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Fragile-Part 26

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

Written by Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html
SUMMARY: "Just as things appear to be getting back to normal, Captain Archer discovers nothing is normal."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 26


* * * * *

The Captain was tired. Just looking at the crisp tidy form of Lt Malcolm Reed standing to attention at the door of his private quarters was enough to make him want to throw up. Not that he did not like the man, even to the point of considering the restrained Englishman a friend. He held him in the highest regard but right now he would have thought even more of him if he had left this conversation until the morning. He tried not to snap at the Armoury Officer. "Lt. Reed, I'm tired. A lot has happened that I still don't full understand..."

"My point exactly, sir."

He sighed. "Lieutenant. Malcolm. Be grateful. We have Commander Tucker back to normal, Koss has been caught and is even now in the brig. A good day's work by the way, Lieutenant. The Sub-Commander is alive and well and right now I just want to collapse on my bed and not hear another word out of anybody for at least six hours!" He paused to make sure the Lieutenant got the message. "You are dismissed. We will have a full debrief in the situation room tomorrow morning."


The Captain rolled his eyes. "What part of dismissed don't you understand?"

"Sorry sir, forgive the persistence but it *is* quite urgent. I promise to be quick."

Another sigh. "If I murder you and hide the body do you think anyone will notice?" He muttered.


The Captain waved the Lieutenant inside his quarters and waited for the door to hiss shut behind him. "Okay, Malcolm. You have my complete and undivided attention. Now what is so all-fired important that it couldn't wait until morning?"

"Firstly sir, regarding an earlier order of yours, do you wish me to escort Commander Tucker back to the brig?"

There was a stunned look on the Captain's face that Lt Reed would long remember and savour. It was one of the few times he wished he had Trip's camera with him. When the Captain made no response the Armoury Officer felt it was only proper to nudge him. Figuratively speaking of course.


He looked a bit dazed. "Is this necessary now?"

"Yes, sir, it is. As you know, no one but yourself can overturn the Captain's orders and it was your order to have the Commander incarcerated for thirty days."

The Captain scrubbed a hand over his tired face. If he did not lock the Commander up both Starfleet and the Vulcan High Command would have his head. But he *did* lock him up, didn't he? Was it his fault that events had taken the matter out of his hands? And what harm would it do if he never actually mentioned to the Admiral that the Commander had been taken out of the brig and not been returned there? The Admiral, and by extension Starfleet, would naturally assume his recalcitrant Chief Engineer had spent a salutary thirty days in solitary confinement. As per the Admiral's instructions. Was it really his place to presume to tell the Admiral of his error? Surely such presumption would be an act of insubordination? A smile spread slowly across his tired face. "No, Lieutenant. As far as the log is concerned the Commander was given thirty days in the brig. The events of the last few hours need not be added to that log entry."

"Then you are rescinding the order, sir?"

"Not exactly."

Lt. Reed frowned. He wanted Trip out of the brig full stop. Not some fudged loophole that would come back and bite them on the arse when the Admiral found out.

"Lieutenant, let it go. Do nothing, say nothing about current events. If there are any enquiries concerning the Commander I will deal with them personally. Is that understood?"

"Um, yes sir."

He paused. "Okay, now was that everything or was there some other reason for turning me into an insomniac?"

"Oh yes, well actually the other matter is Koss."

"Koss? What about him? He's locked up."

"Yes, sir, but he was using some pretty advanced technology."

Captain Archer forgot all about how tired he was. He tilted his head and gave his Armoury Officer a very keen look. Wide awake now and as sharp as a tack. "Daniels' type technology?"

"I don't know, sir. Sar seems to think it might not come from this dimension."

"What are you talking about?"

"Sir, you might want to sit down."

"No, Lieutenant. What I want are answers."

"I can't really tell you much except that if it had not been for Sar coming to warn me we never would have got to the Sub-Commander in time and Koss would have got away with us none the wiser about the how or when." He paused a beat. "Or the who."

Captain Archer could feel a headache coming on. A sense that this was just the tip of a very big bad iceberg. "Go on."

"The Volaran had some kind of glass globe with him. Once we entered the Sub-Commander's quarters he had me throw it in first. The globe shattered and a kind of smoky mist was released which made the Sub-Commander and Koss visible to us. That was how we were able to capture Koss and retrieve the Sub-Commander."

"What do you mean it made them visible?"

"I think you'd better ask Sar those questions, sir."

