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Fragile-Part 24

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

Written by Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "Sub-Commander T'Pol has a close call but not as close as Trip."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 24


* * * * *

Lt. Reed was running. Inexplicable as it was he believed Sar without reservation. They did not attempt to be quiet. Stealth could not aid them only speed. The Lieutenant already had his phase pistol out when they reached the Sub-Commander's quarters. He skidded to a halt next to the keylock but before he could enter the emergency over ride code Sar swept passed him and simply took the door out. He stared for a split second. Torn between anger at the damage caused and being impressed by the efficiency of the man's brute strength. He quickly recalled Sar's brief instructions and threw the glass ball he had been given only moments before into the open quarters, the thin glass shattering to relieve its' contents as he ran in after his friend.

The smoky mist from the globe revealed a cloaked figure half in and half out of the bulkhead. Sub-Commander T'Pol was unconscious. Her limp form held in a firm grasp, one leg already disappearing through the metal. Sar grabbed the figure and yanked back with such speed and strength that both the cloaked figure and T'Pol fell back into the Vulcan's quarters. Immediately Sar threw back the hood while Lt Reed disarmed the man. He did not seem surprised to see a very pissed off Vulcan staring daggers back at them. Sar resisted the urge to wring the man's neck, his huge hands immoblising the spitting figure. "Lt. Reed, find the control device."

"Right." He paused. "What does it look like?"

"Something this piece of krakna should not have."

The Armoury Officer quickly checked T'Pol's pulse and was relieved to find it strong and steady. She merely appeared to be unconscious. Then he began to systematically pat down the Vulcan intruder. As he worked he looked sideways at Sar. "What does krakna mean?"

The Volaran's jaw twitched slightly but his eyes were still angry. "It means foul smelling effluent."

"Oh. Shit."

The suppressed smile flared briefly on the Volaran's serious face. "Yes. Shit."

The Lieutenant's hand touched on something in a hidden pocket. He withdrew a strange looking object. "Is this it?"

Sar nodded. The Vulcan had gone completely pale. Eyes staring at the device. "You have no idea what you are doing." He spat angrily. "Let me go! I merely want what is mine."

"What is that?" Said Lt. Reed, his voice deceptively mild as he turned the object over in his hands.

"My t'hy'la."

The Lieutenant gave him a blank look. "Your what?"

The Vulcan jerked his head towards T'Pol. "My t'hy'la. My mate."

Realisation swept over Malcolm's face and his face darkened as the pieces began to slot together. The picture they made was not pretty. He looked at him in horror. "You are Koss?"

A sneer distorted the wide mouth making his expression ugly. "Yes."

"Then you must have faked your own death." It was a statement not a question.

"It was easy. I have friends on Vulcan."

Sar was furious. Lt. Reed began to circle their captive slowly. His look full of distain and distaste. His voice dripping with icy calm. Cold and controlled. "Friends? You mean fellow criminals like you."

"I am no criminal." Koss spat back. "If you want to blame someone blame that meddling engineer of yours. Not that it will do him any good."

A quick look passed between Malcolm and Sar. The Volaran lifted Koss off his feet by his neck, his fingers tightening just enough to make air the most precious commodity the Vulcan had. The Armoury Officer stepped up close to the choking man. A hair's breadth from letting Sar snap his neck. After all, how could you kill a man who was already dead? "What do you mean it will not do Commander Tucker any good?"

There was a gagging sound. Malcolm looked at Sar and nodded for him to loosen his hold a little. Reluctantly he complied. "You come too late!" Koss hissed.

The Lieutenant quickly placed a restraining hand on Sar's forearm. He did not want the little shit's life squeezed out of him before he found out what he was talking about. "No, you are the one who came too late. The Commander is quite well and safe. Unlike you."

To his consternation Koss began to laugh. His breath wheezing with the effort though a smile twisted his features in ways that made the hair on the back on Malcolm's neck stand on end. The Lieutenant's eyes narrowed. "I hardly think your impending death a laughing matter."

