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The Torture Ship I

Author - JD1 | Genre - Action/Adventure | Genre - Angst | Genre - Romance | Main Story | Rating - PG | T
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The Torture Ship

By JD1

Written for Trip/T'Poler Fanfiction Contest
Contact: JadziaxDax50@aol.com
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Paramount owns all the Star Trek series. I have no financial gain from this story, actually I have to pay for some parts. It’s only for my fun and enjoyment (and maybe a little for my readers).
Codes: T/Tu, romance, and some action/adventure
Summary: When a strange, unexplained abduction happened and strange things start to happen to T’Pol and Trip, what will happen next?


Everything was dark. He was in a world of his own. A world unlike any other. He was floating and spinning and everything seemed perfect.

As everything in that world slowly faded away, the real world came into focus. The minute he opened his eyes, a huge, bright white light was shinning in them. Suddenly, a rush of fear washed over him, but he had no idea why. And then, just as suddenly as it came, it simply went away before he had any idea what caused it.

He blinked a few times, trying to let his eyes adjust. And the moment he could focus, he knew at once that he was in Sickbay. But why? He couldn’t remember much, at least not from the past few days. Maybe that was why.

“Hey, how are ya feeling?” A figure, which was now standing over him, asked.

It took him a few minutes to focus him, “Not bad, Jon. What happened?”

Captain Jonathon Archer looked at his best friend, Commander Charles Tucker, solemnly. “We were hoping you two could tell us.”

“Ah, Commander, you’re awake.” Dr. Phlox piped in cheerfully.

Trip ignored the Doctor and asked his friend, “Two? And why am I in Sickbay? What happened?”

Archer sighed, he knew the answer to most of his questions, but what troubled him was Trip didn’t. The Doctor had said they may experience amnesia and not remember the past three weeks, he was unfortunately right. “The ‘two’, is you and T’Pol. What happened? We were surveying an M-class planet. You and T’Pol went off one way, the rest the other. When it was time to meet back, you two weren’t there. We couldn’t contact you; you were nowhere to be found. We searched everywhere; we tripled over everything. Scans, away teams, we did it all for almost…two and a half weeks. We’d all but lost hope on ever finding you. We ran one last, quick scan before…before I was going to declare you officially missing in action. Then, out of nowhere, you two were right were you last said you were.”

Archer had paused, most likely to let Trip digest the information, but he didn’t seem to want to continue. So the Doctor, yet again, piped in. “Both of you were severely hurt. Both had malnutrition and had several cuts and bruises. You had bad burns on your chest and back. Even one or two on your arms. T’Pol had, what appeared to be, whip lashes on her back.” Phlox stopped there. He, too, had trouble revealing the next part. “There were also traces of drugs in your system. I can’t really tell what they did or were used for, but… but you both seem to have contracted and grown immunities to twelve different viruses. If all those things are true, and the amount of time you must have been down there with nothing, not even shelter, you must have been…abducted. That’s the only way I can rationally explain this.”

Trip thought about all that, before looking over at his ‘neighbor’. She was still asleep, but he could tell she was in pain. “How’s T’Pol?” Trip inquired when he looked back at the other men.

“She should be fine.”

The door swooshed open, allowing two ensigns to walk in. “Doc, where do you want these?” one asked, referring to the trays they were holding.

“Set that one by the Sub-Commander, and give the other to the Commander.” Phlox answered, pointing to the trays that belonged to whomever he was saying.

Trip was helped into a sitting position by Archer and handed over his tray. “I hope you feel better, Commander.” The ensign, John Adams, said, then both ensigns left.

Trip nodded his thanks and was ready to dig into his food. But when he lifted the top, he found a what resembled ice cream. Only it was green, bright, neon green. Trip cringed, ‘This is what I have to eat after almost three weeks of nothing’!

