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Fragile-Part 27

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html
SUMMARY: "Captain Archer starts to dig for information. Sar cautions Commander Tucker against the desire for revenge."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 27


* * * * *

Commander Tucker and Sub-Commander T'Pol elected to help Lt Reed transfer the captured aliens to the brig. Sar insisted on helping. Captain Archer eyed the Volaran in a new light. Still a little unsettled by him but willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt. After all, the only actions Sar had taken had been either in direct defense of his Chief Engineer or by extension members of the crew. He was not about to argue with that kind of loyalty even if he did not fully understand it. He wondered exactly what had happened down on that planet while he had been in a coma. How had Trip managed to win the loyalty of such a man? On the one hand it was very moving and a testament of the way in which his friend so effortlessly garnered friends from the unlikeliest of places. On the other hand it unnerved him. As if an untamed power lay coiled within the benign features of the big man. He had glimpsed some of that strength. Witnessed a fraction of the anger that was kept deep within him. He hoped never to have either turned against him.

The Captain did not accompany them to the brig. None of the captives were currently conscious anyway and he wanted the chance to speak to Ensign Sato without Trip or Sar overhearing him. He wanted to find out as much as he could about Sar, his people and just why he had chosen to throw in his lot with them. It could all be entirely innocent but he could not help remembering what he had seen and Lt. Reed's words still rang in his head. How did Sar know about the enemy technology? How did he just so happen to have the means to reveal the intruders on his person? And just who in the hell was he? A simple man? Somehow he did not think so. His suspicion aroused the Captain lingered only long enough to have a brief word with Dr Phlox then left in search of his communications officer. With luck he could locate her and apprise her of what he wanted before turning in for a few hours much needed sleep.

* * * * *

Lt. Reed could not stop enthusing over the brief but fierce fighting. Commander Tucker gave his friend a brief look of amusement. The Sub-Commander frowned slightly not impressed by how much the Lieutenant seemed to be enamoured by death and destruction. Trip had an ulterior motive for offering his services. He wanted to see Koss. Up close and personal. His hands itched to wrap themselves around the man's throat. T'Pol eyed him carefully. Knew what was going through his mind and while she approved the sentiment she could not let him give in to his anger. Koss was not worth it. They slung half the captives in one cell and were just finishing putting the other half in another when Trip straightened up, a scowl on his face.

"Hey, Malcolm, where did you put Koss?"

The Armoury Officer stood up and turned to point to the far cell then froze. His face contorted into a look of disbelief which quickly turned sour. He was really pissed off now. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"

Shocked, Trip turned on him. "Malcolm! Watch your language!"

Lt. Reed walked over to the empty cell and noted that it had not been tampered with. He tried to keep his temper moderated as he looked at Trip. "I can't believe you're telling me off for swearing in acronyms."

His friend frowned back. "What are ya talkin' about?"

"Acronyms." Malcolm paused. "Don't tell me you don't know where the word 'fuck' came from?"

T'Pol raised an eyebrow. Sar's face was expressionless. Trip looked baffled. "It's slang for..."

The Lieutenant cut him off. "No. It's an acronym for Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Another term for rape, Commander."

Trip looked stunned. "D'ya Brits have an answer for everythin'?"

"Probably. You name it we've thought it, done it, misspelled it, bought the ruddy t-shirt. Everything from names, puns, nuances, to unintelligible grunts in the dark."

The Commander shook his head. "Huh."

Lt. Reed grinned at him. "That was one of ours too, I believe."

For a moment Trip just stared at him then they both started laughing. "For a minute there I thought ya were actually serious."

His friend dead panned back at him. "Who says I wasn't?"

* * * * *

The Darkness did not disturb him. It was the company.

"Did you think you could escape us?"

"I wasn't trying to escape."

"Your pursuit of the Human and the woman are errors of judgment."

"On their part not mine."

A pause. "You lied to us."

"No. I just never told you everything."

"A lie of omission."

"I have a right to some privacy."

"Not when the innocent pay for it."

Koss could not believe that they were siding with the Human. "T'Pol is mine!"

"You are not bonded to her."

"I would have been."

Another voice. "The Human and the Vulcan are bonded."

Koss paced, a string of abuse peppering every step he took. His anger growing exponentially. "You must let me go."

"We cannot. Your life is forfeit."

Something dark and despicable flickered in the sallow planes of his face. Sly thoughts multiplying as he plotted. They watched him closely and were not deceived. "You cannot deny me my right."

"Except where it exceeds truth."

"We were betrothed." He said carefully.

"Yes. But the woman you would claim does not want you."

Despite his attempt at calm the words inflamed him. Before he could spew forth more of his malice the darkness claimed him. Unable to move he watched the cold vapour of his breath crystalise in the air before him. They were freezing him and he could do nothing to prevent it. "Let.... me.... go."

"You must put back what you have taken."


"We can burst your blood vessels one by one, Vulcan."

The pain was unbearable. Excruciating in the extreme. But his malice was stronger. It fed him. "You would... n... not.. dare."

"How stubborn for one so insignificant."