Koss controlled himself with difficulty. This was just too delicious. "You think he is safe? Think again."

Lt. Reed straightened a little. "He is somewhere you cannot touch him."

"I don't have to."

Without waiting for word from the Armoury Officer, Sar began to squeeze again. He gave the odious Vulcan a hard shake for good measure, the mean eyes rattling a little in their sockets as they bulged. Breath labouring, face darkening with lack of oxygen. When Sar relaxed his fingers enough to allow a thin leakage of air into protesting lungs Koss was no longer laughing.

Lt. Malcolm Reed pressed his face to within an inch of the Vulcan's. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, if I am not released your precious Commander will die."

*He could be bluffing*. Thought the Armoury Officer. Then he looked down at the inert form of the Vulcan Sub-Commander and felt a shiver of dread go through him. He had seen both Koss and the Vulcan Sub-Commander in the process of literally stepping through the walls of the ship into what would have been the dark vacuum of space. Without the globe Sar had given him they would have remained invisible and undetectable. He did not like to think what would have happened if Sar had not been with him. Losing the Commander would be unbearable but how would he ever be able to explain losing the Sub-Commander to his friend? If one survived and not the other the agony would be beyond enduring for all those who remained. Nothing made sense and yet there was a dark pattern forming. An insidious logic that sent slivers of dread into the depths of his heart. If he had hesitated. Stopped to quarrel with Sar or demand further explanation. He cut off the dark train of his thoughts. The very notion of coming too late made him shudder inside. His certainty in the Commander's well being was now thoroughly shaken. He had to know. Even if it made him look weak. He stepped over to the com. "Captain?"

"Yes, Lieutenant?"

"We have a situation. Can you come to the Sub-Commander's quarters and ask Dr. Phlox to join you?"

There was a note of alarm in the Captain's voice. "What's going on? Is the Sub-Commander ill?"

The Lieutenant was giving their prisoner a wary look. "Not exactly, Captain. Let's just say I do not want to discuss this over an open com channel."

"I'm on my way."

"And Captain?"

"Yes, Lieutenant?"

"I think it might be advisable to send someone to check on Commander Tucker."

Before the Captain could say anything back he cut the com. He wanted this over with as quickly as possible. Before he lost complete control and did something they might all live to regret.

The Captain had no idea what he would be walking into. Quickly he ordered a couple of security officers to go down and check on Trip then commed the doctor to tell him to meet him at Sub-Commander T'Pol's quarters immediately. Ensign Hoshi Sato and Travis Mayweather exchanged worried looks but the Captain ignored them leaving an unsettling air of uncertainty behind him on the bridge. He intended to stop off at the armoury on his way.

* * * * *

Commander Tucker did not understand the questions. Why pain was radiating from him on levels that went beyond anything he had ever experienced before. Part of his brain wondered how that was possible without passing out but the thought was drowned out by static. Something insidious creeping around inside his consciousness and setting off every alarm bell he had. Panic was the least of it.

"You will tell us what we want to know."

He knew he had no way of resisting yet still he tried to struggle. "Why? Why should I co-operate?"

"You prefer death?"

That was funny. Oh yeah, Rocky Horror Show funny. "Ya mean I'm not dead already?"

"Commander," Said a much darker intonation. Shivers ran through him. All levity put to death in a single word. "The creature that brought us here demands your soul."

"Who? Who demands it?"

"First you must answer us. Speak true for a single lie will damn you."

He thought of being facetious but he just did not have it in him to fight any more. He was so tired. So sore and weary in mind, body and soul. Soul. It sounded like someone had already been making deals with the Devil. Was this Hell? Sure felt like it. "What d'ya wanna know?"

"The Vulcan. T'Pol."

His heart missed a beat. "What does she have to do with this?"

"You claim to love her. Claim she loves you."