“There’s everything you need in that to survive. It has protein, all your vitamins, along with calcium, sodium, potassium, and even a little sugar. You can’t just go from nothing to solid foods over night, Commander; it’s not healthy. You have to take it slow.” Phlox informed him, it was as if he had read Trip’s mind.

Archer gave him a pat on the shoulder and wished Trip a ‘get better soon’ before dismissing himself, leaving Trip to his ‘ice cream’. He looked down at it, a disgusted look on his face, and put a spoon full into his mouth.

After a week of test, scans, recovering, and ‘ice cream’, they were both allowed to leave that afternoon. That was in three hours and Trip… well, let’s just say he wanted to leave.

“I will not miss… this.” Trip said, making a face as his ‘ice cream’ as it dripped of his spoon. He sighed with frustration and dropped his spoon back into the bowl.

“Surely, Commander, it cannot be that unpleasant,” T’Pol stated, amused by this behavior he displayed every time they ate.

“Yes it can.” Trip muttered under his breath before really replying with, “It’s not this… slop. It’s just frustratin’ not knowin’ or rememberin’ anythin’ that happened. Aren’t you annoyed by it?” Trip asked her.

T’Pol simply replied, “Annoyance is an emotion.”

“Yea, yea, Vulcan’s don’t have emotions. I know.” Trip mocked. Then he looked away for a moment. When he looked back at her, he said, “Sure,” and handed her her PADD.

T’Pol looked utterly confused for a split second before hiding it, but continued to feel it. She had wanted the PADD and was about to ask for it, only she had not. T’Pol, then, raised an eyebrow at Trip and inquired, “How did you know I wanted this? I had not asked.”

Now it was Trip’s turn to look the way T’Pol did a moment ago. “Yes ya did,” he insisted.

“I did not.”

“Yes ya did.”

“I did not.”

“Yes ya did.”

“Commander, this is quite pointless. I did not ask you but I was about to.”

“Whatever.” They sat in silence, eating or, in Trip’s case, attempting to eat.

**Trip’s Quarters**

Trip had been released to his quarters a half and hour ago. He had already showered and changed. Since then, he had been pacing his quarters. Completely restless and not aloud on the Bridge or Engineering, he had finally decided on going to the Mess Hall. He hadn’t had a good, solid meal in days and was now aloud to eat certain things, he might as well take advantage.

**Mess Hall**

He could smell all of the delicious things Chief had prepared. The door swooshed open and now he could actually see the things, making his mouth water just that much more.

The entire Mess Hall was completely empty; it was still an hour until dinner. Well, Trip thought it was empty, but there was one person off in the corner. T’Pol. He smiled and shook his head. ‘She hated that stuff as much as I did, I knew it,’ He thought, victoriously.

He quietly got his food and walked over to her. “Is this seat taken?”

She spun her head around, not having heard him come in and had startled her. “No,” she said, gesturing for him to sit down.

Trip took her offer and sat down next to her. “So, what cha doin’?”

“I merely wanted to go somewhere… quiet and think.”

“Oh, I can leave.”

“No,” she responded, maybe a little too fast. She attempted to hide her outburst by saying, “No, I do not mind the company.”

Trip slowly lowed himself down the little he had moved. He nodded his head slightly and went to take a bit of his tomato soup when:

A bowl of food was chucked at him. He looked down at it then up at the other person next to him: T’Pol. She looked bad and he handed the food to her. She attempted to eat it but was far too weak.

He took a deep, startled breath after being pulled out of… whatever that was. She had looked awful, worse than he had ever seen her. What if it was a memory of what happened to them on the planet?

“Commander? Commander, are you all right?” T’Pol asked, concern filled her voice even though she tried to hide it.

"I'm ok." Trip said, he had a distant look in his eyes and spoke in a hushed voice.

"Commander, what happened?"

"I… don't know, exactly. I… thought I saw somethin'. It was like…uh, like a memory that just popped into my head. I… I was in this room. It was small and dark, maybe even cold. You were there. Then some kind of food was, uh, tossed t' me and I, uh, gave it to you, I think." Trip explained. He seemed to be concentrating very hard in order to remember.

