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Fragile-Part 19

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "The Sub-Commander's parents visit. Decisions are made and Captain Archer learns something very disturbing."
DISLCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 19


* * * * *

The record was reviewed in total silence. The darkness cloaking the brooding figure. The compressed transmission replayed, frame by frame poured over with a cold obsession. Over and over the images were viewed, each detail enhanced for focus. Dark eyes watched the way the Human acted with the Vulcan. Care and something more intimate implied by every look and touch. The Vulcan responded in limited functionality but it was obvious the man was known to her and she to him. Fury burned like frostbite. The images were advanced slowly until the Human turned his face in the gloom and was caught in the hidden lens. It was a face he would long remember.

One of his companions stirred. "It would be a mistake to follow."

"I am not afraid."

"That," Said the voice that was passionless as the grave. "Is the second mistake."

Silence. Time passed. He enlarged the image, the better to burn it into his mind. Then in a blink the record was switched off. "Destroy it."

A pause. Confusion now. "Destroy it?"

"It has served its' purpose."

A tremor of lips compressed to keep them still. "We should go back."

"No. Go if you must but I go on."

"I cannot leave you."


"You know that."

A pause. "Yes."

The single emotionless word was another tie. "This is a mistake." The companion repeated so softly that it could have been a echo of a light wind. Both knew the words had trapped them.

"No one takes what is mine."

* * * * *

The Captain was happy to see Trip. Had worried that with his new responsibilities distance would form between them that could never be crossed. He did not want to lose his friend or their friendship. He was also worried about his friend's obvious affection for the Vulcan Sub-Commander. He sucked in a breath and pushed that to the back of his mind. One problem at a time. It was all he could handle right now. He was still getting used to Trip's adopted son and his Volaran friends, though truth to tell they had all adapted to life aboard the Earth star ship much better than he would have thought.

"It's good to see you, Commander. Come in."

Trip smiled and stepped into the Captain's quarters. The Captain was still in his uniform. Had gone back to his quarters to freshen up briefly not rest. It was the first time Trip had a chance to talk privately with him since Volara. Volara. That was almost a year ago now. The place was a mixed blessing in Trip's mind. He could see the Captain still had issues not least of all was his own sense of guilt. "How're ya doin', Jon?"

Captain Archer looked so surprised that Trip laughed. His eyes kind and thoughtful. A glaze of concern in them as he watched the play of emotions on his Captain's face. "I'm fine, Trip. More to the point how are you doing?"

A huge expansive smile lit up the Commander's face. The Captain looked at him in awe. How did he do it? How did this irreverent, joyful, affable man manage to light every place with his presence in such an honest and inexplicable way? No matter what was happening, what he and crew faced, Trip always lightened the Captain's heart simply by being there. Sharing it with him. He knew most of the crew felt the same way but if he was to ask 82 members of his crew why he would get 82 different reasons back. Amazing. How did he do it?

"Ya didn't answer my question."

"You didn't answer mine." Came the amused response.

"I asked first."

The Captain sighed, admitting defeat. He did not have a lot of time but some things needed to be said and now was as good a time as any. Lt Reed was meeting the dignitaries so a few minutes with a friend was not too much to allow. Trip sat on the chair by the desk and watched as the Captain pottered about in the tiny fridge to grab a couple of bottles of beer. He popped the cap off one and handed it to Trip then did the same with his own. He took a long slow swig, watching Trip over the curve of the bottle. The action giving him a couple of seconds to think through his reply. "I can't stop thinking how much I messed up if you must know."

Trip nodded. It was as he thought. He cradled the beer in his hands not yet drinking it. "Ya made a mistake that's all. Happens even to the best of us."

A smile tugged at the Captain's lips. "And you would be *the best of us*?"

Trip laughed and saluted him with his bottle. Tipped it towards his lips and took a shallow sip. "Now you're catchin' on but I said *us*. That's you and me."

His friend swallowed hard. Felt a burn of shame. Trip continued before the Captain could externalise his angst.

