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The Torture Ship I- Pt 2

Author - JD1
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The Torture Ship

By JD1

Contact: JadziaxDax50@aol.com
Rating: PG
Disclaimers Part One


Part Two

**Taso Ship**

Trip woke up in a dark, small room. He had a bad headache and a fever. He even had this strange feeling, a feeling he couldn’t begin to describe. It was this strong feeling growing in the pit of his stomach.

Once his vision was clear, he took a better look around. It was cold, damp, and very dark. The walls were bare and so was the rest of the room, besides them. It was small; perhaps five or six meters in length and formed a square. It had a familiar feeling, a bad one. After he thought about it, he could remember it was the same place from his flashback.

He looked over at T’Pol; she was still asleep. He pushed himself next to her to see how she was doing. His face was mere inches away from her face as he checked her pulse. He felt an overwhelming desire to kiss her; why he felt this way all of a sudden, he had no idea. He started to feel a rush of primitive and strange feelings; some of which he had no name for. He brought his hand to her face and caressed it slowly.

A swooshing sound told him someone was coming. He quickly turned away from her and tried to stand. The best he got was a half-witted sitting position. He was panting hard as the need to protect her was all that registered in his brain.

“Ah, Commander, you’re awake. Your system always did fight off the sedatives much faster.” Captain Terion said with an evil smile plastered over his face.
Trip rapid breathing never cease, especially not when his eyes started to burn with fire as his anger grew. He continued to force his still wobbly legs to stand, trying to increase his own intimidation.

He had been shoved into a dark room. The same room as before. He put his hands down; trying to brace himself for the imminent force of the blow hitting the ground would create. He was already sore, cut, and beaten, but now he hurt far worse. He heard a cold, evil laugh that came from behind. He turned his head to see who held the laugh. It was…

‘Xion,’ Trip thought as his flashback ended. He had meet him briefly after he returned to duty. His disoriented caused him to lose quite a bit of his dormancy.

“The sedative is pretty strong, isn’t it? I bet you’re felling pretty bad by now. Sick to your stomach; you always use to. Or that could have been all those diseases you had in your system.” He was circling Trip now. Drawling closer then backing off. Trip merely stood in a defensive position between him and T’Pol; tensed, getting ready to fight.

“Good. I see it’s working.”

“What’s working?" Trip’s voice was harsh and rash.

“I’m not entirely sure. IT seems to be something you should ask her about.

She’d know.” He nodded toward T’Pol when he said that. He gave him a emotionless look before walking out the door.

Trip tried controlling his breathing but he still had so much adrenalin in his system. He bent down and checked T’Pol again. She was rousing so Trip shook her to make the process faster. “T’Pol, T’Pol, wake up.”

She moaned before blinking, starting to become more aware and alert to her surroundings. “Commander?” She felt just like Trip had when he first woke; feverish, her head hurt, and she had a rush of emotions envelop her. “What happened?”

“We were… abducted by the Tasos. They injected us with something that knocked us out.” After T’Pol seemed to take that in he finished with. “You were saying something in sickbay before, what was it?”

T’Pol took a minute to think how she was going to phrase it. “We are both suffering from the Ponn Farr. It is a chemical imbalance that forces all Vulcans to return to the home world and… take a mate every seven years of our adult life. It takes away our ability to make logical chooses and effects our emotional control.”

“No wonder that marriage thing was such a big deal.” Trip commented.

“Yes. The bond formed between us must have been something they did to us before. Causing me to experience Ponn Farr must have been a side effect of that. I am sorry to have involved you; it was, at the time, the most logical thing to do.”

“Ya don’t have t’ apologize. I think I understand.”

His compassion and sincerity intrigued her. He was knelling next to her now sitting up form. An over-whelming urge to kiss him took over and she leaned closer to him. When their lips touched, it was the weirdest thing either had ever experienced. Trip felt like he was in two places at once; he was feeling her lips on his but also his lips on hers. They broke apart after a while, but only once they needed air. Passion and desire burned in their eyes as they stared deeply into them.

