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Fragile-Part 20

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

Written by Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "Commander Tucker is taken to task. The Sub-Commander begins to realise just how much she has taken on. Meanwhile danger stalks unseen."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 20


* * * * *

Admiral Forest did not look pleased. "This will have massive repercussions right up the chain of command, Captain."

Captain Jonathan Archer dipped his head just a little. Ashamed that it was one of his most trusted and highly valued crew members that had brought this bone of contention between their Vulcan allies and Starfleet. A bright shining future now looked marred. He bit back his urge to storm out and throttle his Chief Engineer.

"You say the Sub-Commander refuses to return to the Vulcan homeworld?"

He nodded. Angry and miserable in equal measure. "Yes, sir. Sub-Commander T'Pol refuses to be parted from Commander Tucker."

The Admiral paused as if choosing his next words with great care. "The Vulcan High Command is most displeased. The Vulcan Science Directorate has made a number of high level protests as well."

He jerked his head higher. That last piece of information was news to him. "The Vulcan Science Directorate?" He frowned. "What does any of this have to do with them, sir?"

"The Sub-Commander is a Science Officer. The Vulcan Science Directorate sponsored her commission to Enterprise. In other words, Captain, they have a vested interest in the Sub-Commander's position on this ship. Her appointment was pivotal in gaining their agreement to help shepherd our first tentative steps into space. Without that backing Enterprise would still be on the drawing board. Perhaps for decades before this chance came again. I have no words to tell you how much damage has been done."

"Sir, I can assure this will not happen again."

Anger flared on the Admiral's face. An emotion he fought hard to hold in check if only because of his long friendship with Jonathan Archer and the affection and respect in which he held his father, Henry Archer. It took effort to speak calmly. His words coming out in tense expellations of bitten off words that conveyed his mix of emotions better than their content. "That it happened at all may be enough!"

A dread silence fell. After a minute or two the Admiral shifted in his chair and spoke again.

"You do intend to punish him?"

The Captain swallowed and nodded. "Suspension of his rank, withdrawal of officer's privileges and confining him to his quarters are the first things that come to mind."

The Admiral shook his head. "That won't work."

Startled the Captain stared at his Admiral for a moment. "I'm not sure I understand sir. We abolished corporal punishment a long time ago."

"You are missing the point, Jon. This isn't the first time your head strong Chief Engineer has got you *and* Enterprise into trouble. This time he's dragged Starfleet along with him."

"Sir, I think you're blowing this a little out of proportion..."

Anger flashed in the Admiral's eyes. He cut the Captain off abruptly. "Don't you dare try to defend him! I know Commander Tucker is your friend. Against my better judgement I endorsed him as your Chief of Engineering. I thought he was too young. Too inexperienced. You thought the sun shone out of his..."

"Admiral!" Exclaimed the Captain. Shocked.

A grim little smile settled on the Admiral's face. "As I was saying, you thought the sun shone out of his mouth every time he spoke." He watched the Captain let out a sigh and carried on. "Never could find fault with his ability to speak first and think later. That was when he thought at all. I am now beginning to doubt he has the ability to do that correctly."

The Captain just stared at the screen. This was going even worse that he had anticipated.

"Initially he must serve a month in the brig. No visitors. No special privileges..."

"He'll go crazy."

"Good." Snapped the Admiral, eyes fixed on the Captain's. For a moment the silence held them fast like quick setting glue. "He has to learn a lesson and it has to hurt or it will be worse than not reprimanding him at all." He paused. "And as I said, that is initially."

The Captain's mouth went dry. "Initially?" He felt his palms begin to sweat. Not sure he wanted to hear the Admiral's answer.

"Yes. He may or may not have to face a court martial or military tribunal for conduct unbecoming an officer and for bringing Starfleet into disrepute. It all depends on the Vulcans."

"Sir. This could break him."

"He should have thought of that before he stepped over the line."

"It's not like either he or the Sub-Commander planned this, sir."

"I know, Captain, and that is the only saving grace in this entire mess. There are some in Starfleet that think we should skip the niceties altogether and just string him up and be done with it." He broke off and sighed. The Captain now able to see just how tired the man was. He was not the only one who had been losing sleep over this matter.

"What about Sub-Commander T'Pol?"

"What about her? She's a Vulcan. How can she complain? They don't have anything as illogical as emotions."

