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Fragile-Part 23

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

Written by Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html
SUMMARY: "A bargain made with the Devil proves fraught with many dangers. Lt. Reed decides it is time to confront the Captain."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 23


* * * * *

The darkness was relieved by a cold light. The shadow wore a cloak with the hood up. A quiet entry to show respect. Eyes that made even the darkness tremble locked on the hooded face and waited.

"You have him?"

"Of course."

"I wish to see him."

"First I would know your purpose."

The hooded figure appeared disturbed. Not used to being questioned but knowing the power here lay in other hands. "I have told you all you need to know. He is mine."

"No. You told us what you want. Not why."

The figure shifted. Uneasy. "It is a private thing."

"Not now."


"No. You will speak of this reason or you will leave empty handed."

A hissed breath. Anger. The scent of betrayal rich in his nostrils. Emotions so volatile that it took seconds for him to school his breath. "Why do you need to know?"

"Because of you."


"We wield the ancient wisdom. The hidden truths. The darkest of secrets. You would warp them to your own design."

A brief pause. Then a quiet considering tone. "How am I different from you?"

A dry harsh sound made his skin crawl with dread. "You are as different as a sightless speck of dust trying to fathom the meaning of eternity."

"If you meant to deny me this why did you take him?"

"In part not whole."

A longer pause. "I do not understand."

"That is why we must know."

"He took what was mine."

"What did he take?"

Another hiss. Now pain as well as anger. Poorly managed it leaked from his every breath like poison from a hunter's arrow. "My t'hy'la."


"I have told you all you need to know. He is mine."



"If you will not answer perhaps he will."

The hooded figure lapsed into a silence so utter that only the soft slap of the robe against his leg could be heard in the darkness.

* * * * *

Lt. Malcolm Reed was feeling happier than he had since taking the Commander into custody. He knew Hoshi's PADD would cheer his friend up. As he approached the brig he nodded to the crewman on duty who stepped back to allow him to pass. Trip was lying flat out on the preformed bench. So still and calm in repose. A message PADD lay on the floor beside his bench, his hands on his chest. The Lieutenant smiled and hesitated. Reluctant to disturb him. After everything that had happened perhaps it was best to let his friend sleep while he could. Quietly he stepped into his cell and picked up the message PADD, replacing it with the one Hoshi had given him. "Sleep well, my friend."

He paused only to watch the rise and fall of the Commander's chest. Reassure himself that all was well. A slight smile dusted his sensitive features. Affection and gentle concern on his face. With a little sigh he turned and left as quietly as he had come. He paused by the crewman on duty watch.

"See that the Commander is not disturbed. I will return in the morning to check on him."

"Yes, sir."

As he was exiting the corridor he ran into the Captain. His expression stiffened slightly but he managed to remain polite if a little cool. "Captain."

Captain Archer hesitated. Suddenly nervous. "How is he?"


A look of disappointment was replaced by a faint look of relief. He caught the Lieutenant's eye and flushed slightly. Embarrassed. "Oh. Perhaps I should come back later?"

"That would be a good idea, Captain."

He glanced sharply at the Armoury Officer but his expression was closed giving nothing away. "I'll do that then."

He turned to walk away then hesitated when the Lieutenant did not immediately follow him. "Malcolm?"

"Yes, sir?"

"I think we should talk."

A brief awkward pause followed. "It is late, Captain, and I was intending to get some sleep."

More embarrassment. Reluctantly Captain Archer nodded. "Tomorrow then."

"Yes," Murmured the Lieutenant in a non-committal voice. "Tomorrow."

* * * * *

The boy was excited. Impatiently he sat on the biobed while Dr Phlox shone a light in his eyes then photographed the retina to check for residual damage. The scars were healing nicely. Sight was almost fully restored now. The boy fidgeted, hardly daring to breathe in case he missed a single word from the doctor's lips. "Hmm, good." The doctor paused and beamed at him. "Your eyes are almost fully healed, Kai. I am happy to be able to say you may dispense with the glasses."