"Are you saying they were.... *invisible*?"

"Yes sir, either that or cloaked."

The Captain shook his head. "I've never heard of personal cloaking devices, Lieutenant."

He sounded worried and Malcolm could not blame him.

"Where's Sar?"

"He's standing guard outside Sickbay, sir."

Both of the Captain's eyebrows went up. "He's doing what?"

Lt. Reed had the grace to look uncomfortable. "Sar is concerned that there may be another attempt."

"Lieutenant, Koss is in the brig."

"Yes, sir. But begging your pardon sir, he did manage to simply step through a solid bulkhead into the Sub-Commander's quarters and was halfway out of it when we caught up with him. No offence sir, but I hardly think the brig will hold him for long despite the fact that we appear to have his control device."

"A control device?"

"Yes, sir."

"What does it do?"

He gave a little shrug. "No idea, sir. I don't even know how to switch the damn thing on."

"Do you have it with you?"

He shook his head.

"Don't tell me, Sar has it?"

"Yes, sir. I thought it best. He does after all appear to understand the technology."

The Captain paused. His look thoughtful. "If we have the control device then I think it's pretty safe to assume Koss won't be going anywhere but just to be on the safe side I want you to double security."

"Already done, sir. I've also taken the liberty of setting up a mobile force field. How effective it will be I do not know."

"Does Trip know?"

Lt. Reed shook his head. "We thought it best to let him and the Sub-Commander have at least a few hours of respite, sir."

*Unlike the Captain* thought the Captain dryly. He ran a hand through his hair. "I want two security officers to relieve Sar outside Sickbay then bring him to my ready room."

When the Lieutenant hesitated the Captain felt as if the other shoe was about to drop. "Lieutenant?"

The Armoury Officer swallowed slowly and took a deep breath before speaking. "Sir, perhaps it's just my suspicious nature but what if Koss did not board the ship on his own? What if he has other people on board?"

The Captain inwardly groaned. His Armoury Officer made a very good point. "Come on, Lieutenant. We'll pick those extra security guards up on the way to Sickbay."

"What are you going to do sir?"

"First I'm going to try to find out exactly what we're up against. Then, Mr. Reed, you are going to come up with suitable countermeasures to whatever Koss and his little friends may have in store for us next."

* * * * *

Sub-Commander T'Pol enjoyed teasing him, the sensation of the Commander's rock hard body arching up into hers as she kissed and touched him was most pleasurable. She swallowed the groan rising up from his throat as she finished stripping off the last of his clothing. It joined hers on the floor. She paused and pulled back to watch his face. Perspiration glittered in the heat of the overhead lights. Even though the doctor had dimmed them there was enough light to see the glow of passion in Trip's eyes. After the first uncontrollable thrusts of love making half clothed, she longed to settle in and bring him screaming in her mouth as he came. She did not want to simply make love to him but to drag every last piece of emotion out of him while drawing him so deeply inside her molten core that the imprint of their joining would sear his mind forever. She wanted to mark him with her scent. Claim him with her sex. Mould his body to hers to make them one flesh. Make him so utterly her own that he would not be able to take a breath without feeling her tremble around him at the point of release. He was already hers. This she knew. Now she would make sure it was forever.

The pause was killing him. He watched her watching him. It was the sexiest, most erotic thing in his life. Her hands glided over his sweat soaked skin making him shiver with want and need. Biting back the need to touch, to take control, he waited. Knowing she wanted to set the pace. To take him higher than he had ever been before. "T'Pol, darlin'..."

"Hush, Ashayam."

"I need ya. Want ya..."

"I know."

He gasped as she rocked slowly against him. Not yet touching him where he needed to feel her. Her head dipped, lips sliding over his mouth as he parted his lips to kiss her. Closing instead on the air scented with her sweet breath. He groaned softly at his loss. His hair plastered to his head, the heat coming off him in waves that warmed her in the cool air. "Darlin', I'm dyin' here."