The sensations they felt were nothing either had ever encountered. They could feel the other’s emotions, physical and mental feelings. Trip brought his hand to her check and went to kiss her again, his inability to control anything stronger than ever.

The door opened and Xion and Terion walked in. “Commander, Sub-Commander, this is not the time for that.” Trip moved away from T’Pol, the same protectiveness over took him. He stood up and no matter how feverish and wary he felt, he tried to protect her from them. He was running on pure instinct and adrenaline. “Take him first.” Xion walked up and grabbed Trip; T’Pol jumped up and twisted his wrist, flipping him over.

Terion walked behind her and injected her; Trip tried to help but couldn’t. She fell limp on the ground and Trip and firmly taken away.


Phlox walked in and was about to asked how they were doing when he noticed both beds were empty. “Commander Tucker? Sub-Commander T’Pol? Are you here?” When there was no answer, he walked over to the comm. and asked, “Commander Tucker, Sub-Commander T’Pol, if you’re on the ship please answer.” Again no answer. He tried asking Hoshi to scan the ship for them, fearing they could not answer.

“I’m not reading them anywhere, Doctor.” Hoshi answered, dismay filling her voice.


“Are you sure they’re not on the ship.” Archer questioned Hoshi.

“I’m positive, Captain.”

“Can you check the Taso’s ship; see if they’re on their ship?” Archer asked, trying all options.

After a short pause, Hoshi looked up, disappointment written all over her face. “I can’t get past their hull, sir.”

“Then hail them.”

He received many strange looks from the bridge, but Hoshi complied anyway. “Aye, sir.”

The screen flickered to show their bridge and Terion standing there. “Hello, Captain. What a pleasure.”

Archer showed a small forced smile and replied, “It would be if it weren’t under these circumstances. Commander Tucker and Sub-Commander T’Pol are missing. Do you have any idea were they might be? A cloaked ship we may not be able to detect?”

Captain Terion looked just the slightest bit shocked. He shook his head and told Archer, “No, I don’t know where they are. But we will look.”

“Thank-you.” The link cut and Archer’s face dropped. “He was lying through his teeth. He knows exactly where they are, he’s just not telling.”

**Medical Facility**

Trip had been brought to a bright, white room in which he was strapped down to what felt like a piece of wood. He was on his stomach and his arms crossed under it. He was strapped so tightly down and the position they put him in, made it almost, if not, impossible to struggle without it hurting. His face was turned to the left, cutting off his hearing in that ear. It was also leaving him with a horrible cramp there as well. But none of that stopped him from taking advantage of all the adrenaline in his system.

But as he looked around at what he could see, it seemed very familiar. He remembered it from one of his flashbacks. Then Xion’s face became visible when he looked up; the same look used when someone, anyone, used to try to intimidate their prey. “Comfortable?”

“Very,” he replied through his clenched teeth; his eyes clouded with anger and rage.

There was one other Taso in the room; he was just out of Trip’s visual range but he could almost sense his presence. After a few gestures from Xion that Trip didn’t understand, the other Taso said something in a strange language that Trip wasn't familiar with at all. The voice was cold and deep. He had an evil, devilish tone that sent chills up his spine.

Then he heard footsteps heading toward him. A second after they stopped, a smacking noise, quickly followed by a scream, filled the room. Trip took quick breaths and gritted his teeth, preparing himself for the next blow.

**The Dark Room, At The Same Time**

T’Pol felt extremely uncomfortable, yet her position was completely normal for her. She even felt that way when she stood.

A Taso stood in front of her, blocking the door. He seemed to be observing her ever move; it was very unnerving for her. She considered attacking, her strength was at least twice his and the adrenaline in her system would make her that much more able to win. But her rational side was taking over just a little. She knew she had no idea where Trip was, how to get to him, or even if she could get out the door.