A huge smile poured over the boy's face. Sarsa clutched his hand and squeezed it. An-aga looked at the Denobulan with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, doctor!"

He smiled happily back. "My pleasure, An-aga." He paused and glanced towards the door just as Sub-Commander T'Pol entered. "I thought Sar would be with you?"

"He needed some time alone."

"Ah." *Still upset about the Commander then* thought the doctor.

Kai grinned at T'Pol. "I don't have to wear the glasses any more!"

She smiled and stood beside Sarsa. The hint of a smile on her lips. "That is good. How do you feel?"

"I want to see my father."

Anxious looks were exchanged. "Not now, Kai."

A suspicious look came into his eyes. T'Pol was fascinated by the clear quality of the gold. More like amber. "Why? What's wrong?"

An-aga spoke before anyone else could say anything. "Rest now Kai and all will be explained tomorrow."

"I will see Trip then?"

"Sleep first." An-aga chided gently, coaxing him to lie down as she pulled the covers up. "Questions tomorrow."

He yawned. He was feeling pretty tired. Travis had carried him around the ship on his shoulders making him laugh with glee at his antics and stories. It seemed everywhere they went they saw laughing faces. So many people wanted to meet him, show him things, that it was not until he came back to sickbay that he realised he had seen nothing of Trip. Then the doctor had done a thorough examination of his eyes while Travis went back on duty on the bridge. If he had not been so worn out he would have argued but it was simply easier to give a tired nod and do as he was told. After all, these were his father's friends therefore his friends. And Sarsa still had her hand in his. It comforted him. He gave another yawn. T'Pol brushed the hair out of his face and rested her cool hand on his forehead for just a moment. He decided he liked it.

"Sleep Kai. We will watch over you."

* * * * *

The pain was fragmentary. A fleeting obstruction to his limited view of life. Why was it so dark in here? What did they not want him to see? "Where am I?" He croaked. His throat so dry. So sore. Why was it so sore? Then he remembered. He had been screaming.

"You will answer our questions."

"Who are you?"

"Your name is Commander Tucker of the starship Enterprise."

No answer.

"You will respond."

Trip blinked eyes that scratched they were so dry. What had happened to his tear ducts? Then he remembered how he had cried. When the pain had become so unbearable he wept even in his fevered sleep. "Why d'ya wanna know if ya already know the answer?"

"Yes or no."

"Yeah, I'm Tucker."

"You have taken something that does not belong to you."

He was confused. What were they talking about? Did they think he was a thief? A criminal? "No, I haven't."

"There is one who disagrees."



"What did I take?"

"His t'hy'la."

Trip fell silent. T'hy'la? What the hell was that? He rolled the word around inside his head. It sounded vaguely familiar to his dulled senses. "Is that Vulcan?"

A pause. "Yes."

"What's it mean?"

Another longer pause. "It refers to a bonded mate. True love."

His eyes widened, anger surfaced. "I didn't steal anythin'. If you're talkin' about T'Pol then come right out and say so!"

"The Vulcan. What is she to you?"

"I love her."

"She is promised to another."

Pieces clicked inside his brain. Fury rose to light the way. "That sniveling', cowardly bastard Koss! He put ya up to this?"

"Answer. She was promised to another?"

He tried to fight but he could not even sit up. It was almost as if he had no body to control but that was nonsense. He felt weary, a slow aching pain drugging him. His will to resist fading. Was this death? "Yeah. Vulcan kids are subject to arranged marriages." He mumbled sadly. "They don't have a choice. Their parents arrange ev'ythin'."

"Then you stole her?"

He revived a little at the allegation. "No! We fell in love." His voice trailed off. So weary now.

"This Vulcan, you claim she loves you?"

"Yeah. Don't claim it. Know it." His voice trailed off again. "Fact..." He slurred, eyes closing.

They watched him sleep. At last one of them spoke. None had moved out of the chamber. "He spoke truth. We must give him up."

"The other is hiding something."

"That is not our concern."