"Perhaps you should go to Sickbay. You appear ill and extremely pale." T'Pol offered.

"No, I'll be fine. I… just need to rest." Trip assured her.

He stood up but almost fell. Likely T'Pol was able to grab him before hand. "'You are fine'?" T'Pol mocked holding his still form in her hands.

His back was up against her stomach and chest, while his head rested against her shoulder and her hands were wrapped around his waist. If he wasn't so out of it, T'Pol would have been puzzled when he breathing slowed and his heart rate quickened. Though she did have to control her own response; her breathing had slowed and heart rate increase and she found that his smell no longer annoyed her but she actually found it… arousing.

After a few minutes, the two finally pulled themselves together and broke apart. Trip blushed and said, "You're right, I'll, uh, go… to Sickbay." He finished pointing his thumb toward the door as he slowly walked backward to it.

"Would you like me to assist you?" T'Pol offered, sounding genuinely concerned for his safety.

Trip smiled, he suddenly didn't want to leave her. "Sure." They walked out and headed for Sickbay. No matter how much Trip didn't want to go there, he found he couldn't say no to her.


The doors to sickbay opened and a very pale, sick looking Trip supported by T’Pol entered.

“Commander, what happened?” Phlox asked, switching to Doctor mode in a snap.

“He had an episode, of sorts.”

“I… think I… saw a… memory of some… kind.” Trip added, pausing to breathe now and then after the walk had worn him out.

“Lay him down on the bed over here.” Phlox directed them as T’Pol steered him over to the given bed. The Doctor took out a scanner and ran it over Trip a few times.

T’Pol looked over at what he was doing and, in a flash she saw:

The room was bright white and hurt her eyes. She was strapped to the bed she was on, even though she tried to struggle. When she tired of it, she relaxed and looked over at her partner. Trip seemed to try and struggle, but was far too exhausted and in pain to do anything. More different colored lights were brought over her face. She heard beeps and their language they could not understand. Then the world became dim and numb…

T’Pol took a deep breath and looked very distressed. She almost looked like Trip did when he had his ‘flashback’. Only this time it was Trip’s and the Doctor’s turn to yell, “T’Pol?”

“Sub-Commander? Are you all right?” Phlox asked as she regained consciousness. He took out a scanner, careful not to let her see it for it may have triggered another flashback.

“It was a flashback wasn’t it.” Trip said not as a questions but a stated.

T’Pol nodded and tried to put it into words in her head, only it was slowly slipping away. “I… we, were in, a medical facility. We were both restrained… and tried to resist. And then…”

“Then what?” Trip asked, pushing her to finish.

“And then… they… they must have injected me with something. I just remember that I… became numb and everything became dimmer, then… nothing.”

By then, Phlox had finished scanning the two and had noticed something very interesting in their cerebrum. “Come here. Look at that.”

Trip and T’Pol had looked, but Trip was completely clueless as to what it meant. “Ok. So what does that mean, Doc?”

“Your memory centers appeared to have been stimulated for just a few moments, allowing you to have your flashbacks. Apparently whatever you were doing or looking at, you remembered something in this blocked off area in your mind. I must have missed this before.”

“Yeah, that would be true since T’Pol was in Sickbay and recalled a medical facility. And I was in the Mess Hall, eating my soup, and recalled them givin’ us food.” Trip thought out-loud. “So, what does that mean, every time we see or do somethin’ we’re gonna have flashback to when we were… where ever that place was.”

Unfortunately, no one had an answer to that, so, instead, they stood in silence.


The bridge was quite as an unfamiliar ship came closer. It was shaped like a bird, almost. It had wings and a nose that was in the shape of a beak. The neck allowed the head of the ship to be at least 100km away from the rest of it.
And the color, the color was spectacular. It was almost a rainbow. The ship glittered in light, bright blues, pinks, reds, purples, greens, and yellows. They seemed to rotate around the ship; one minute the neck is purple and the head is pink, the next the head is purple, the neck is blue, and the tail was pink.
A beeping noise knocked them out of their awe. “Sir, the ship is hailing us,” Hoshi said, looking up to her Captain.