"No need to crucify yourself, Jon." He said softly. "I don't blame ya for what happened. Hell, I should even thank ya!"

The Captain frowned at him, startled. Trip smiled. So happy. A deep content coming off him in waves. "It's my fault, Trip."

"Yeah, but if it hadn't'a happened I would never have met Sar. Never have found Kai." He paused and looked at the stars out of the window. Each one he counted was another blessing. His look was gentle, so filled with quiet awe, that the Captain was mesmerised. "Ya gave me somethin' so precious, Jon, I don't think I'll ever find the words to thank ya."

"You just did."

Trip looked at him and chuckled. A light flush of pleasure adding to the peaceful content on his face. "Yeah, I guess I did." He paused, took a slow sip of his beer. "Thanks anyway."

The Captain grinned. Happy for his friend. "Any time, Trip."

Silence settled between them. Trip had something he wanted to say and was not quite sure how to say it. How to keep his feet on the ground while explaining to the Captain how much his feelings for the Sub-Commander had changed. How much he wanted to make that change permanent. The Captain was also thinking about the Sub-Commander but his thoughts were darker. They depressed his heart in ways that might never see daylight again. He did not want to do or say anything to take away his friend's happy mood. But neither could the words be left unsaid. Commander Tucker realised that the Captain had something else on his mind. "Okay, you're happy to see me, so why do you look like ya just got a ticket to the firin' squad?"

"Trip, the Vulcan ship carrying T'Pol's parents is here. Saveth and T'Vrel are transporting over even as we speak."

He sucked in a quick breath. Well. That was not totally unexpected. He had just hoped to have more time. "They are? I thought we had a coupla days at least?"

"I guess Vulcans can be as impatient as Humans at times."

He thought about that and nodded. If he had thought Kai was dead then heard he had been rescued and was alive he would be pretty impatient too. It made him feel good that those starchy parents thought enough of T'Pol to hot foot it to Enterprise as fast as they could get passage to do so. He smiled again and drained the last of his beer. The Captain took the bottle and put both empties on the top of the fridge. "Trip?"


"I don't know quite how to say this."

"Then just spit it out. Ya shouldn't be able to miss from this distance."

He looked at the Commander with pained eyes. How could he joke like that? "T'Pol's parents said they want to take T'Pol back with them."

All the colour drained from Trip's face. He looked stunned. "What? Why the hell would they wanna do that?"

"I don't know, maybe they're being over protective after all that happened with Koss."

Anger now began to replace shock. "Over protective my ass!"


"Don't Commander me, Cap'n." He fumed. "Ya know as well as I do that there isn't enough warmth in those two to defrost an ice cube."

"You don't know that, Trip. Remember when T'Pol first came aboard Enterprise we thought she was the same. You even put it a lot less politely as I recall."

Trip flushed. "Yeah, well I didn't know her then."

The Captain patted his shoulder and turned him to face the door. The clock was already ticking. "Come on Commander, time to put your professional face on and do the meet and greet."

"I'm not sure I wanna see them just yet."

"Well they want to see you."

That made him pause. Instantly suspicious. Captain Archer gently but firmly shoved his friend through the door and lengthened his stride forcing him to pick up his pace just to keep up. "They do? Why?"

"Maybe they want to thank you for saving their daughter's life? This doesn't have to be the end of the world, Trip. Relax. Hear what they have to say first."

"An' T'Pol?"

"I contacted her a couple of seconds before you got here and asked her to meet us in the transporter room."

Trip closed his eyes briefly. Prayed fervently to any deity who would listen that his life was not about to turn to rat shit. He had planned out exactly what he was going to do next and then the Universal Party Poopers - the Vulcans - had to go and drop their bombshell. He felt all the happiness squash out of him, his mood darkening by the minute. The Captain looked at his friend and tried not to worry. When they reached the transporter room T'Pol's parents were already there. Captain Archer cursed them for not taking a shuttlepod. It would at least have given him a couple of valuable minutes to try to calm things down before they got here. No chance of that. He noticed Sub-Commander T'Pol looked almost grey. This was not good.