A ghost of a smile. Warm eyes caressing his with volcanic heat. He felt it rising from her to him, making him so damn hard for her. So ready to sing her song. Her right hand stroked his left cheek briefly then the fingers splayed and settled once again on the contact points. She would go deeper this time. Much further than before. The level of intensity would be beyond anything any Human had ever experienced. He felt the draw on his mind. Her thoughts to his thoughts. Her mind to his mind. Her sex orchestrating his. Controlling his responses while deepening their connection. His heartbeat sped up, breathing a clutter of gasps as the roller coaster began to pick up speed. T'Pol was careful. So gentle and loving. Monitoring him closely and urging his heart rate to slow down. To beat in time with her own. She measured his breaths as they kissed. Sucked and stroked his tongue with her own, her free hand sliding down his chest to stroke him. He was already a hard pulse in her hand. A smile formed in her mind. She shared it with him. Willing him to open himself up to her. His mind defenseless. Hers for the taking.

She taught him to fly. He taught her to soar. Between them the bond grew stronger, deeper, more encompassing. Their love making intensified. She judged her moment, drew his hand into her throbbing heat as she slid down on top of him. Such a beautiful sinuous slide of flesh. Like coming home. The fit was perfect. His gasp became a long extenuated sigh, his hands now on her hips lifting and gently lowering her down on his shaft, time and time again. Her juices oiling him like a piston building up pressure. He was blind to all but this. His world, his universe, exploding slowly inside him to fill her with stars of milky white and visions of worlds no one else would ever see. She took his mind deeper. He trembled. Shuddered. Little shocks shivering up his spine, making his nerves fire while liquid heat raced through him as she clutched him with internal muscles that clung to him and flexed so deeply around him. His cry as he climaxed pushed her over the edge. Drawing him out as he came and milking the sensations fired off in his mind. Incredibly he came not once but twice, the stimulation of mind and body so powerful and possessive he could not stop. T'Pol keened, her song of passion carrying him further and further until her orgasm broke around him and they settled together in the warm sated afterglow of coitus.

Draped over him she settled to sleep. He lay exhausted beneath her. Unable to form words let alone move. It took a couple of minutes before he found enough energy to wrap his arms gently around her. His breath a whisper that fluttered with words of love against her heart. He loved her so much. She could not love him more. He cried for love of her. For all the joys she had missed and all the pain she had already suffered. Kissing his tears she comforted him and was healed. He sighed gently. "T'Pol....that...was amazin'."

She stirred just enough to be able to look into his shattered blue eyes. What she saw pleased her. "It was... adequate."

A look of shock reflected back at her before he saw the faint glow of amusement in those liquid pools. "Very funny, darlin'. I suppose you're gonna tell me ya still got the energy to run a marathon?"

"No, Ashayam. I am quite satisfied."

He chuckled. Too weary for a full blown laugh though the thought was there. His eyes closed wearily. God he felt wrecked, but in a good way. His eyes flicked open with a last thought. "Is it always gonna be like this, T'Pol?"

His question amused her. "No, Trip. Sometimes we will make it back to our quarters."

The flush on his face as he realised they were once again in Sickbay was comical to her. He closed his eyes and groaned. T'Pol gently kissed his eyelids, snuggled in close and knew that she could never love him more than this.

* * * * *

Ensign Hoshi Sato could not sleep. Her shift had ended two hours ago but the events of the last forty eight hours haunted her mind. What was going on? Malcolm had been reticent when she had tried to get answers from him. Getting a little curt with her whenever she tried to press him so she had backed off. Travis was just as baffled but handling it better. His utter faith in Captain Archer sometimes made her feel disloyal for having doubts. For being less than hundred per cent certain that everything really would work out for the best. A smile broke out on her lips when she thought of the Volaran boy. Kai. It warmed her heart that the Commander had rescued him from that awful place but it puzzled her that he had also brought back with him the little Volaran family who had seemingly taken him in. Not that he was not a generous soul by nature. It was just difficult to imagine any alien family choosing a life of exile among Humans rather than freedom on their home world. What was that all about? And why did she get a feeling it was somehow significant?

She shook her head. A yawn interrupting her thoughts. A throaty chuckle died off as sleep tugged at her, seducing her into the depths of forgotten dreams. So tired now. She acquiesced and let herself drift off. Completely oblivious to the subtle shift in the air, the ripple that flowed through the room like a bloodhound scenting for its' prey. She turned over. Away from the cool touch she mistook for a draft. Then it was gone.

* * * * *

Captain Archer was breathing a little hard as he raced down the corridor with his Armoury Officer beside him. As they neared Sickbay he resisted the urge to draw his phase pistol, forcing himself to slow down and catch his breath somewhat. He saw the Volaran turn his head and look at them. The man made no other move. Solemn and stern he barred the door. The Captain took a breath to steady himself, leaning his head back a little so he could look the big man in the eye. "Sar, what are you doing here?"