“Open a channel.” Archer told her, wanting to meet this particular race. ‘Trip would love to see this.’

“Aye, sir.”

The screen flicked to show the inside of their ship. It was just a spectacular. The inside’s color was the same as the outside. It also did the same kind of rotation. The controls seemed to have crystals on them, perhaps being how they controlled them. ‘Crystal technology,’ Archer though jealously.

“I am Captain Jonathon Archer, Captain of the starship Enterprise of the planet Earth. And you are?” Archer recited; he had that greeting down packed.

“Garkas tabon terion. Tec ing ish taso.” The person on the screen, presumably the Captain, answered. He was an elderly looking man, maybe fifty-something in human years. He had a navy blue uniform on with silver pips on his shoulder; seven to indicate each rank he's had.


“I’m on it, sir.” After a pause, “I think I’ve got it.”

“Could you repeat that?”

“I am Captain Terion. We are the Taso.” Captain Terion responded. “Your ship is primitive, yet interesting.”

“Your ship is quite… amazing. Perhaps we could give you a tour of ours.” Archer proposed.

“That would be… acceptable.” Terion agreed. “Myself and my two senior officers will beam over in a few minutes.”

“Wait, beam?”

“Yes, we detected a transporter on your vessel.”

“True, but we don’t often use it.” Malcom chirped in. “It’s still fairly new.”

“Ours is not.” Terion bluntly stated.

“Than we’ll meet you in the transporter room.” The screen went blank and the entire bridge took a sighed of relief. “All right, Malcom, Hoshi, you’re with me.”

Two, “Yes, sir,” were heard.

“Mayweather, you have the bridge.” Archer finished at the turbo lift.

“Aye, sir,” came an excited response. The three walked off to the transporter and the bridge went back to work.

**Transporter Room**

An orangey yellow light swirled around three figures standing on the transporter pad. When the light dissipated, it left behind Captain Terion and two others like him.

"Captain Archer, what a pleasure to meet you in person."

"And you." Archer stepped forward and stuck out his hand. When he got three blank faces, he explained what it was, and Terion recuperated.

"Ah, where are my manners? This is my second in command, Commander Xion," he gestured to the right. Xion looked almost forty or so in human’s years. He has the natural brown spots along the bottom of his face and across his forehead. He had on the same navy blue uniform as Terion only he had on less pip on his shoulder. He also had suspicion written all over his face; Archer had no doubt that Xion would be the one questioning everything and keeping a hawk's eye on everyone.

Terion continued with, "...and this is my Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Uion." Terion said, gesturing to his left. Uion was shorter and seemed a lot like Trip: wide-eyed and curious. He was dressed in the same uniform as Xion, only a little wrinkled. Once Trip was allowed back on work tomorrow, Archer knew the two would become fast friends.

"This is my Chief of Security, Lieutenant Malcom Reed, and my Communications Officer, Ensign Hoshi Sato." He told them gesturing to each of them.

"Which is your second in command?"

"My second in command who's also my science officer and chief engineer are both off duty until tomorrow. They were injured on a recent away mission." Archer explained.

Terion and Xion shared a look before Uion said, apologetically, too apologetically, "I'm sorry, Captain Archer." Archer nodded, then gestured toward the door and proceeded to give them a tour of the ship.

**Trip's Quarters**

He had been lying in his bed for over a half and hour.

He suddenly wanted some piece and quiet while watching water polo. So now he was laying in his, now quiet, room, for a reason he didn't know, but he did no he was completely relaxed. He wasn't normally relaxed in this type of situation.

He thought about anything and everything; let his emotions from the day, along with the excitement and anticipation of going back to work the next day.

