as he was told. He gave Sar a nod and was relieved to see that the big man needed no further prompting. None of them could afford to get sick let alone bring a virus aboard the ship. The doctor nodded to himself and went to fetch some toweling robes for them to wear once the decon cycle had run its' course. Lt. Reed watched the doctor close the viewing hatch to give them some privacy. He knew the Captain would want to speak to the Chief Engineer as soon as Dr. Phlox had finished with him.

"How long will they be in there?"

"Two hours should be long enough but I've set it for three just to be on the safe side."

"And the Sub-Commander? She will recover?"

His expression softened as he looked into the anxious face of the Armoury Officer. "Yes, Lieutenant. Physically the Sub-Commander will be fine. Her mental state however is a different matter."

Lt. Reed nodded and started to leave Sickbay when he noticed a biobed curtained off. He glanced at the doctor. "Is someone sick?"

The doctor beamed, his eyes twinkled, but he was oddly reticent. "No, Lieutenant. Just recovering."

The Lieutenant frowned. "Recovering from what?"

The doctor shook his head and shooed him gently out. "I suggest you update the Captain on your findings, Lieutenant. When I have some news on the Sub-Commander I'll let you know."

He nodded, unable to ignore such an obvious dismissal. A curious eye flicked back to the curtained off biobed then he left. The swish of the Sickbay doors masking the sigh of relief that passed the doctor's lips. He did not want anything or anyone to spoil the child's surprise.

* * * * *

Sar had been granted his wish sooner than he expected. He settled himself into a sitting position and watched his Senisa with the woman. Sub-Commander T'Pol had not woken. Carefully Trip had undressed her and deposited her clothes along with his and Sar's in the disposal receptacle. They would not get these clothes back. They would be destroyed to reduce still further the chance of any accidental infection by viruses, bacteria or air born spores. Just because the environment was another ship not a planet did not mean it would be free of germs. The hot humid atmosphere of the waste disposal would be a perfect breeding ground for any number of noxious cultures.

The Commander sat on the floor and gently stroked T'Pol's face, his eyes fixed on her with an intensity which Sar found moving. He took in the Sub-Commander's features and could tell by the way his friend was attending her that he loved the Vulcan very much. It warmed his heart on many levels. He hoped those feelings were returned. He could not bear to think of his Senisa being unhappy. Surely the universe would not be so cruel? After the first hour, the Sub-Commander began to stir. Trip broke off his quiet conversation with Sar to check on her. She blinked slowly, looking up at the ceiling and trying to work out where she was. What had happened? Why it was not dark any more.

"Hey, how're ya feelin'?"

The voice. *That* voice. *His* voice. T'Pol turned her head and froze as she looked at him. It was really him. He was actually there with her. Not a dream after all. She tried to wet parched lips. Trip had nothing to give her, felt ashamed that he had not thought of that. She was struggling to sit up. Alarmed to find herself naked but to his amusement she adapted quickly. Perhaps it was the fact that he and Sar were also naked that had been the deciding factor? "How did you find me?" She whispered dryly.

Trip helped her to sit then sat beside her. His hand holding hers for just a moment longer than was necessary. She missed his touch the moment he let her go but said nothing. Right now she needed information not distraction. Instinctively he knew that. He reached for a couple of pots of decontamination gel. Handed one to Sar and nodded for him to work in into his skin. "I had the Naausican ship searched."

An eyebrow rose. He watched her trying to wet her lips and leaned in closer. "Want some help with that?" He whispered.

Transfixed by his proximity she nodded. Wondering what he would do. With a soft smile on his lips he leaned in even closer, his breath drifting across her face bringing his scent to her. She found his presence intoxicating. His eyes never leaving hers. She could not look away from him. Would rather die than be without him. When had her feelings for this most irrational of Humans become so strong? He seemed to move in slow motion, allowing her ample time to draw back or forestall him with a single word if she chose to do so. T'Pol did not move, her eyes fixed on his in a silent dialogue that fascinated Sar. Trip dipped his head and swiped his tongue slowly across her dry lips. They parted slowly, her eyes locked on his. He took the invitation for what it was and kissed her gently, stroking the contours of her mouth with his tongue and letting his own saliva lubricate the inside of her mouth. She sighed against him. Slid a hand up and around the back of his neck and drew him closer.

He forgot all about the gel. All about where they were. There was only T'Pol. The kiss deepened. His heart beating a tattoo that sang out her name. Her touch electric, her breath a fire that raced through his veins like an aphrodisiac and made him tremble with a myriad of emotions. Something in his brain roused him out of his stupor. Reluctantly he eased out of the kiss. The heart stopping moment almost killed him.


"Yes, Commander?"

He paused, was tempted to shake his head to become coherent again but managed to desist. It took a moment longer to find clarity. It would take forever to still the lightening that flashed inside him and sent him into orbit every time they touched. He licked his lips unconsciously and held up the pot of gel. "We have to put this on, darlin'. Gotta make sure no nasty microbes make it passed decon."