"Yeah, so what of it?"

"She was betrothed to another. This you admit."

"That's true but she didn't wanna marry him. Decided to stay with us."


God he was so damn tired. Every word was an effort. Pain his only companion yet he still had clarity of thought. How warped was that? Shouldn't sweet oblivion be beckoning right about now? "Yeah," His words were beginning to slur. "On Enterprise."

"Your ship?"

"Yeah. My ship."

"This is a Human vessel?"


For a moment there was blessed silence. His eyes began to close. The relief was powerful but short lived. A sharp pain shot through him as if he had been electrocuted. His eyes opened in a spasm of agony. It vanished but the afterimage burned in his mind, injured his thoughts. Made him shaky. His world quicksand.

"The one who claims you wants vengeance."

It made no sense to Trip. Vengeance? What for? "I don't un'erstan'."

Something stirred in him. His mind became clearer. The tide of pain held back. Thoughts flowed more easily. What had they done? Pumped him with pain killers or just stopped the torture? He could not tell the difference. Had no sensation in his body but pain. The absence of it, if only for a second, was like having one foot in Heaven. "He has come to claim her."

A memory stirred in his back brain. "Koss is dead." He mumbled.

Silence. They read his truth and were disturbed. "No."

Trip blinked. That could not be right. He had to have misheard them. T'Pol's parents had broken the news to him themselves. "No?"

"Koss is not dead." Truth percolated through the membranes of their conjoined minds. "You were deceived."

* * * * *

The Captain met up with Dr Phlox in the corridor outside Sub-Commander T'Pol's quarters just as a com unit called him. Only the urgency of the man's voice propelled him to hit the button on the wall and answer it. Damn it, he did not need any more distractions. "Archer, what is it?"

"It's the Commander, Captain." The Ensign paused a fraction. He sounded shaken. "We can't wake him and his body is icy cold."

Captain Archer's face paled and he looked at the doctor. "Is he breathing, Ensign?"

Ensign Matthews' voice came back slowly. As if willing himself to be calm. "Yes, sir, but its' real slow and low if you know what I mean?"

Damn! He was torn between a desire to get to his friend and the need to find out what the hell had happened to the Sub-Commander. Dr Phlox took the decision out of his hands. His voice quiet, calm and practical. His look one of compassion but firm. "Captain, we are already outside the Sub-Commander's quarters. I suggest we quickly assess the situation here then go to the aid of Commander Tucker."

The Captain nodded. He activated the com again. "Ensign Matthews, you are to stay with the Commander. I want the brig sealed to non essential personnel until we get there. You are to monitor the Commander's lifesigns as best you can and alert me if there is any change in the meantime."

"Yes, sir."

"Archer out."

The Captain looked at Dr Phlox, steeled himself and drew his phase pistol. He nodded, the Denobulan activated the door release and they stepped inside. What they saw completely took them by surprise. Dr Phlox hurried over to the unconscious Vulcan and immediately began to check her lifesigns. Captain Archer frowned as he re-holstered his phase pistol. "Lt Reed, do you mind telling me what the hell is going on?"

* * * * *

Another kind of pain assaulted him. He had no tears left but still he wept. "Oh God, T'Pol. Have to save T'Pol. He's gonna go after her."

"She is his t'hy'la."

Trip tried to shake his head. He could only roll it weakly side to side. "No, she never bonded with him."

Shock. "They are not bonded? Mate to mate?"


"How is this so?"

"She doesn't love him. She loves me."

"Vulcans do not bond with Humans."

"I know." He paused. So tired. "We didn't intend to fall in love..."

The words trailed off. They let his eyes close. Let darkness hold him hostage as he slept. Thoughts conferring, disturbed that they had been used. "The Other lied to us."

"He lied to all."

"We are no longer bound."

"What of this one?"

"We must hold him in thrall."

"He speaks truth. His Human mind is not strong enough to prevent our knowing."