**T'Pol's Quarters**

She had been meditation for around fifteen minutes, allowing herself to be a relaxed as she dared and could.

Her mind was chaos, and no matter what she did to clear it and organize it, another thought just popped up. There were even emotions; emotions she never experienced or could comprehend. When she focused harder on them, she started to feel as if she were lying in bed, thinking.

It was a strange experience. A new thought had come into her mind. It had something to do with being frightened at the sight of seeing someone in so much pain and hunger. Then being in Sickbay and being concerned about the same person again.

It was then she realised these thoughts must belong to Trip.

The thought scared her; she was afraid of what that must have meant. And how and what she was going to have to say to him to explain what was going on.

**Trip's Quarters**

He had gotten so relaxed because he had been daydreaming that he was walking down a corridor and about to press the chime when…

The chime went off and he snapped out of it. "Come," Trip yelled to whom ever was out there.

The door opened to revel T'Pol. Trip looked shocked at who was now standing inside his room. The clothing she was wearing also surprised him: a white Vulcan meditation robe. The lighting added to the glistening of her skin.

Trip stood, mouth opened, gapping at her until she finally spoke, “Commander, I must speak with you.” Her voice was neutral but her eyes were begging him to allow her to do so.

“Of course. Come in.” Trip, swayed by the urgency in her eyes, allowed her to come in. Once she was inside, he offered her a chair; she, of course, declined. So, in stead, he sat in the seat he had just offered her and asked, “What cha want t’ talk about?”

T’Pol took a deep breath and started, slowly, with, “You recall this morning, in Sickbay, when you handed me my PADD.” Trip nodded before she continued, “You stated that I had asked, yet I had only been thinking of it.”

Trip appeared confused by this, having no idea of where this was going. “What are you saying T’Pol? I heard you clearly say that you wanted the PADD.” He shook his head then asked, “Are you saying that I’m a telepath all of the sudden?”

“In a manor of speaking.”

“Right. What way.”

“I… believe we are, some how, telepathically bond,” T’Pol stated, candidly.

“‘Telepathically bonded’? Wha… how?” Trip stuttered over his words.

“I am… unsure. A bond like this should only be initiated with physical contact.”

“What kind of physical contact?” Trip asked. “Not just normal touching, right?”

“No, not something like what happened in the Mess Hall. But a pacific placement of one’s hands and fingers.” T’Pol informed him, relieving him of some of the fear he had.

“What do you mean by a certain ‘placement of one’s hands and fingers’?” Trip asked his millionth question; incredibly curious about the telepathic bond they shared.

T’Pol looked at Trip for a moment before stepping closer and kneeling down to be eye level with Trip. Their faces were mere inches apart. She hesitated before placing her hands under his chin and stared into his eyes. “Like this.”

He felt like her fingers were on fire and an electric shock went through his entire body as her hands touched him, then, again, when her breath touched his skin. His breathing quickened as he asked, “Why… what are you doing, T’Pol?”
T’Pol looked away; she had no idea what she was doing. T’Pol dropped her hands and stood up quickly. She avoided looking at him and tried to excuse herself, but Trip wouldn’t let him.

“T’Pol, wait!” Trip hopped up and grabbed her arm. “T’Pol, what was that all about? Tell me!”

T’Pol looked in his eyes, surprisingly not struggling against his grasp. Her eyes were clouded with a confusion Trip had never in his life ever seen. He let go, perplexed at what he saw, and she walked out of his room.

Trip bowed his head and sighed. Almost disappointed, for what he did not know.


T'Pol walked onto the bridge to find it bustling with activity. But what caught her eyes was the men she had never seen before, species she's never seen before. One was standing by Hoshi, asking a lot about the human culture, and the other by Malcom, the two chattering on about weapons and such.

T'Pol, after raising an eyebrow at them, strolled purposely toward the Captain. "Captain, I assume I missed something during my time on leave."