The Captain resisted the urge to correct his Admiral. It was the Sub-Commander's emotions that had helped fuel his best friend's actions propelling them all towards the path of self destruction. It was strange but as deep and onerous a pile of shit as this was turning out to be, he had experienced a slow surge of pride mixed with the anger, disappointment and sheer frustration of what had happened when Trip had stood up to T'Pol's parents and declared his love for her. The unequivocal way T'Pol had refused to go home or embrace the Kohlinar had put paid to any suspicions that might have lingered in his mind about the frivolity of their actions. Part of him wanted to cheer and wish them well but the greater part of him was still wrestling with his anger. Now it seemed even the punishment meted out to Trip would be levied from Starfleet. Then of course there was Trip's adopted son, Kai. How in hell was he going to be able to explain to the child why he was incarcerating his father in a cell for loving a Vulcan? Oh Lord. When Trip messed up he re-wrote the book on what happened when the shit hit the fan.

* * * * *

Sub-Commander T'Pol could not believe the events of the last few hours. She sat in her quarters staring at the wall. He sat on a chair by her desk. Looked so pale and drawn but his eyes still shone with that inner fire she had grown to love so irrationally. How had it ever gone this far? She closed her eyes wearily. Opening them again when a gentle hand touched her face. He had crossed the space that separated them and was kneeling facing her where she sat on her bed. Her eyes opened and locked on to his. Hers' dull, his gleaming with promises unspoken and love enduring. An air of desolation slumped her shoulders. Her face sagged in weary resignation. His face was upturned to catch every flicker of emotion that insinuated itself into the fleeting shadows of her face. God how he loved her. How his heart craved to make everything right. He would break himself into pieces for the crow's to eat if he could spare her a fraction of the pain that she had suffered. Not just his own ill conceived actions but even those of that hideous man Koss.

"Darlin', I'm so sorry to put ya through this."

She said nothing. He brushed the side of her face gently with his hand, his eyes looking right into her anguished soul. He smiled slightly at a memory. "Ya know, I like your parents, T'Pol."

A flicker of surprise animated the flat planes of her liquid depths. "You do not know them."

He nodded, still stroking her cheek. "I know but I saw that twinkle in your mom's eyes and the way your father spoke made me realise they love ya near as much as I do."

"That is illogical. You have no idea how much they love me."

Impossibly he grinned, leaned close enough to brush his lips gently to hers. He felt her shudder go right through him. Like stepping on a live wire as a train approached. "I don't need to know, T'Pol. I could see it in their eyes. Hear it in their voices. Your father could have demanded ya go back and ya would have had to go. Refusal or no refusal."

She arched an eyebrow in surprise. He smiled gently. A heart full of love shining back at her.

"I've been readin' up on Vulcans."

"We are both less complicated and not so simple as you imagine."

"I know and that gives me hope, darlin'."


"Oh yeah." He closed in for another kiss, pulling back gently to watch her face. "That crack in their armour? That might just be the start of a glimmer of true understanding of what it is to be Human and why Vulcans shouldn't fear us but embrace what we are as they encourage us to embrace what they are."

"We do not fear you."

He wanted to hug her to his heart. To love her until the universe had gone cold and every star in the sky had fallen to dust. "Honey, we'll get through this I promise."

Looking into his eyes she finally allowed herself to believe. He stood slowly, aiming a crooked smile at her that rebounded off the walls of her heart leaving dents the shape of the man she loved.

"Try an' get some sleep, T'Pol. We'll talk more tomorrow."

Her left hand reached out and closed over his right wrist. She raised her other hand and slid it around his waist. Her hands drawing him closer, his eyes following her every movement. He had wanted to go and check on Kai. Explain that he would get to meet T'Pol later. But she had other ideas. "Come to bed, Ashayam."

His eyebrows rose. "D'ya think that's wise darlin' given how much we've contaminated everythin' we've touched so far?"

She had tugged his hands and coaxed him to stand only inches from her. He began to kneel but she shook her head. He paused. Her hands slid around to the front of his jumpsuit and pulled the zip all the way down the front while she scooted to sit on the edge of the bed. "Once contaminated we can do no further harm."

Trip shivered slightly, one of her hands now sliding up under the fabric of his Starfleet issue vest while the other gently stroked downwards to caress him through the thin material. She could feel him hardening to her touch, his face expressing everything he felt so vividly and fascinating her. T'Pol swiped her tongue across his lips and watched them glisten as they parted. She blew gently into his mouth surprising him. "What was that for?"

"I spoke to Dr. Phlox."

"Oh yeah?"