"My name is Captain Jonathan Archer, you must be Saveth and T'Vrel. I am very happy to meet you. Welcome aboard Enterprise."

Saveth slowly arched an eyebrow. Trip wondered how the hell the Vulcans managed to make the simple raising of an eyebrow such a sarcastic act. He had obviously been around T'Pol too long. T'Pol's father gave the Captain a solemn nod. "I am Saveth. My wife T'Vrel and I have been most anxious for our daughter." For just a second his look actually seemed to soften slightly. Trip felt his anger diminish somewhat but was still wary. T'Vrel gave the Captain a more gracious nod. Trip could not be sure but he thought he detected a faint hint of amusement in her eyes. He looked across at T'Pol. She looked strained, her back ramrod straight, her hands grasped behind her as she tried to attain inner calm. Studiously not looking at him.

"We wish to thank you and your crew for finding our daughter." Continued her father.

The Captain was smiling, bobbing his head in amiable agreement. It was beginning to embarrass Trip. He saw Saveth's jaw twitch slightly and realised the Vulcan was trying to hide his irritation. "Sub-Commander T'Pol is a valued member of this crew, Saveth. I'm just happy my Chief Engineer got to her in time. Why don't we go to the Captain's dining room and make ourselves comfortable?"

Saveth resisted the urge to huff in frustration. A tiny glance at his wife eased the grim line reducing his expression to a hairline crack where his lips were so compressed. It made Trip want to laugh but he did not dare. Maybe this would not be so bad after all? They turned to follow the Captain and Saveth, and as they did so T'Vrel briefly met Trip's eyes. He could see she was openly laughing now. Not on her face, in the set of her lips, but in the liquid depths of eyes that so mirrored T'Pol's that he felt a tug of amusement on his own lips. An odd lightening of the heart as if he had found an unexpected ally. Then they had fallen into step behind the Captain and the Commander was left to bring up the rear. Not that he minded. He was all eyes and ears now. Gently he reached out a hand and touched T'Pol's clasped ones. He felt something rigid in her relax just a fraction. He stroked the inside of her right wrist and the hand opened so he could give her fingers a light squeeze before letting go. The hands resumed their clasp but he was relieved to see less evidence of strain.

Once they were all safely ensconced in the Captain's dining room, Captain Archer seemed to relax. Not so the Vulcans. Trip could tell T'Pol's father was impatient with this mummery but it was the Captain's call not his. The Steward brought tea and sparkling water. Saveth politely declined but both T'Pol and her mother accepted the tea. Trip poured himself a glass of cool water. The Captain was babbling happily about how proud he was of T'Pol. How much he had come to rely on her. Trip took a long slow breath and concentrated on looking down at his glass of water. After a couple of minutes he felt eyes on him. Looking up he saw that Saveth was looking directly at him. He felt a light flush creep up his cheeks but did not look away. Let him gawp all he wanted. He had nothing to be ashamed of. The Captain was coming to the end of his resume.

"...and that's when we got word from Commander Tucker that your daughter was on the vessel."

When no one spoke, the Captain shifted awkwardly in his seat.

"The Commander refused to give up until we found the Sub-Commander."

"Yes," Said T'Vren dryly. "I have noticed your Commander can be very insistent."

Captain Archer could not tell if that was a compliment or a criticism. "He is a very competent engineer and one of my most trusted officers."

"Captain," Said Saveth in a quiet but firm voice. "You do not need to describe your Commander's skills or qualities. I judge by what I see. Hear. Witness. Not by what I am told. Words can be misleading."

For a long moment T'Pol's father just looked at Trip. He refused to say anything, to break eye contact or fidget. If the man was looking to start a quarrel with him he would have to throw the first insult. Let him start it if that was what he wanted, he would be more than happy to finish it. Not that he wanted to fight with T'Pol's father but he was not going to kow-tow to him either.

"We are grateful to you, Commander Tucker. You do not appear to be a man who gives up easily."

"Not about the things that matter, Saveth."