Archer smiled, "Yes, yes you did. T'Pol this is Lieutenant Commander Uion," he gestured to the one that just excused himself from communications.

“…r shields are based on a tacyon frequency.” T’Pol heard the other say before he noticed her, immediately excused himself and walked over to her.

"And this is Commander Xion.” He introduced the one who just walked over. “They are the Taso; we… met just yesterday, you probably weren't informed because of your… condition." Once the two had excused themselves from where ever they were and walked over, he continued, "Xion, Uion, this is my Science Officer, Sub-Commander T'Pol."

Xion gave an interested yet dubious look at her, while Uion seemed almost apologetic and respectful. T'Pol gave them a nod, uncomfortable by the intensity of Xion stare and interest of it, she walked to her station.

**Taso Ship**

"You saw her?" Captain Terion questioned his subordinates.


"And?" The Captain urged Xion.

"She looked fine, I don't know if it worked." Uion, who had stayed quite until then, said with a defeated voice.

Xion requested fiercely, "We need her in medical confinement. Run tests on her. We'll never know anything for sure until then."

"Well, we can't just take them. They'll notice and know immediately it was us."
Uion finally spoke after along pause between the other two.

The two looked at him, shocked by their forgetfulness as to that part of the plan. "Uion has a point. We will just have to wait until the time is right." Captain Terion had the last word and Xion stormed off.

Captain Terion nodded at Uion, signifying he was dismissed, and Uion, looking a little victories, walked out of the room.

**T'Pol's Quarters**

Trip pushed the door chime to T'Pol's quarters. After what had happened last night he knew they needed to talk; he just had waited until after their shifts, giving both of them time to think about it. After the second time he had hit the chime and still had no answer, he knocked on the door, assuming the chime was broken.

"T'Pol?" He asked the metallic door just before it opened.

T'Pol stood inside the door; she was in full uniform and had her usual, ridge stance. Though the strength in her appearance, Trip could, more sense rather than see, that she hadn't slept or eaten since they got out of Sickbay. "Commander."

"T'Pol, we need t' talk…. Can I come in?" T'Pol stepped aside and Trip walked in. He looked extremely embarrassed; if it was the subject or the audience, T'Pol didn't know.

After a minute of the two starring at each other, both growing increasingly uncomfortable, T'Pol broke the silence by saying, "Is there something you wished to speak to me about, Commander?"

Trip looked away, talking in his new surroundings. Sure, he had been in there once or twice before, but he found he was suddenly completely fascinated with anything and everything about her. When he turned back to her, he told her, "I thought you'd know what I came t' talk about." He sighed at her blank look, "Last night, when ya came to my quarters. We were talkin' 'bout… some kinda bond… ah, telepathic bond we share."

T'Pol looked totally shocked, for a Vulcan. "Commander, did I… touch you last night."

"What, you don't remember?" When T'Pol arched her eyebrow, he knew to just answer. "Yeah, uh, ya put your hands under my chin."

T'Pol thought about it for a moment; she seemed to be deep in thought. "Commander, may we talk about this at a later time?"

"Yea, you feelin' all right? You don't look so well."

"You are correct, I feel… ill."

"Maybe you should go see Dr. Phlox." Trip took a step closer, then said, "You're sweating. It's not that hot in here." Trip moved even closer, then he put a hand on her forehead. "You're burnin' up." Trip said in a concerned voice.

"Thank-you for your concern. I will take your advise and see Dr. Phlox. Good-bye, Commander." She said in a rushed but sincere voice.

Her checks were flushed and glistened from when the light hit her face. She was gorgeous and he couldn't stop gapping at her. "Commander?"

Trip shook his head to clear his mind. "Right, we'll talk about it later," with that, he walk out.

T'Pol closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then she walked into her bathroom. She grabbed a washcloth and ran it under cold water. She dabbed it across her face then on her neck, trying to cool herself. When she looked in the mirror she saw Trip was indeed right. She looked sick and she was, in a way. It had come, just as she knew it would, but now she had dragged Trip down with her.