She nodded and began to tease her tongue into his mouth, pulling back slightly every time he tried to kiss her. "Yes. He said I needed to heal but said that we could still pleasure each other without full penetration."

He was grinning widely now. Wondering what she had in mind and how the hell he could thank the doctor afterwards. If he survived for there to *be* an afterwards. "What d'ya have in mind?"

A sinfully wicked look surfaced the dark depths of her eyes. A deep well giving up its' secrets only reluctantly. "He spoke of sexual *toys* we could employ..."

Trip laughed outright. So surprised by her answer and amazingly turned on by the images her words fired off in his brain. Nah. She would never do any of the things his fevered sex-starved brain was imagining. She had almost finished undressing him. His jumpsuit round his ankles, his shorts quickly joining them. He tottered on one foot while she undid his shoes and removed both shoes and socks. Then her hands were sliding up his legs, making erotic little detours that had him biting his bottom lip and closing his eyes. He almost came before she got as far as removing his vest. "Uh T'Pol, what toys?"

The vest went the way of the rest of his clothing. She paused. Tilted her head at him and licked her lips slowly, wanting him to watch her every movement. "I think we should avoid any more misunderstandings between Humans and Vulcans."

He began to frown, wondering what the hell she was alluding to when a half smile formed on her lips mesmerising him.

"In the interests of interspecies relations, Commander, I feel it best if I show you what I mean..."

She began to stroke him between the legs, her hand gliding at first gently up and down the length of his growing erection. He moaned at the pleasure of her touch, closed his eyes to concentrate on a semblance of control. T'Pol used her free hand to dip into a small tub the doctor had given her. She rubbed it gently into his foreskin, not for a moment slackening the rhythm of her hand. His groan deepened and his eyes shot open in shock and a deep stir of arousal so hot it almost burned. "God T'Pol, what the HELL is that?"

She licked the crease inside his left hip, a circular motion of her tongue that was driving him crazy. "The doctor called it Spanish Fly."

"Oh shit!" He groaned, beginning to leak heavily from his salty slit, her tongue flicking out to wash gently back and forth over the sensitive head. "I am so screwed."

A flicker of mischief sparkled in her eyes as she worked on him mercilessly. "If you insist."

He was beginning to buck uncontrollably into her gifted mouth. Her suction augmented by the things she was now doing to him with her hands. Oh God. He just knew he was not going to survive until morning.

* * * * *

Sar was getting more and more restless. He did not like this. He should be with his Senisa but An-aga was right. This problem with the Vulcans had to be sorted out and for love of his friend he would do nothing to make matters worse for him but it did not stop the Volaran from worrying. He sat next to the sleeping child. Knew Kai had struggled to stay awake so that he could meet the Vulcan Sub-Commander, already predisposed to loving her for Trip's sake. Sleep now engulfed him and sitting slumped in the chair beside the biobed Sarsa slept too. He smiled and his eyes caught An-aga looking gently back at him across the bed. "Do you really think Trip is with her?"

An-aga smiled softly. No doubt in her mind. "Yes. It is where I would want to be if someone tried to part us."

"But the Vulcans have gone."

"Yes, but only T'Pol's parents. Who knows what their rulers may demand?"

Sar nodded, a feeling of unhappiness washing over his gentle heart. "I will not let them interfere."

"Beloved husband, some things you must let Trip do for himself."

"I will not let them hurt him."

She paused, wanting to reassure her mate but also caution him. "Captain Archer is a good man. He will not allow the Vulcans to hurt his friend."

Sar was not so sure. "He is the Captain, An-aga, and sometimes the friend gets lost in the politics of command. I do not like the thought that he may not fight for my Senisa. That a sacrifice may be made to expedience. A sop to appease something that should not be appeased."

"Hush, Sar, and be at peace. At least let us wait to speak to Trip."

A sigh heaved out of the deepest pit of the Volaran's soul. He did not like this air of tension. This doom hanging over his friend and threatening to snatch away his happiness. If the Captain failed to protect his friend Sar knew he would never forgive him. But he did not say as much to An-aga. She was a peacemaker. Troubled waters caused her pain and he would not hurt his soul mate for anything.