"Keep him apart."

"What of the Other?"

"First we must find the woman."

"The Vulcan?"



A pause. "To confirm or deny this one's story."

"And if he speaks true?"

"The Other must die."

"What if the Other is right?"

Another pause. "Then this one will never go home."

"We will kill him?"



"He is an engineer. He may be useful."

"He will resist us."

"Not when we have taken him apart and rebuilt him."

A longer pause.

"I do not like the Other."

"Even so we must not decide until we have the female. Her voice will be heard."

"And if she lies to us?"

"Then neither shall have her."

"A harsh judgment."

"As is all simple truth."

A sigh. "You are troubled?"

"These beings are weak."


"Why do we trouble with them?"

"Patience. We did not learn the thousand imaginings of dying spirits by being hasty."

"They are specks of dust to us."

"Yes, but sentient dust."

"Ah. Sentient."


"Their naked thoughts betray them."


"If nurtured can evolve."

A very long pause. Time meant nothing to them. They watched the Human sleep. His consciousness exhausted. They replenished his energy source with their own. Implacable judges they took no sides. Thought unraveled at its' own pace. Justice was eternal.

* * * * *

Kai was beyond impatient. An-aga tried unsuccessfully to calm him down.

"I want my father. What has happened?"

"Kai, there are many things you have to understand."

He looked at Sarsa. The little girl was looking down at her hands. He frowned. His joy in sight diminished by the growing fear that something was wrong. Something his closest friends had been keeping from him. It hurt. But not as much as Trip's absence. "Where's Trip? Why can't I see my father?"

An-aga decided he needed to be told the truth. She took his hand in hers, a gentle look on her face. Her voice pitched to calm and soothe him though she suspected it would achieve neither. "You know that Trip and T'Pol are Human and Vulcan?" He nodded. "The Humans have judged that Trip must be punished for disobeying them and choosing to be with a Vulcan. The Vulcans are also angry and demanding that he be punished."

Fear rose like lightening bolts in the boy's eyes. An-Aga stopped him from speaking so that she could continue.

"The Captain had no choice Kai, but to place Commander Tucker in the brig as a punishment."

He searched her eyes carefully. Was that all? He was unhurt? Still on Enterprise? "How long must he stay there?"

She stroked his hair gently. "A month."

His eyes widened. A month? A *whole* month? He tried to stay calm. "But I can see him, can't I?" He took the harmonica out of his pocket, eyes pleading with hers. "I can play to him, can't I?"

She shook her head gently. How do you explain to a child the concept of solitary confinement? Especially to a child whose life had consisted of nothing else until the Commander had rescued him from his lonely exile? "No, but we are allowed to send messages to him, Kai. Trip will read our messages then record messages back to us. The PADDs will let us keep in touch with him."

He scowled. Not understanding. "Why can't I see him?"

An-aga sighed. Sarsa stole a glance at Kai through her lashes, head down turned so he would not see. "Maybe later but not just yet. The Captain has to make sure he does not upset either Starfleet or the Vulcan High Command."

Anger replaced the boy's confusion. "I hate Starfleet and I hate the Vulcan High Command!"


Tears brimmed in his eyes but he held them back, biting his bottom lip furiously so that he would not cry. She wanted to hold him, reassure him, but all he wanted was Trip. Why were they punishing his father? These were his friends. An-aga wrapped her arms around his protesting body, gently hugging him to her and whispering over and over again how much he was loved. How brave he must be for his father's sake. That broke him. As An-aga cradled the boy in her arms, he sobbed and sobbed and tried in vain to understand.

* * * * *

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Two folks have made comments

Poor Kai! And who or what are Koss' friends? What will they do? how will they get to T'Pol to question her? What will happen to Trip? Just please keep it coming!

Poor Kai! And who or what are Koss' friends? What will they do? how will they get to T'Pol to question her? What will happen to Trip? Just please keep it coming!