The next day, Trip wasn't feeling so hot. Actually he was. He had a temperature, 105oF to be exact. He had woken up with the temperature and feeling awful and not hungry, though he should have. He went, almost, straight to sickbay to get something for it; no matter how much he seemed to hate it lately.

But he got much more than he bargained for. After Phlox had performed his scan, he found some kind of neuro-chemical imbalance.

"It appears your serotonin levels are fluctuating."

"What does that mean."

“I honestly don’t know.” Trip sighed and shook his head in a manner that appeared to show he just remembered something. “What?”

“Last night, T’Pol had all the same symptoms I have now. Plus she thinks we have… a telepathic bond. Maybe it was something else they did to us when we were… captured. I think our fevers might be some kind of… side effect.” Trip theorized.

“That could be it. But I would like to see T’Pol; check her out.”

“She looked awful last night, I dought she will feel much better today. She probably worse.” Trip informed the Doctor; just so he knew before he left. “One other thing, when I confronted her about… something, she claimed she didn’t remember. It maybe one of the later side effects; I don’t know.”

“Right.” He walked over and grabbed a hypospray. “Here you go. It should help with your fever; bring it down.” He injected him in the neck and Trip immediately brought his hand over the wound. Phlox gently pushed him down on the bio bed (he was sitting up before), sending him a silent message; telling him to get some rest.

As Trip lay down and had another he knew, or rather felt, a flashback about to release itself. He could feel the pure clarity that came with one.

He was face down on what felt like a board. He was strapped down, hard and tight, to it. It hurt, badly, that alone. But what really hurt, was the smack across his back. Pain went up his back and he shouted, a sharp, howling scream.

He cringed as the pain subsided and the clarity slipped away from him. He closed his eyes and tried to hold onto the image for as long as he could.

**Taso Ship**

"They are in their Sickbay," Uion said into the comm. After a pause he told his two superiors, "And they are alone."

"Good. Be ready to transport us back on my signal."

Uion pressed (actually it was more of a slam) and the comm. went dead silent. He had opposed this from the very beginning but, of course, neither Terion nor Xion listened to him. A few more pushed buttons and the transporters were ready to transport at the touch of a button, literally.


Phlox had found T’Pol in her quarters with a very high fever and in far worse condition than Trip. After giving her something for it, he had almost dragged her to sickbay; that was how ‘out of it’ she was.

Phlox had stepped out for a moment, most likely to tell the Captain how they were and how sorry he was for not picking any of this up earlier. T’Pol was completely and totally restless, annoying Trip because he could no longer sleep. He turned on his side, so he was now facing her, and smiled at her emotional state. He had never seen her like this and it was quite refreshing to be the unemotional one, for a change. “Why don’t cha get some rest. Or at least lay down.” T’Pol had been pacing back and forth for the past ten minutes. She was panting and sweating horribly, all from her fever. She was very emotional; not excluding frustration and annoyance. She actually seemed to be holding back on some of her emotions; some that she just wouldn’t let through. “So, ya wanna explain all this, ‘cause I know you know. Or do I get to guess to my heart’s desire?”

T’Pol glared at him. She knew what was happening to the two of them and that he had no clue. After all, he did have a right to know. “The chemical… Did you hear that?”

Trip looked at the door, “I think so.”

Just then, two people burst in, going too fast for them to identify them. One grabbed T’Pol by the waist, the other dragged Trip out of bed. “Now,” the one who had Trip hissed into on small communicator. Trip and T’Pol continued to struggle before and after they were caught in a white/blue light.

They appeared in a chamber of sorts. The glow and sudden changing of color hurt their eyes. They both blinked trying let their eyes adjust, temporally stopping them from struggling with their captors. That was just enough time for the third person in the room to come up to them and inject them with something. Everything started to grow darker, even with the bright, colorful lights, and both slipped into unconsciousness.


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