If he could have Koss would have gritted his teeth. Yet still he defied them. In the silence that descended the only sound he could hear was the occasional crack and pop as another blood vessel grew brittle with the cold and burst. Koss would have cried out in his agony but that took passion. Would have shown weakness. He held on. Determined to defy them for as long as his collapsing body would allow. Yet he knew that even if that happened it would not be over. They would still hold his immortal soul over him. Squeeze even that into a pulp in their crude pursuit of conformity. He knew their secret and not even death would make him let go of the key.

* * * * *

Ensign Hoshi Sato had been intending to get back to bed just as soon as the crisis was over but one look at her Captain's face told her that would not be happening any time soon. She watched his face carefully as he told her what he wanted. The only sign she gave of her surprise was a lifting of the brows. Not in that purely T'Polesque way but in mild surprise.

"Captain. May I ask why you need this information now?"

"Need? No. Let's just say I want to satisfy my curiosity Ensign."

She realised he was not going to elaborate more. "Yes, sir."

"Oh and Ensign?"


"I'd appreciate it if we kept this matter just between ourselves."

This time her look was openly curious. The Captain gave her his most disarming smile. "I don't want to offend Trip or Sar because I'm just plain nosey."

She laughed. Relieved to hear that it was nothing more than the Captain's curiosity at play. For a moment she had been concerned that there was something else going on. "You can count on me, Captain."

His smile was totally genuine this time. His heart a thousand times lighter. "I know I can, Ensign."

* * * * *

Lt. Reed questioned the guards for the last time but it did not change the facts. They had seen and heard nothing. One minute Koss was in his cell the next he had vanished. Nothing had set off the alarm or triggered the force field. Whatever had happened it had been right in that cell. He sighed and had the guards changed. With pursed lips wondering how long they would be able to hang on to the men they had captured. He smiled at the sight of Trip yawning. The Sub-Commander did not look in the least tired. And Sar was simply... Sar.

"Something tells me it's way passed your bedtime, Commander."

"Yours too, Malcolm."

"Go and get some sleep. Both of you."

Sub-Commander T'Pol's eyebrow arched elegantly. "Are you suggesting Lieutenant that we share accommodations?"

Lt. Reed grinned. "I don't see why not. You seem to have shared everything else."

Trip's eyes widened. "Malcolm!"

He snorted. "Don't *Malcolm* me as if you're in shock, Trip."

A belated thought occurred to Trip. Just how much had Malcolm seen when he had come rushing into Sickbay? He swallowed back any smart comment and decided to keep his mouth shut. Maybe it was time he let the Lieutenant get in the last word. His silence amused his friend but thankfully he did not push it. He was more than distracted by their uninvited guests.

"Now go on. You're beginning to clutter up my brig."

"What about you? You need to rest too."

"And I will Commander, just as soon as I find out a little more about our *guests*."

The Commander's expression turned serious. "No way, Lieutenant. If you plan on interrogating those men then we'd better stay."

"Commander, I am quite proficient at questioning prisoners I assure you."

"I have no doubt ya are but these are no ordinary prisoners. I don't want ya puttin' yourself at risk over a few unanswered questions."

The Armoury Officer's eyes widened slightly at the massive understatement. "I would call it more than a few unanswered questions, Commander. Need I remind you both yourself and the Sub-Commander were the obvious targets. Or do you know more about this than you have told myself or the Captain?"

Trip felt awkward plus he was so damn tired. He ran a hand though his hair and would not look at T'Pol. Motionless and soundless Sar stood behind him. "Malcolm, I'm tired. I don't do my best thinkin' when I'm tired. Can't we continue this conversation in the mornin'?"

"In case you hadn't noticed, Commander, it *is* morning."

Trip groaned and threw T'Pol an apologetic look. "Go and get some rest, Sub-Commander. I have a feelin' it's gonna be another busy day."

For a moment it looked as if she might argue. "Very well. I need to meditate first. I trust you will not keep the Commander up longer than necessary, Lieutenant?"

Lt. Reed quashed the urge to grin. The Sub-Commander was forbidding enough when she was on your side. He did not want to do or say anything to incur her wrath. "No, Sub-Commander."

She gave a nod then left. Sar watched the two men. Trip held a breath then took the Volaran to one side. "Sar, I need ya to do somethin' for me."

He got a stolid look back.

"I want ya to go and check on Kai for me. As soon as I've had a word with Malcolm I'll be comin' to see how he's doin'."

"He will be asleep, Senisa."

A smile drifted over Trip's face. "Somehow I don't think he will be."

At the expression on the Volaran's face Trip chuckled lightly. "I was a kid once myself, Sar. No way would I have slept through this much excitement. If he's still awake tell him I'll drop by shortly. If he's asleep make sure he's tucked in and stay with him."

The words were phrased as a request but Sar received them as if he was being given an order. He nodded solemnly. Trusted Lt. Reed to call for assistance if they needed him but he was still reluctant to leave his senisa. What was it the Captain had called him? Ah yes, that was it: a magnet for trouble. After a moment's hesitation he inclined his head and left them. Several seconds passed in silence, Lt. Reed looked thoughtfully at Trip. "Are you going to tell me what that was all about?" He asked quietly.