The Vulcan gave the slightest of nods. "Our daughter has been through much. We will take her back with us and she will experience Kohlinar. The cleansing and meditation will help her. She will heal."

"Excuse me for interruptin' ya, Savel, but that's a nice little fantasy. I just don't happen to buy into it."

Both eyebrows rose on the Vulcan's face. Captain Archer held his breath and resisted the urge to close his eyes. *Damn you Trip, you're supposed to play nice*. The Vulcans were ignoring the Captain now. T'Pol's parents were both looking at Trip, but T'Pol herself kept her eyes downcast, her hands folded in front of her as if she were doing penance.

"Kohlinar is the traditional anodyne."

"I don't doubt ya mean well, sir, and if I was a Vulcan I might even appreciate the gesture but I'm Human and my people respect free will. Now if the Sub-Commander *wishes* to leave Enterprise, *wants* to go home and bury herself in some ancient tradition that'll wipe her mind clean so she can start with a fresh slate that's up to her. But I don't hold with anyone forcin' anyone else to walk a path they don't wanna walk. Whether she's your daughter or not ya ought to respect her enough to let her make up her own mind." He paused a full half second. "No offence intended."

Something sparked in Saveth's eyes but it was so quick Trip could not be sure what it was. "Perhaps it is time to tell us what your connection is to T'Pol, Commander? Forgive me for being equally blunt but you seem to have a self-appointed vested interest."

"Ya could say that. I know I'll prob'bly raise ten kinds of hell for shooting my mouth off but the truth is the truth an' if I'm gonna be crucified for somethin' it might as well be for what I believe in." Trip paused to look at T'Pol. She was still looking down at her hands. He was careful not to touch her, willing her instead to look up. As if reading his thoughts she did just that and for a second their eyes met and he allowed a soft ghost of a smile to brush his lips as his eyes held hers. T'Pol seemed to garner strength from him and did not look down again. He looked at Saveth then T'Vrel. His expression serious again. You could have heard a pin drop. "I don't know how or when it happened but over the time your daughter has been with us I've become very fond of her." He paused. "Very fond. An' now I know those feelin's are more than just friendship. More than just bein' colleagues and crew members. I respect the hell out of your daughter. But I love her a whole lot more."

He felt more than heard the gasp from T'Pol's mother. He did not dare to look at his Captain, imagining only too well the murderous scowl that would be on his face. Angry at him for plunging them right into controversy. Well damn controversy to hell. He was not a diplomat. Not a politician. He was an engineer and a damn good one. Plus he was an honest man. Let the Vulcans pick the bones out of that. If the Captain did not like it he could discipline him afterwards but he was not going to back down. Not walk away from a truth that needed shouting from the rooftops.

"Commander," Said Saveth quietly. "You claim to respect my daughter. Love her even more than that. You also say you believe in free will. Is that a correct summation of your position?"

Trip nodded. "Yes sir, it is."

"What would you do if my daughter decided to come with us and undertake Kohlinar?"

It took an effort to hide the pain that momentarily wracked his heart. A contraction of sorrow that would destroy him more effectively than anything else. "I would honour her decision, sir."

"Even if it meant being parted from her forever?" Asked her father very softly.

Trip fought back the urge to cry. The truth after all, was the truth. "Yes, sir. Even if it broke my heart in so many pieces it could never be whole again."

Captain Archer slowly began to clear his throat. Saveth held up a hand to prevent him saying anything. His eyes glued to the Commander's face. "You would accept my daughter's decision?"


He turned to his daughter. Looked deep into her eyes and saw something there that he had only seen once before in his entire life. Had he not heard the frank admission from the young man sitting across from him he might have doubted the veracity of their desire for each other. Yet words still had to be said. "T'Pol? How do you say? Will you come home with us?"

She shook her head. Her expression firm and resolute. "No, father."

"Will you undertake Kohlinar?"


For the first time since boarding Enterprise he looked troubled. "Daughter, you need to heal. To put what happened with Koss behind you."

"Only one thing can heal me, father, and he is sitting at this table with me. He is beside me now and that is where I want him to be for as long as I live."