The other side of the curtain Dr Phlox was quietly attending to his exotic menagerie. Unwittingly he had overheard every word. He had faith in the Captain to do his best for all concern but he worried as well. He had never known a human to be such a lightening rod for trouble as Commander Tucker. It was not that he was a bad man. Quite the contrary. His good nature and naiveté seemed to conspire against the affable Chief Engineer in ways that almost made him think the universe perverse. Then his thoughts turned to the Vulcan Sub-Commander. A huge smile distorted his face into an expression impossible for a human to match. His eyes glittering with humour as he recalled the conversation they had shared earlier. If the Sub-Commander only tried a fraction of the sexual aids he had given her - complete with explanatory and graphic videos - the Commander would be too shattered physically and sexually to apprehend distress. Perhaps the workout would achieve what no amount of psychiatrists could and smooth the rocky path that surely lay ahead of them. He resisted the urge to chuckle and hoped that someday they would let him watch. The videos had certainly titillated his interest and he was curious to find out if Humans and Vulcans had the flexibility to attain coitus in some of the positions on the tapes. It would be most instructive, from a purely professional viewpoint, to have the point clarified by direct observation.

* * * * *

He awoke sore but happy. It felt as if T'Pol had caressed, excited, penetrated, coaxed, titillated and sucked every orifice and crease in his body. Erotic images assailed him even before his eyes opened from the exhaustion of a body pushed to its' limits. He was not complaining. She had been a revelation. Insatiable in her insistence on trying new things and he was the guinea pig. A soft chuckle made his ribs ache. Her hand quivered on his chest with the vibration, his lips dusting a kiss upon her sleeping brow. She looked so beautiful. So peaceful. He resisted the urge to shake his head in stunned disbelief at the things she had done to him and the things she had asked him to do to her. Where he was utterly gentle, using only his tongue, mouth and hands. T'Pol had embraced the myriad of objects and lotions Dr Phlox had entrusted her with. She had managed to become most accomplished at enticing him to produce ejaculate quicker than he had ever dreamt possible. A cycle of coital exploration had left him drained and breathless but so excited and sensitised that he kept coming for her over and over again as she played with his erogenous zones and experimented with levels of ecstasy that would have killed a lesser man.

Still tired he could not sleep. A couple of hours and he was wide awake and feeling horny again. He tried to hold back the groan, feeling his penis harden as he thought about what they had been doing. His body trembled and T'Pol stirred. He froze. Guilty and excited. He loved her so much, wanted her to rest and have the most beautiful dreams. Another side of him wanted to ram her senseless. Fill every last cell of her body with his seed. Stupid but so damn erotic. He smiled at her and brushed a kiss to her lips, almost jumping when a hand cupped his erection and began to caress him again. His breath caught. Her eyes flickered open and fastened on his face. He groaned softly, slick with perspiration, aroused again and painful with need. Her hand formed a ring around his shaft and he rocked back and forth through it, her fingers riding his sheath. The Spanish Fly worked so deep into his foreskin that the prickly heat of it gave him no rest from the desire to perform. Her touch lighting him up so completely he had no control over his body. He was hers in every way it was possible to imagine. His deep drawn out groan made her shiver with pleasure.


"Sssh, Ashayam. Let me love you."

"I want to do somethin' for ya, darlin'."

"You already are."

"Uh," He paused to moan into her mouth as she kissed him. "I can't help feelin' I'm gettin' the better end of the bargain."

"When I am healed it will be your turn to 'return the favour' as you would say."

He chuckled softly and kissed her ear, his tongue gently flicking out to outline the delicate shell that made her keen with such pleasure that he could almost get off on that alone. "Darlin', I think it's time to add a little variety."

She snorted. "Was four hours of variety not enough for you, Commander?"

He kissed the tip of her nose making her frown. Her expression amused him as if annoyed that he could miss her lips when they were this close. "I wanna pleasure you as you pleasure me."

"You already do."

"No, ya don't understand."

She paused, confused. Waiting for him to explain. He kissed her properly then explained that he was going to turn around so that he would be lying on top of her but head to toe. She could see no reason for the foolish position until he gently eased her legs apart and began to kiss her between the legs. Her eyes widened in shocked surprise. Her mouth opening in a pleased smile when she realised she could suck him off while he did the same for her. A surge of want and need pooled in her belly. His tongue now dipping into her folds, kissing and caressing and licking her. Such delicious feelings racing through her as he teased her sex. T'Pol wanted to throw back her head and yell but decided to busy herself in returning the favour. Settling in she used her teeth more this time, enjoying the way he would jerk as she gently nipped at the base of his shaft. Oh yes, she could get used to this. A hiccough surprised her as she orgasmed against his busy tongue, her hand on him gripping harder. His moaning spurring her on to dizzy heights that left them both breathless again and again.