She stared at him for a moment then realised where they were. Sub-Commander T'Pol blinked then turned her head and noticed they were not alone. She did not act startled but took in Sar's presence as calmly as if it were natural for him to be there. Trip gave a little chuckle and watched her turn back to look at him, a single elegant eyebrow arching up in query. Trip lathed some gel on his hands and while he began to rub it into his chest and biceps, handed the pot to her as he explained. Automatically she took the pot, her fingers brushing his and sending little jolts of electricity up his arm and into every single nerve in his body.

"This is my friend Sar. He came with us to the Naausican ship where I found you."

"He is Volaran."

Trip's smile broadened. "There's just no foolin' ya is there, T'Pol?"

She gave the Volaran a measured look then inclined her head respectfully. "It is an honour to meet you Sar. Thank you for assisting Commander Tucker."

Sar smiled and gave her a solemn bow. Liked her instantly. Respect and amusement danced in eyes of gold. His voice was deep, resonant and strangely melodic. The gentle rumble of his words were pleasant to her sensitive ears. She tilted her head and saw many things in the deep amber depths of his eyes. "The honour is mine, Sub-Commander. As in all things, my Senisa has chosen well."

That elicited two raised brows. Her surprise making Trip want to whip her up in his arms and hug her but it was too soon and he had learnt to be a patient man. Patient and faithful. If T'Pol were ever to be his she would have to come to him. On her terms or not at all. After all that Koss had put her through he had no intention of taking advantage of her vulnerability. Would not trade on their friendship in matters of the heart. She was too precious to him. Sar was glistening from the gel. Trip had almost finished doing his front. T'Pol had yet to anoint herself. Trip gently nudged her hand. "C'mon, Sub-Commander. As soon as ya finish the front I'll rub some on your back."

She looked at him, her eyes intense fires that immolated him making him feel as horny as hell. He flushed slightly, only belatedly remembering to breathe. He turned away and looked at Sar. The big man sitting as patient as a mountain. "C'mon Sar, stand up and turn round. I'll do ya back then ya can do mine."

Amused, the big man stood up and turned round. Trip smiled at T'Pol then stood up and began to rub gel into Sar's back, his own back now to the Vulcan Sub-Commander. T'Pol began to anoint herself, her eyes on Trip. Watching the movement of his muscles play across his back as he worked the gel all over Sar. He was thorough, his movements unhurried as if he had done this a thousand times before. She was not to know that he had. That they had anointed each other daily at the end of their shifts down the mine. Each taking care of the other. An oath of allegiance spelt out in actions not words. He was talking now. His gentle voice soft and happy. A sound she could listen to until the last star fell from the sky. Now why did she think fanciful thoughts like that? As if such a thing would ever happen. When he finished, Trip turned and felt the big man's hands begin to apply the gel to his back, slowly massaging it into the back of his neck and eliciting a small moan of pleasure from Trip as he closed his eyes. "God, that feels good Sar. Really hits those tight muscles."

Sar smiled. T'Pol stared, transfixed. She found herself getting turned on watching them. Her eyes glued to Trip's expression of bliss. His muscles were tight, bunched. He let Sar work the knots out of them, unaware of the effect it was having on the Vulcan Sub-Commander. The lick of desire stirring in her belly like a volcanic heat. She wanted him. Desired him as she had desired no other. As she watched her hands traveled over her own body, the gel gliding and glistening over her ample breasts, the nipples hardening into shiny round pebbles. Her breath deep and even but feeling the heat. Breathing the fire. Trip opened his eyes and found himself staring at an arousing sight. T'Pol looked like a bitch on heat. His breath caught, became ragged. If Sar noticed he was too gallant to comment. He continued to massage the gel into the Commander's back, now working down his spine and rolling outward. Taking his time to work out every knot and massage the gel right into his muscles. Trip did not have to look down at himself to know that he was rock hard. There was no hiding anything when you were buck naked. No missing the signals T'Pol was giving off either.


His voice was husky. She closed the distance gracefully, her hands now on his chest, gliding over him. His groan deepened. It was too much and not enough. He tried to hang on to his control.

"T'Pol, we can't. You can't..."

Her hands swept over his pectorals, teased back and forth across his nipples, her eyes liquid pools of want and need that he could drown in. Dark with desire. Oh God, he *was* drowning.

"It's too soon, T'Pol." He whispered gently. Voice aching. But even to his own ears it sounded like he was begging her not to stop. Was this real? Was he dreaming?

Then her head tilted, a hand touched his cheek. Sparks skittered under the pads of her fingertips and electrified him. Her thoughts to his thoughts, her mind to his mind, her need to his need. A flash of lightening struck and ignited him. All his nerves fired at once, her lips on his, her hands touching him in ways he had only ever dreamt about. His response was automatic. His body already hers and she knew it. They made love slowly. Even in the heat of passion he was anxious not to hurt her, to cause pain or discomfort. He had an idea of what Koss had done but it was still a shock when she guided his gentle hands and felt the tear. He sucked in a deep breath, anger breaking the mood until she coaxed him with her hands, her lips, her aching need driving her to sequester what she needed from him. Something only he could give. There were tears in his eyes. It would hurt her. More importantly *he* would hurt her.