A silence ensued. None counted its' duration. For them time was meaningless. A cold hand reached out and touched the human's sleeping face. Facsimile or not the touch was felt. The form shivered. Distant bones were chilled. "You sound reluctant."

"We will watch."

"He wants to kill him."


"No. I think not."

"Not kill him?"

"There is more in that one's eyes. A hunger that does not sleep."

"What does he want?"

"He will keep this one alive the better to torment him."


"The other is weak."


"This one is strong."

"Have you not got that the wrong way round?"

"No. Being bound does not weaken you. Being free does not make you strong."

"What accomplishes these things?"

"One thing only. In this universe and beyond."



A long long silence deepened the darkness of their thoughts. Then. "We cannot interfere."

"Then we will watch."


"To learn the truth."

"It is not our concern."

"Not yet"


"We must seek out the lies."

"You believe this Human?"

"I do not know."

"He spoke in pain."

"Pain is truth."

A long silence. A less sure voice. "Not always."


"No." The disembodied voice sounded almost sad. "Sometimes pain is just pain."

* * * * *

Lt Malcolm Reed was tired. It had been another draining and exasperating day. He was surprised and more than a little annoyed therefore to find someone waiting for him when he got to his quarters. As the shape moved he jumped back in surprise. The light caught a silent face and his heart missed a beat. Surprise turning to swift concern. "Sar! What the bloody hell are you doing here and how did you get in my quarters?"

"I come because you are a friend. My Senisa trusts you."

Despite how late it was Malcolm could not turn him away. The raw misery in the big man's eyes tore at his heart. "God Sar, you almost frightened the living shit out of me."

"I need your help."

"Sar, I can't interfere. The Captain's orders..."

Sar shook his head and put a gentle hand on the Lieutenant's shoulder. "You do not understand. I am not talking about the Commander."

He was so surprised that he just stared for a moment at the big man. His brain refusing to process words that made no sense. "You're not?"

"No. We are in danger."

Malcolm stared at him for a moment then shook his head. "I don't have the foggiest idea what you're talking about but I can assure you that if we were in danger I'd know about it."

"No, my friend, you would not."

For a long moment the two just stared at each other. Then Malcolm gave a deep troubled sigh. "I think, Sar, you'd better tell me everything. From the beginning."

* * * * *

Sub-Commander T'Pol sat with Kai for four hours before she was gently roused by An-aga's kindly hand. Her eyes flickered open wearily. She looked at the boy. He was sleeping peacefully. An-aga smiled. "Go and rest, T'Pol. I will watch him now."

T'Pol started to shake her head but the Volaran woman was adamant.

"You will be of no use to Kai if you do not rest."

She hesitated. "I did not think..." Her voice trailed off. Alarmed at what she had been about to say.

"The boy has grown fond of you too, T'Pol." She said softly.

T'Pol frowned. "That is not what I meant to say."

"Sleep, T'Pol. We will all be better prepared for the new day if we are rested."

For a moment it looked like the Vulcan would argue but she could not fault the Volaran's logic or her plain common sense. "I will rest and return in the morning." She paused. "Where is Sarsa?"


"And Sar? I have not seen him all day."

"He needed to be alone. To think."

A lone eyebrow rose. The query mute but understood. An-aga watched the Vulcan leave then settled herself down in the chair beside Kai's biobed.

Sub-Commander T'Pol made a detour to the mess hall and got herself a mug of chamomile tea. The place was empty. Quietly she made her way back to her room but even before the door had fully opened she knew she was no longer alone. She took a reflexive step back. Half asleep she was not as quick or sharp as she would otherwise have been. A hand flashed out and grabbed her quickly. Dragging the startled Vulcan into her quarters. The door swishing shut behind her just as a strong hand clamped over her mouth. The syringe at her neck rendering her unconscious before her frantic heart could take another beat.

* * * * *

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One person has made comments

Yeah, I knew that sneaky snake Koss would appear again.
What's he got in store for Trip and T'Pol? Nothing good, I imagine.
Once again a superlative piece of writing, keeping us just the right side of the cliff-hanger, panting for more..........