A small communication device said something to the guard in a language T’Pol had never heard before. Very shortly afterward she screamed in pain. A shrilling pain went all the way down her back. The guard only smiled and said something into the communicator. The pain came and went, time after time, and when she felt as though she was on the verge of consciousness, it finally stopped. She laid down and tried to control her breathing.

**Terion’s Ready Room**

Terion’s ready room glowed with the incessant rotation of the beautiful colors of the ship. His door chime rang and the doors opened. “Ah, Doctor, do come in. So, what do we have on our… guests?”

Uion hesitated before walking in and let the door shut. He wanted… no needed to tell Terion his concern. “Captain, I’m concerned about the side-effect we accidentally triggered during the bonding process. The imbalance in their brain chemistry will become life threatening before much longer if it is not fixed.”

“So, we’ve lost people before.”

“But they’ll die before we get any relevant information from them. All this would have been pointless.”

“Fine. Then fix it. I don’t care how.” Terion’s order held pure ignorance to the matter.

“I can’t, sir.”

“And why not?”

“I don’t know how. It’s unlike anything I know how to medically treat.”

Terion thought for a moment, before he inquired, “They’ll have to know. Ask one of them.” The harsh tone and the need to help them sent Uion practically running out the room.

**Medical Facility**

Xion had left moments before and Trip silently prayed he wouldn’t come back. He was boiling now, from both anger of what Xion did and the fever he had.
Uion walked through the sliding doors and walked over to Trip. His stride was one of ease and charisma, something only someone in charge could truly produce. “How are you feeling?” Uion’s whisper was both so sincere and worried it genuinely shocked him. “You look awful,” Uion commented about both Trip’s rapid breath and freshly marked back. “Please, how do you counter act the chemical imbalance. I must know I want to help.”

Uion’s plead was almost heart breaking. Trip had immediately took a liking to him the first time they meet. He had always trusted his first instinct and this was no different. “I… don’t… know how…. But T’Pol… might.”

Uion smiled; not an evil, sinister smile like Xion, but a kind, warm one, one that showed his compassion. He grabbed a hypospray and injected him. Then he looked around to check and see if anyone was looking before loosening his restraints and allowing him to move his arms into a more comfortable spot. “That should help,” then he disappeared through the door and into the colorfully light hall.

**The Dark Room**

The door opened, letting the bright lights in. T’Pol sheltered her eyes as a form entered. The figure crouched down next to her sprawled out body. She looked up and saw his eyes; they were full of compassion, sympathy, and sorrow. “Sub-Commander T’Pol, I must speak with you. I need to know how to reverse the chemical imbalance. How do you reverse it?”

He spoke in an even, normal voice and she knew it was a voice she could trust. When her vision cleared of the cloudiness from the anger and pain, she looked closer and saw that it was Uion. She starred at him a while longer before she had actually digested what he had just said. “We don’t discuss it with outsiders.”
“Yea, well this ‘outsider’ is the only person who can and will help you. We both know that if you don’t tell me, then both you and Commander Tucker will die.” Uion’s urgency did not escape his words.

She starred intently at him and he starred just as intently back. “Fine,” and she preceded to explain only things she thought relevant about it.

About fifteen minutes later, once she had finished, Uion knew all that he didn’t want to know about their situation. “I have to find a way to get the two of you out of here. It’s the only way.”


“I’m not sure yet but I’ll find it, I promise.” He shot up and walked out the door, not even blinking at the colorfully bright lights emanating from the hall.

T’Pol continued to stay sitting, trying to calm and relax herself. She let her mind wonder; the feeling of laying down on a board filled her essence. She felt like she was strapped down and uncomfortable. She knew it was Trip she was feeling, knowing it was the bond allowing her to. She could even feel Trip’s pain and… fear?