His head tilted, his look so focused on her that no one else might have been in the room. "Do you love him, T'Pol? This irreverent Human?"

A half smile bowed her lips. It surprised and delighted Trip to pieces. He found himself smiling gently at her, eyes for no one else but her. She was looking at her father, her look intense. "Yes. I love him more than the air I breathe. If I am parted from him it will not simply break my heart." She paused and turned her head to look at Trip. "My life will be worthless. Empty." She looked at her father and mother. Solemn again. "I want to be with Commander Tucker more than anything I have ever wanted before."

"He is Human." Said her mother softly.

T'Pol met her mother's eyes and gave that smile again. She reached out to Trip and took his hand in hers. Letting her fingers slowly entwine in his as if that act alone would bind them for eternity. "Yes, he is Human but he is *my* Human."

* * * * *

The detonation sequence mattered not. By the time all the charges went off there was nothing left of the stricken Naausican vessel. Hours later a shift in perspective and a change in spatial co-ordinates and the Vulcan vessel was observed changing course. Enterprise did not continue its' journey until the Vulcan vessel was out of sight. Only a ripple in the stars belied the passage of the smaller vessel. When Enterprise went to warp the ripple in space followed them.

* * * * *

Captain Archer blew his cheeks out and spun round to glare at Commander Tucker. "What the *hell* did you think you were pulling back there, Commander?"

Trip straightened but did not look repentant. "Just tellin' the truth, Cap'n."

"The truth?" He seethed. More angry that he could remember being in a long time. That it was his best friend causing it just made it worse in his own mind. "The truth, Commander, is that the Vulcan High Command may still decide to recall the Sub-Commander. As for Starfleet I dread to think how they're going to react."

"Beggin' your pardon, Cap'n, but what does it have to do with them?"

The Captain looked at him askance. They were in the Captain's quarters. T'Pol had gone to meditate but the Captain had not even begun to read Trip the riot act. "I can't believe you just said that, Trip! You know what's at stake here. We cannot afford an incident between Starfleet and the Vulcans."

"Cap'n, people fall in love every day."

He nodded. "Yes, I know and if this were Earth I would handing out the invitations to the wedding but it's not. We're on the frontier out here Trip and what we do today will resonate for many years to come. We can't afford to mess it up before we even hit first base."

"What are ya suggestin'?"

The Captain took a deep breath. "Cool things down for a while, Trip. Let's see what happens before we make any decision we may all live to regret."

"I should tell ya up front, I'm not gonna give her up Cap'n."

"Perhaps it won't come to that, Trip. Leave it with me for now. I'll contact Admiral Forrest in the morning."

"Do ya have to?"

"Yes, Trip, I do." He paused and took a couple of deep breaths. When he looked at Trip again he seemed calmer. "In the meantime go and get some rest."

"Thanks, Cap'n."

"Don't thank me yet, Trip. You crossed a line today. Just make sure we don't have this conversation again because if we do I'm going to sling your ass in the brig and throw away the key!"

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Four of you have made comments

Oh so much to like in this part and well Jon at the end was not one bit of it! Loved T'Pol's mom.


Keep it coming and fast please.

I wonder what Archer is going to do? What will he say to the admiral? How much of a badguy are you going to make him out to be? I love T'Pol's parents, especially her mom. And that line, he's my Human. Just great! Keep it coming!

Universal party poopers - the Vulcans. I loved it!

Great chapter, and don't they make a lovely couple. After thinking I wouldn't like T'Pol's parents, they turned out just to want what was best for her, like any human parent.

The watchers in the small alien vessel sound like BIG trouble for OMT...

Post again, soon, pleeeeaaase.

T'Pol smiled! Break out the champers (Pats, heh heh). OK, not making a whole lot of sense, but meh...

Anyway, my point is, that rocked! And I reckon it'll still rock next time. I guess they'll have to cool things off anyway, since T'Pol's got to heal and everything. And the mystery builds...

Can't wait for the next bit. Great stuff!