At last they were sated though little aftershocks kept rocking Trips' body. "T'Pol?"

She shifted in his arms, both now the same way up so they could gaze lovingly into each other's eyes. "Yes, beloved?"

"Uh, did Dr. Phlox say how long this stuff would take to wear off?"

She shook her head, a gentle smile teasing her lips and making him wonder if he was imagining all this. "No. Why?"

"Um, I don't wanna worry ya but I'm gettin' hard again."

She laughed lightly, enjoying the look on his face. "Do you want to sleep, Ashayam?"

"Would it make any difference if I did?"

She heard the weariness in his voice though he tried to hide it, keep his voice light. At last she took pity on him. Gently kissing the rivers of sweat from his neck and face. "The doctor also gave me something to ease the hypersensitivity so you can sleep."

"He did huh?"

"Yes, Ashayam. He did."

He pulled back enough to look at her expression. "How come ya didn't tell me last night?"

She kissed him gently. Luxuriated in his gentle arms. Loved him more with each passing moment shared. He was so precious to her. "It must have slipped my mind."

He laughed and hugged her. Oh that was a good one. "T'Pol, did I ever tell ya how sneaky ya are?"

"Vulcans are not sneaky, Commander."

He chuckled and kissed her hair, hugging her close to his heart. "Just rub it in, darlin', rub it in. I have to at least appear to be awake when I go see the Cap'n in a few hours time."

Obediently T'Pol did as she was told. Minutes later watching him fall asleep in her arms, the steady beat of his heart as precious to her as he was. T'Pol kissed his face gently, her lips alighting on his closed eyelids, his cheeks, his lips. Soft acts of worship before her body draped around his in utter content and rejoiced to have him sleep in her warmth. Eyes grazing his sleeping form lovingly. Her heart so full that no words could describe how he made her feel. Her touch on him was tender, possessive. Carefully her hand cradled the side of his face, the fingers settling into the contact points, her mind joining with his. A meeting of like minds, souls joining, hearts rejoicing. To have found a love like this was miracle enough. To enclose him forever in the cradle of her heart was her one obsession. As she joined him in bonded sleep, a soft smile curved her sombre lips. Even though her parents had made their token resistance to this mating, something told her that her mother at least approved.

* * * * *

The hour before dawn. On Earth. Planet side. Was just another hour in space. No up. No down. No sunrise. No sunset. Yet the body clock was a regulator of days as well as nights. Trip stirred in that still hour but did not wake. T'Pol asleep in his arms. A ripple flowed around the star ship. Closing in. Something drifted through the superstructure. An invisible wave quartered the ship. Slow. Methodical. Seeking. When Lt. Reed was roused from his slumber it was two hours before his duty shift was due to start. He yawned, showered quickly and went to present himself as ordered to the Captain. Captain Archer looked like he had hardly slept. His eyes shadowed, his mood solemn. The Lieutenant felt his heart miss a beat.

"You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Yes, Lieutenant. I want you to find Commander Tucker and bring him here."

"May I ask why, sir?"

The Captain gave him a look of surprise. "You will know when he does. I expect you to have him here within the hour."

"Yes, sir."

He watched the Armoury Officer leave and gave a deep heavy sigh, one hand running through his hair. Some days it sucked to be Captain. By the time this day was over, it would suck even more to be Trip Tucker.

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Half a dozen of you have made comments

No..not more trouble...please, please, please let there be a happy ending - eventually.

ah come on seriously! can't we have at least one happy endin? and we gotta get rid of that koss! oh and one more thing, can we at least have sar kick some ass and kai meet t'pol?

artemis moonshine

Definitely something ominous on the horizon! I love the way you hint at more and cast that shadow! This is great, Alison. I am waiting anxiously for more! Thanks!

Oh my... things are going to get unhappy and soon around here!

Keep it coming. Please.

Phlox, Phlox, Phlox... what a creation you've made with T'Pol.

Another great chapter, you just keep churning them out!

I loved the line about Trip being a lightening rod for trouble.

And Phlox is a kinky boy!

But poor Trip, being sent to the brig for a month!!! How will he survive without t'Pol, and vice versa? And what of Sar and Kai?

I can hardly bear to wait, but I guess I'll have to.

I love this line: "He stood slowly, aiming a crooked smile at her that rebounded off the walls of her heart leaving dents the shape of the man she loved."
You have such a way with words, Ali. Thanks for this amazing story. It keeps taking unexpected twists and I'm loving it.