But his fear wasn’t of someone or something but for her. That she might be hurt. Or they might hurt her like they did to him. She could also sense very little, if not any, fear for himself. When she dug farther into his mind, she felt something, buried in his sub-conscious. It was a feeling, one she had no name for or words to describe it. But she could reciprocate it; if she wherever to admit it, she felt the same thing, it was also deep in her own sub-consciousness.


The bridge had gone deathly silent after Archer’s accusation. “Sir, how can you be so sure?” Travis asked, his uncertainty showing through his words.

“Let’s just say I have a knack for seeing a liar. And he is one,” Archer said in a steady, neutral voice, his eyes never leaving the screen.

“Then if they were lying about that then they must have them on their ship. And that would be good reason to have been the ones who took them the first time.” Hoshi stated, as mostly all the pieces fell together.

“They do have for more advanced technology. Clocking and transporter, for example. They could have easily been cloaked and beamed them up to their ship and back down to the planet without us ever knowing.”

“But why? What could those two know that would be of any use to them?” Archer asked no one in particular.

“They were probably just the ones they scanned first or in that place. And then they took the same people because they had to finish something they started with them when they thought necessary,” Malcolm answered.

“’So what are we going to do about it?” Travis piped in. Everyone stayed quiet for no one knew the answer.

**Medical Facility**

The doors opened and who walked in was Uion helping T’Pol, who looked haggard; her fever, like Trip’s, had not gone down. Her hands were tied behind her back and he held her arm tightly. His free hand he had a small hand-sized phaser. He seemed to look carefully around before he barked, “Everybody out!” The few nurses and one guard gave puzzled but obedient looks. They all walked passed Uion and out the door into the colorful hallway.

Uion walked up to, the now unguarded, Trip. He seemed more comfortable but now where near relaxed, most likely from the restraints being loosened. He had tensed slightly at his arrival and how he was treating T’Pol, but once he told everyone to leave he didn’t seem as tense. “I spoke to T’Pol, here, and she explained quite a bit to me. I can’t help you with this… Ponn Farr, but I can help you off the ship. There you two can help yourselves.”

“Why?” Trip questioned.

“I feel obligated to help. I stood back and watched last time, not even voicing my opinion. But now… now I can and will help.” After a pause he said, “Come on.” Trip’s restraints were undone and he was able to sit up. He brought a hand to her arm, “Are you ok?”

She shook her head to tell him she was. “All right then, let's get a move on. Remember you’re my prisoners. Cooperate and they wont try to intervene. We’ll be in the transporter room in no time.” T’Pol’s hands were still loosely tied, so Uion helped Trip up and tied his hands similar to T’Pol’s. He held the phaser-like weapon at them; finishing off the act.

They walked out of the room and into the hall filled with five bewildered nurses and one outraged guard, “Where are you taking him? I was not informed of him being taken anywhere,” the guard had demanded.

“Well, if you had a rank you just might had been thought of as important enough to be informed. But obviously you don’t, so we didn’t. Step aside. Now!” Reluctantly, the guard moved away, angrily starring at him. “You five, get back to work.”

He seemed harsher and much more confidant and in control. The change was noticed by both Trip and T’Pol but not the other six; they didn’t seem to think anything of it.

They continued on, the halls stung their eyes as the vivid colors incessantly to change and shift from place to place. The doors seemed to blend into the walls and one would have to wonder how they didn’t run into a wall. Trip tried to make a mental note of anything they passed or anything familiar; which was extremely hard considering the color was never the same or that doors and panels appear non-existent to the untrained eye.

**At The Same Time, Bridge**

Hoshi was sitting in her station, using her great ears to try and find out where Trip and T’Pol were. She had significantly narrowed the searched to three decks in one of the stern sections. Now she was trying to get that down to one deck.
Meanwhile, Malcolm and Travis were devising a plan that would temporally cut off their power. “Xion said something about their shields operating on a tachyon based frequency.”