Sar had noted the Armoury Officer's presence. Knew the Captain was therefore well aware of his intention but respect demanded an answer. "I am on guard, Captain."

"Why? We have Koss in custody. You have the control device. He's not going anywhere."

The Volaran considered not simply whether or not to answer him but also how much to tell him. "I fear there may be others, Captain."

"That's what Lt. Reed said."

He saw the flicker of approval in the big man's eyes. "His instincts serve him well."

"Look Sar, we may not always see eye to eye but this is still my ship and I am the Captain. I demand to know what is going on. Who are these people and what is this technology?"

The Volaran looked at him for several moments. An intent look. "This has nothing to do with you, Captain Archer."

Anger flashed in the Captain's eyes. "The hell it doesn't!"

Lt. Reed's quiet but clearly enunciated words cut through the veil of anger offering a moment of calm. "Captain, I do not believe Sar intended to cause any offence."

Captain Archer shot him a look of utter exasperation. The Volaran took the olive branch. "Captain, I apologise if I have offended you but my primary concern is protecting my Senisa. While the threat remains I cannot leave."

The Captain shook his head as if something in it was loose. "The threat? You mean Koss?"

A beat stretched almost into two. "You cannot fight this Captain."

"But I'm guessing you can?"

"I know its' form and its' function. Do not interfere."

"I can't promise that when you give me so little information Sar."

The big man hesitated. It was the first time the Captain had seen any flicker of doubt touch him. Somehow that unnerved him more than the thought that invisible enemies were invading his ship. "I can only ask you to trust me, Captain."

Captain Archer took a step closer. His voice barely a whisper. "Trust goes both ways, Sar. What is it you're not telling me?"

For a moment he actually thought the big man was going to tell him. Then suddenly, without any warning, the Volaran's head spun round. He turned quickly, the Sickbay doors opening only just in time to admit him as he rushed into the room. Captain Archer and Lt. Reed hot on his heels. Something flashed. Smoked filled the room and he could hear the Volaran's deep voice bellow a warning. "Senisa! Danger!"

Commander Tucker had been in a deep blissful sleep, T'Pol's breath warming his cheek as he slept. Something cold touched him. Ice lapping his bones. His eyes sprang open just as Sar cried out his warning. Without thinking he tightened his arms around T'Pol and rolled off the biobed. Energy crackled burning the surface on which they had been laying. Sub-Commander T'Pol woke with a rude start, surprised and alarmed to find herself lying on the cold floor with the Commander laying on top of her, one of his hands pressed over her mouth. His lips close to her ear. "Ssssh, Darlin'. Looks like we got company."

She wanted to lift her head, sit up, see what was going on but Trip did not move off her. His warning for her to remain still was enough. Trusting him she lay quietly. Her keen hearing picking up the sounds of several bodies in motion. Trip silently cursed himself for being so lax. He was not only naked but also without any weapon to hand. T'Pol was the same. His sight was hampered by the swirling smoke yet it did not burn or choke the lungs. Then he saw shapes. Cloaked figures searching. A cold dread touched his heart. Instinctively he knew they were looking for him. Him and T'Pol. Trip stretched out a hand to snag their clothing and urgently indicated for T'Pol to get dressed. Silently he did the same, all the while his mind whirling, desperately seeking a way out of their predicament.

* * * * *

Alarms rang throughout the ship. Travis fell out of bed and cursed, banging his toes as he rushed about to throw some clothes on. Lt Anna Hess was on the dog watch in Engineering. That hour of the pre-dawn most hated by shift crews. If anything bad was going to happen it always happened on the dog watch. The one with the skeleton staff. The dead hours. She shivered then sprang into motion, her cool firm voice whipping the night crew into action. She did not need to feel the second blast rock the ship to know that they were under attack.

* * * * *

Sar felt a surge of fury so intense that as he embraced the ramishon, or warrior's state, he moved without thought. Form flowing seamlessly into function as he adopted the traditional stance, his hands filled with short curved blades that spun as he moved. Cries punctuated his rapid dance, figures falling back, some dropping, others screaming. Captain Archer had no idea what the hell was going on. A shape leapt for him, he fired automatically. Dropping the cloaked man an instant before Lt. Reed did the same with another attacker. As he turned his head a spray of blood passed his eyes in slow motion, made even more eerie by the diaphanous smoke reducing to a mist before his very eyes. Something crunched underfoot. He looked down. Glass. What was it Malcolm had said? Oh yes, Sar had given him a glass globe which he had thrown into T'Pol's room. When the globe broke it released a smoke which revealed the intruders to them. It made sense now though he wished to hell he could say he understood.