"Nothin' to tell Malcolm."

"Then why did you send him away? I thought you two were joined at the hip."

"Mal, I need to talk to you."

Lt. Reed nodded and waited.

"Can we step away from the cells for a moment?"

Another nod. They moved into the corridor. Lt Reed nodded to his men and they moved into closer proximity of the cells, alert for the slightest indication that their charges were regaining consciousness. "Okay, Trip, what is it?"

"This whole thing with Koss is botherin' me."

Malcolm nodded, he could see why that would trouble his friend. Trip sucked in a harsh breath, trying not to tremble.

"While I was... while I was unable to wake up, things happened to me."

Now his friend was frowning. His expression anxious and filling with concern. "What things?"

"Now don't go into panic mode, Malcolm. I'm safe and sound."

"What happened?"

Trip rubbed a hand over his face, trying to calm the flutter in his heart that was gaining momentum as memories haunted him. "It was a like a nightmare." He whispered. "I don't know where I was but it was dark, could hardly make anythin' out. There were these shapes. Voices. Disembodied they seemed. I felt like they were weighin' my soul."

"You were having a nightmare."

"No, Mal, I was *livin'* a nightmare." He paused and for a moment neither spoke. Until the silence began to feel oppressive. "They asked me a lot of questions. I was so cold. In so much pain. Was convinced I was gonna die."

"What kind of questions did they ask you?"

A pause. Trip closed his eyes momentarily, trying to push back the walls of pain and the memory of utter panic filling him with dread. Malcolm's hand on his shoulder grounded him. His breathing evened out again and he opened his eyes. No trace of humour on his face now. "Seems they had some connection to Koss, Mal, and that terrifies the life outta me."

Lt. Reed looked startled. "Koss?"

"Yeah. Crazy I know. Seems Koss told them I had taken somethin' which was his."


Trip nodded, relieved he did not have to spell it out for him. "They said they were bonded so I told them it wasn't true. Betrothed yes, bonded no."

"I don't understand. Who were they and what did it have to do with them?"

"I don't know who they were but they seemed very old. Ancient without aging if that makes sense?"

Lt. Reed was slowly shaking his head. "To be honest, my friend, none of this makes sense."

He gave a shaky laugh. Malcolm was beginning to feel quite worried about him but held his tongue. "I felt as if one wrong word and I would be history." He paused. "The pain was unbelievable, Mal. Never felt anythin' like it. Never wanna go through anythin' like that again." He shuddered.

A long pause. "Why did they let you go?"

"They believed me."

"Believed you?"

Trip nodded. "Don't ask me to make sense of it, Mal, 'cause I can't but that's not what scares me." He paused and when his friend did not say anything continued. "They know Koss. Much better I think than any casual acquaintance."

"You think they're working with him?"

"I don't know what I'm thinkin' but that technology, Mal. It had to come from somewhere."

For a long moment they just stared into each other's eyes. Both bereft of answers yet hoping the other could provide a clue.

"Sar talked about interdimensional and dimensional beings, Mal."

"Is that what they were?"

"I have no idea. They could'a been alien Gods for all I know or maybe the Devil's best buddies. Sar said the technology Koss has been usin' doesn't come from this dimension."

Seconds stretched into minutes. "Oh bloody hell."

"Yeah. Bloody hell."

"Do you think that's where Koss went? To another dimension?"

"At this moment Malcolm, I only know my name 'cause you keep shoutin' it at me. What I'm tryin' to say is that it may not be a wise thing to question these men at all."

Lt. Reed started to protest but Trip forestalled him, a hand raised so that the tips of his fingers touched the other man's lips in caution. Malcolm froze, eyes glued to Trip's.

"Let's go get some sleep, Mal. Then I think we need to have a real long intense discussion with Sar and the Captain. This whole game has just gotten a lot more dangerous and I don't know about you, but I'd feel happier if I knew the rules."

"Not to mention what we're up against."

"You and me both, Mal."

Lt. Reed sighed and cast a worried look towards the brig. "Do you think my men will be safe in there?"

"Providin' they go nowhere near the cells, I think they're probably gonna be safer than we are."

Somehow his words did not reassure the Tactical Armoury Officer one iota.

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A handful of people have made comments

Oh my. Things are getting even more interesting and I wasn't bored before at all.

Agh...you are such an efficient tease. Just enought to keep me reading, but always holding something back so I want more. Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!

i'll say this for ya you sure know how to leave a reader in the lurch, but the story continues to be great!
artemis moonshine

Another exciting chapter. I don't know how you manage to keep up such an excellent standard, but while you do, we're going to soak it up like sponges.

Sar's character gets more intriguing by the minute: is he still looking out for Trip, or is there a sinister side to him, after all?

And is Koss done for, or will he wriggle out of another death-defying situation?

Post again soon, please and thank you.

Just when you think it's all over, another twist and turn, and a new subplot raises its head. I'm quite confident Sar's a good guy (I like the character too much to think otherwise) but there's something so mysterious going on there - I can't wait to find out what it is.

Now stop reading all this feedback and go back to writing!