“So if we direct a tachyon beam toward their shields-”

“It would disable them. Then we could fire a torpedo at their power generator. Xion told me it takes them fifteen minutes to get it back up.”

“Then we’ll have time to look for them but we won’t have enough time to take a shuttle, much less dock. We’ll have to use the transporter,” Travis finished off their plan.

**Taso Ship**

He stopped them after about two and a half kilometers of hallways and fives decks down. A door slide open, reviling not a transporter room, like they were first in, but an empty one. It was a large, vacant room in which there was no light. Except in the dead center of the room where Trip and T’Pol were pushed into. They could no longer see anything out of the circle of light.

A laugh, Trip recognized as the evil laugh of Xion, echoed in the spartan room. “Humans are so easily influenced. They follow instincts and feelings so blindly; all it takes is a kind personality and they instantly trust you.”
Trip’s urge to rip Xion apart returned as he came vaguely into view. Trip grinned his teeth and made a savage face. At the same time he pushed hard on the ropes, almost making it lose enough to take off. He then lunged at Xion, only to bounced back when he hit the edge of the light. He landed hard on his back and whimpered in pain for his back still hurt like hell from being whipped.
Xion and his partner, still to far in the shadows to see, laughed at his actions. “There is a protective forcefield around the lighted area. Don’t bother to try and escape, it won’t work,” Xion’s companion stepped forward, reviling himself to be Terion. Trip struggled harder when he saw his identity.

T’Pol had been working on her own ropes ever since it was put on, back in the holding cell she was in. She was almost out of them, although a little late, she would be ready for their change of escape.

Trip, on the other hand, was having less luck. He had managed to use his hands to force himself into a sitting position. And then, from there, he was able to stand up. The trouble was, his ropes were tied much tighter than hers and he had had less time to try and untie them. Luckily, in this state, he almost had the strength of a normal Vulcan and he kept trying to break it.

**Archer’s Ready Room**

They informed the Captain of their plan and what it would require. “It will definably put a strain on the emitter and we’ll have to do it quick or they may detect us,” Travis explained.

“I recommend keeping the team to a maximum of four or five.”

“All right, you’re plan sounds good, and it’s most likely the only shot we’re going to have at getting them back. Malcolm, brief two of your best officers, make sure they don’t have a problem with the transporter. Travis, you go to Engineering and tell them what needs to be done. Malcolm, once you’ve got your men ready, equipped, and in the transporter, I want you up here to do the shooting before you get down there to leave.” Each of Archer’s orders was met with obedient nods.

They all walked out of his ready room at his dismissal. The other two headed out to do what they were told, while Archer went over to Hoshi. “How’s it going?”
“I’ve narrowed it down to these two decks,” she pointed to were she meant on a blue print of the Taso ship, “and this section,” she pointed to a rear section of it.
“Good work. Keep working, try to narrow it down to one deck. The rescue team will need all the help they can get.” He walked over to his seat as Hoshi went back to work. He sat on the edge of his chair and he starred at the Taso ship and hoped that they could pull this off.

About ten minutes later their plan was almost ready to set in motion. “All right, sir. I think we’re as ready as we’re ever going to be,” Travis reported.

“Hoshi?” Archer asked.

“I’ve just sent the coordinates to the transporter room.”


“My men are in the transporter room, ready to transport when told. Also the power generator and weakest shield area have been loaded into the targeting sensors.”

“Prepare to activate the tachyon beam,” After a few beeps Archer gave the order. A blue light shot out at the Taso ship and their shields started to fluctuate. A second later they visibly went down and Malcolm initiated phase two. A torpedo shot out at their belly and the ship tipped back a little. Malcolm ran to the turbolift and was obviously heading to the transporter room. The entire bridge was silent and they all held their breaths as they hoped their plan would work.