The air was clearing properly now. Figures in black cloaks lay all over the place. Some stunned by phase pistols, others injured by the whirling knives. With a shock the Captain stared into the multi-retinas of Dr. Phlox. The good doctor was standing near the central biobed a hypospray in each hand and a dazed expression on his usually jovial face. "Doctor? Are you alright?"

"I didn't kill them, Captain. Just something to render them unconscious."

The Captain nodded. "Thank you."

"Would you mind telling me what exactly is going on?"

Captain Archer was looking around wildly, trying hard not to miss any threat that might still exist. He was only half-listening to the doctor. "As soon as I find out myself I'll be sure to let you know."

Lt. Reed almost fell over the Commander and Sub-Commander. Trip looked up to find a phase pistol leveled at him. He grinned at his friend. "God, Malcolm, are you a sight for sore eyes!"

The Lieutenant hunkered down next to where they were crouched. "Are you alright Commander? Sub-Commander? Sorry we couldn't get here any sooner."

"What happened?"

"I'd say your friend Koss had some friends trying to finish the job he started."

Trip did not look happy. "He's no friend of mine." He paused. "Did I hear the Cap'n's voice?"

"Yes, sir, you did. He's here somewhere."

The smoke was clearing quite quickly now. Captain Archer stepped away from Dr. Phlox and froze in his tracks as he stared at Sar. The man was bathed in a golden glow that seemed to shimmer all around and through him. Lighting up his features in a most unique way. His breath caught. The man was beautiful. Not in the bland aesthetics of convention but in his soul. One short mind-numbing spark of revelation. So bright the after-image almost had a life of its own. The Captain was stunned and more than a little in awe. "Sar?"

The Volaran's eyes changed back to their liquid amber. The shimmer of golden light flickered, muted, then faded. He gazed at the Captain in silence. Weighed him in his mind. Captain Archer instinctively held his breath. Realised in that fraction of a heartbeat while everyone had been distracted that he was seeing something denied to the rest of them. A glimpse only but it would change his life forever.

"Does Trip know?" He asked softly. Voice hushed with awe.

The big man shook his head gently. "No."


The big man's voice was very low now. His eyes never leaving the Captain's. "No, and you must never tell him."

"Who are you really?"

Sar gave him a slow enigmatic smile. Then it was gone and so was he. The Captain whirled round. Dazed. Confused. Where did he go? Then he saw Trip and T'Pol with Malcolm and his irregular heartbeat settled down into something vaguely resembling normal. When he looked round again he could see the Volaran quietly talking with Dr. Phlox. The Volaran returned, gave the Captain a nod then went to check on Trip and T'Pol. Trip's face lit up when he saw him though his eyes held a thousand questions.

"You are unhurt, Senisa?"

"Yeah, Sar, we're unhurt. Thanks for turnin' up with the cavalry."

Sar nodded, put a hand on Trip's shoulder and gave him a look of deep satisfaction tinged with affection. He looked at the Sub-Commander. "And you, Sub-Commander?"

"I have not been injured, Sar. Thank you for your efforts."

He inclined his head then looked down at the bodies spread around Sickbay. Trip counted more than a dozen. "Now who's gonna tell me? How did they get aboard Enterprise?"

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Four of you have made comments

Oh boy, oh boy...more mysteries, more questions, but Trip and T'Pol are together.

I knew there'd be so many more mysteries in this story. Sar is such a wonderful character and now, it seems, he's so much more. And where are you finding the room for both Trip and T'pol on those undersized sickbay beds? And will they ever make it back to either of their quarters? Anxiously looking forward to the next chapter, and I know you, Ali, it'll be here tomorrow!

Feed me more fic and now. You answer a few questions then throw a bazillion more up there for us!

Good post. wow!

Love the Malcom question to Jon about putting Trip back in the Brig! OUCH!

Godd grief, this gets more and more intriguing with every posting. good job, keeping us all panting for more.

And yes, let the lovers at least reach a comfortable bed; first decon, now a perilously high biobed!!!

Sar is a great character, all golden glow and far-seeing knowledge, and all the while watching over his senisa. Love it.

Can I have some more, please?