"Heal me, Trip."

Had she spoken aloud or into his mind? He could not tell. His anguished eyes searched hers. She kissed him gently, took his hand and slid it slowly down her slick belly. Guided him between the fleshy folds of her sex, her fingers taking his inside her. Showing him what she wanted, what she needed. He felt again the area of damage and how wet she was. How ready for him. She kissed his tears, rocked against him then slid her other hand down to hold him. "I don't want to hurt ya, darlin'. We should let the doc..."

"I promise to see Dr Phlox afterwards." She all but cooed.

Her voice was soft and sultry. Combined with her proximity and what she was doing to him there was no way he could deny her. Still he felt the need for reassurance. "Are ya sure, T'Pol?"

She nodded. Loving him more by the minute. Seeing how deeply he cared for her. How much love he was truly capable of. It was a revelation. A relief. A gift she intended to repay in full measure. She wanted him. Needed him. Would have him. He would heal her. Her fingers urged his into a dancing rhythm, now gently teasing her nub and exciting the bundle of nerves that rubbed back into his tender ministrations. Her kiss on him deepened, his eyes closed in ecstasy, her hand took him higher. Sar watched in peaceful satisfaction. Sure now that this woman was the only true mate for his Senisa. The one being in the unversed who could make his friend happy. The one fashioned to be his mate. A big happy smile washed over his face then lingered as he thought about Kai. A boy should have a mother and father. A man should have a wife. A wife a husband who would love and honour her. Family. His broad smile became a grin of pure happiness. He watched as Trip gently guided T'Pol down on the bench. His limbs lapping hers as her patience gave way to driving need. Her hand tugging on him so tightly it was almost painful.

A shudder ran through him. Her legs parted and lifted, wrapped round him to draw him in, her hand caressed his slit, mixing his precum with the gel so that her thumb glided back and forth across the sensitive head. He gasped at the sensation, heightened and making him throb. The blood thrumming up his engorged penis, the heat warming her hand as she titilated him further. He leaked into her gifted hand. She teased the tip back and forth across the opening to her moist haven, he groaned and tried to hold on. Let her set the pace. Go as far as she needed. But it was hard. Becoming painful to hold back. Beads of perspiration ran down his face like raindrops on a window pane. She raised her head and licked his face, inhaled his rich musky scent, her own fragrance budding into flower as her orgasmed against his fingers. Oh God he needed to be inside her. Needed it more than the air he breathed. She was his air. His food. His water. The saviour of his soul. The keeper of his heart.

T'Pol licked his lips. His eyes were closed. She watched the tension on his face, knew he was close to breaking point. Savoured his control. His gift to her. She loved him so much, never more than at the precise moment she drew him to her and thrust upward with her hips, the joint action of hands and body impaling herself on him and bringing him deep inside her molten core. He gasped, groaned and felt her welcoming muscles engulf him, drawing him in deeper and deeper, her legs clasped tight around him, leg muscles flexing while her interior muscles flexed around his shaft making him tremble then thrust in aching sweeps of contact that made her moan with pleasure beneath him. He was dying. No. He was reborn. Then her teeth were on his nipple, her clenching muscles drawing his pumping rhythm to fever pitch. They rocked and strained and increased the feeling of every inch of motion until she spasmed hard against him snapping his spine and releasing his orgasm deep inside her. She held on to him and met him thrust for thrust, her teeth now biting into his shoulder, the sharp pain so remote he hardly felt it. Slowly the thrusts petered out. Spent he sagged against her. She held him so tenderly, recovered much quicker than he. Kissed his sweaty face and wiped the damp hair from his eyes. She saw the tears on his cheek and kissed them dry. Her hands cradled his face, her love was divine. He had died and gone to Heaven but T'Pol had gone one step further. She had come home.

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Half a dozen of you have made comments

Boy, am I glad I didn't read *that* in a public place. Great stuff - can't wait for the next bit.

That was so HOT!!! lovely and sexy and so perfect.

The final lines *sniff* oh yes!

Ummmmm what are they going to do when they remember Sar?!?!? hahahahaha

Oh Phlox you are so cool!

I love the bond between all the crew you draw for us. Thanks!

*Sniffle.* Happy, happy tears.

This was beautiful. I maintain that it will take some catastrophic event to force T and T to acknowledge how they obviously feel. . . and your story captures that very well.

But is Koss really dead . . .? Hmmm. I await more anxiously.

hot damn, what a chapter!!! but you gotta love 'em keep goin with the story, t'pol's gotta meet kai!
artemis moonshine

Nice. Please keep this going a few chapters more. ;-)

Whew! Is it getting hot in here??? I have read all your stories and loved everyone of them. They have been very well written and this story is no exception. Keep up the good work.