The transport had been successful, though they still felt uneasy. No matter what they thought, they quickly shifted into security mode and assessed their situation. Their first reaction was to shield their eyes as the brilliant lights hurt them. Once their eyes adjusted enough to look at the walls, they saw that there was no visible doors or panels. They felt along the sides as they tried to find a door. When they turned a corner, two haggard figures stood next to the wall.

**Dark Room**

Trip had almost broken through his restraints and was about to slide it off when the whole room shook and went pitch black. Trip ripped his hands out of the ropes and lunged himself at Xion; who he could barely see. The rage and strength that Trip had then displayed as he beat the crap out of Xion, stunned and astonished even himself.

Meanwhile, T’Pol took it upon herself to ‘take on’ Terion. She pinched his shoulder in the correct spot, effectively knocking him unconscious. She tried to spot Uion but it was too dark for her eyes to see. She walked over to Trip and pulled him off Xion. “Trip, we have to go,” the use of his nickname not only surprised trip but T’Pol as well, but they had no time to contemplate it. He stood up and they tried to find the exit. Once they got outside they bumped into three people they weren’t expecting.

“Commander Tucker? Sub-Commander T’Pol?” When their identities were confirmed as such, they walked forward and Malcolm asked, “Are you two alright? You look awful.”

“We will be fine. What happened?” Trip asked the necessary question.

“We were able to cut off their power but it won’t be for long.” Malcolm took out his communicator as the other two stood watch, phasers at the ready. “Away team to Enterprise, we’ve found them. Beam-” He was cut off by a humming sound and his static came over his communicator. “The power’s back up.”

“Then how do we get out?” One of the security officers, Lieutenant Jackson, inquired.

“They must have a shuttle bay somewhere,” the other security officer, Lieutenant Neill, stated.

Malcolm tried his communicator again, “Hoshi, do you know where their shuttle bay is?”

“Lieutenant, your…up. The shut… ay?”

“Yes! The shuttle bay.”

“It’s tw… ecks down. Th… straight down t… all.”

“Thanks.” Malcolm closed his communicator and put it back into his pocket. They had already been running down the hall, Trip leading them to the turbolift they came down in.

**Taso Shuttle Bay**

They had found the door leading to the shuttle bay, only to be stopped by two Taso ensigns. Jackson and Neill easily stunned them with their already upholstered weapons. Then they helped Trip and T’Pol into the closest shuttle to the door. Malcolm ran over to the shuttle bay control panel to depressurize and opened the door. When the door started to open, he ran over to the shuttle only to be stopped at the nose.

A bruised and beaten Xion walked in. Malcolm didn’t have time to reach for his phaser nor did he had much of a chose. Xion held a phaser square at his chest. He walked forward until he was inches away from Malcolm. “Come out, I have a phaser trained on him.

**Inside The Shuttle Pod**

Neill, who also had trained in being a pilot, had finished the start-up sequence. The engine hummed as it was being turned on. They were ready to go, as soon as he figured out how. Starfleet technology was complicated enough but crystal technology, something he had never seen before, was hard to learn how to operate on the spot. He did have a hard time getting the engine on but he was lucky to not have hit something… that shouldn’t have been in the shuttle bay.

Then they saw Xion come in and they noticed that Malcolm had not come in. “Come out, I have a phaser trained on him.”

They all looked at each other, scared yet determined. Trip looked up and saw a hatch of some kind. “You three go out there, I’ve got a plan.” Jackson handed him his phaser before he popped the hatch and hoisted himself up. The other three walked out the back.

Trip carefully crouched down and walked across the top of the shuttle. He looked over the edge and tried to listen to what was going on.

“As I said before, humans are so easy to convince.”

Then Trip put his plan into action; he lunged at Xion. When he made contact, he knocked him down as he grabbed his arms. He flipped over him and released his arms. He quickly turned over and got into a kneeling position. He aimed his phaser and shot Xion square in his chest. Xion feel limp onto the ground.
Jackson and Malcolm escorted Trip and T’Pol into the back of the shuttle and Neill went to the helm. He closed his eyes and toke a deep breath and toke one last quick look over the controls.

He took a guess and pressed a red crystal. Luckily, it was the right chose. They glided, rather shakily, out the shuttle bay door. They were jolted sharply right; telling them they were now under attack. He kept stirring them straight toward Enterprise. Only now he had to try to avoid the phaser fire that now surrounded them.

“Enterprise, this is Lieutenant Robert Neill. Please open your shuttle bay door.”

Enterprise opened its own shuttle bay doors and allowed them access. But before they made it there, Enterprise had provided them cover fire in hopes the shuttle would actually make it back in one piece. By the time they got into the shuttle bay, Enterprise had managed to take out three of their five phasers.

They had made it into the shuttle bay, effectively hitting Shuttle Pod One. Now Jackson, Neill, and Malcolm were back in their quarters, resting. Trip and T’Pol still had high fevers. The doctor was practically hyperventilating over the fact he was ordered to allow them to go to T’Pol’s quarters. The chemical imbalance was getting very sever; they were both near death.

**T’Pol’s Quarters**

The two were sitting face to face. Their breathing was harsh but steady, in rhythm with each other’s. Their hearts were beating fast, something that was also in tune with each other. They both were sweating, adding a glow to their skin.

T’Pol could feel his breath on her face, as he could her. She could see the desire and confusion growing in his eyes. She knew the confusion was because he had almost no idea what this was about. She also knew the desire was from the Ponn Farr, making his true feelings come out. All though she would have never guessed his desire would be directed toward her; nor did she think hers would be toward him.

“T’Pol you said you knew how t’ reverse this. How?” Trip asked, more as a statement but T’Pol’s only answer was a simple nod. “Alright, start with what it’s for. You said earlier that it told ya t’ go home and-”

“Mate,” T’Pol cut him off.

“Ya, and is that how we… undo this? We-” he made a kind of coughing noise and gestured between the two of them.

“Yes, it is the only… relevant way I know how in this… type of situation.” T’Pol stated matter-o-factly, her logic just barely in tacked but there nonetheless. Trip nodded his head as the confusion cleared.

Trip leaned in and their lips met. He brought up his hand and tenderly caressed her check as she brought her hand and laced it in his hair. They hungrily and feverishly kissed and their lips barely parted as Trip lifted and guided T’Pol to her bed.

When she awoke, her fever was completely gone and her mind was as clear as it was going to get for having just woken up. She could feel a hand on her back and her own hand was across, what felt like, a man’s chest. While her head was lying on his shoulder. She could feel that the two of them were naked and she immediately remembered what had happened.

She looked up at the sleeping form whose arms she was in. It was Trip; he seemed so peaceful and undisturbed by anything as he slept. She brought her left hand (the one across his chest) and brought it up to his face. She slowly and tenderly caressed his check with the back of her hand. She could feel the stubble that had gone unshaven over the last few days.

She laid her head back down on a comfortable spot on his shoulder and her hand slowly slid back to its place on his chest. She closed his eyes and she allowed herself to take in everything about him; the way he smelled, the rhythm of his heartbeat, the way his chest gradually lifted and lowered as he breathed in air. She thought of everything; everything that had happened that night, Trip, of what she had sensed from him earlier, what her own feelings for him are.

As the thoughts and worries slowly left her, she gradually drifted into a dream world, where she created the world for herself. Before she drifted off, she was given peace of mind when her last coherent thought was, ‘I love him and nothing else matters. Not now.’



This story continues in The Torture Ship: Part Two

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Four of you have made comments

oh my gods, that was great!!!! write a sequel, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

artemis moonshine

An excellent story, with a well worked out plot.

Nice plot. I liked the way you used the flashbacks. (However, this one could have used some proofreading.)

Creepy aliens and the Enterprise crew working as a team! Well done! Thanks for creating an interesting, involving storyline. I enjoyed this.

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