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Gateway-Part 11

Author - Quills
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Part 11 (Chapters 33- )

By Quills

Rating: PG-13, angst, drama, romance, humor, action/adventure
Disclaimer: Paramount owns Star Trek and I derive no financial
gain from this story.

Summary: Captain Archer is relieved of command for a secret mission into the 24th Century . To find and stop the Suliban renegade Silik. While he is gone, a Vulcan Starfleet Captain from the future is given temporary command of the Enterprise NX-01 with his own orders to investigate the 'Temporal Cold War'.

Chapter 31

*Fourteen hours ago.........*

"Quickly, forget the equipment!" yelled the Morovitch "It's a sand storm!"

" But Doctor..." one of the technicians began to protest.

"Stacy, we can replace equipment." said the Doctor "We cannot replace human lives. Now hurry to the shelter."

The science team scrambled across the open expanse as the sudden sand storm picked up strength and headed their way. The planet was barren and inhospitable under normal conditions. The sudden sand storms were an added bonus. One the science team had gotten more than a little used to. In fact some of the team had gotten so used to the storms they forgot just how dangerous they could be. On at least one occasion team member had not moved quickly enough and ended up trapped outside in one of the storms. The wind was so strong and the sand so thick the team member couldn't see more than a few feet in front of himself. After nearly two hours, the storm subsided and the team member was found unconscious but alive. The jumpsuit he had been wearing protected his body from the abrasive effect the sand would have had on his skin.

Dr. Morovitch and Stacy made there way to the main building of the science compound. Even with the storm behind them, the sand was being whipped up in a frenzy. The two team members could see a figure standing in the open archway, but the sand obscured who the figure was. As they got closer to the light they could make out the features of the individual. It was clearly a man and he was waving to them.

"Come on." the man yelled "Hurry up, your the last two."

Morovitch and Stacy sprinted the last fifteen meters to the building archway. As the came in site they could make out the man's features. It was assistant team leader Miles O'Rourke.

Morovitch stopped in the doorway out of breath. In between bought of wheezing and taking in huge gulps of air he spoke. "M-Miles...is...is everyone.." The Doctor swallowed as his breathing started to come under control.

"Everyone is accounted for Doctor Morovitch." said O'Rourke putting his hand on the Doctors back "We've all taken shelter in the main auditorium."

Morovitch shook his head "Oh good...good."

"Come on" said Stacy. "Let get inside."

"Good idea." agreed Morovitch and the three members of the science team entered through the archway sealing the emergency storm door behind them.

The wind began to pick up speed and a howl that would be appropriately called unearthly began to reverberate around the empty buildings of the compound. The sand laden winds twisted and swirled throughout the compound as it beat against the lone source of refuge for the planets only inhabitants. The brunt of the storm had arrived and a team member who was foolish enough to venture out in the storm without protective clothing and an illuminated tri-corder would find himself hopelessly at the mercy of the storm.

The main auditorium was currently the only building with power. All others had been shut down in case of damage to prevent live power cells from being ruptured and perhaps exploding. The outside illumination lights glowed in the sand laden air. They were the only source of light that could guide a lost sole to the safety of the compound. They were like a beacon of hope that had, on more than one occasion, saved the lives of a number of team members who had gotten lost on the storms. Now, the lights were once more beckoned lost souls in the storm.. Like many an ancient lighthouse that beckoned ships to the safety of their shores only to be crushed on the rocky coastline that lay between. For out of the sand emerged dark garbed figures who stopped when they saw the beacon like lights of the compound.

One of the figures held up a sensor device that chirped and beeped as the wind howled and raged. The figure studied the device for a moment and then looked over at a similarly garbed figure. The man with the sensor nodded his head to the other man and the dark garbed figures proceeded towards the isolated compound.


Inside the compound the team members sat around the large auditorium as they listened to the wind rage outside.

"I'll be happy when the storm is over." Said Stacy taking a seat next Doctor O'Rourke.

"It's kinda beautiful." said Doctor Louisa Keller "In a dark and morbid sort of way."

Another Doctor, Philip Morehead, smiled. "Leave it to you, Louisa, to find beauty in a sandstorm." said Morehead. "I'll bet you like rainy days and thunderstorms as well."

Louisa smiled back as the Doctor. "Nature can be overwhelming and chaotic." she responded. "You should have a healthy respect for it, but also appreciate the raw beauty of the untamed force."

"I quite agree with you Louisa.' added Morovitch. "Nature is beautiful when she's angry."

"You two are just romantics." chided technician Boyce from across the room. "The weather is the weather."

At that the room sounded in laughter from the assembled science team. As the laughter died down, Morovitch looked around to see who was in the main auditorium. When he saw several members missing he inquired as to where they were.

O'Rourke replied, "Mason and T'Prel are seeing to some equipment they pulled in from the storm and Doctor Carter is around here somewhere."

Morovitch shook his head "As long as everyone..." the doctor started and stopped suddenly as a banging noise reverberated through the chamber.

The team members looked at one another to make sure they had all heard it. A second banging sound settled any doubts.

"That's the storm door!" cried Stacy.

"Someone is outside!" shouted Morovitch.

"Impossible!" said O'Rourke. "Everyone's accounted for."

"Obviously not everyone." responded Morovitch "Maybe Mason or T'Prel went back out for additional equipment and you didn't notice."

"Oh my god." said O'Rourke. "I didn't double check..."

"Quick, we have to open the storm door and let them in." said Morovitch as he ran for the main archway.

Morovitch bolted down the corridor, reaching the storm door control panel first. He keyed in his access code and heard the familiar blip of acknowledgment as the door locks opens and the automated servos began to move the huge door aside. Sand immediately blew into the opening and Morovitch peered out to see which of his people had gotten left outside. The glaring light and spinning sand obscured what was visible in the dark night.

"Hello, is that you Mason? T'Pel?" called the Doctor as he strained his eyes to find the person who had been beating on the storm door. What he was greeted with changed his expression from concern and worry to abject terror.

For an older man, it could be said that Doctor Morovitch was a remarkably agile and quick man. In his youth he was a very athletic person who was noted for being exceedingly quick on his feet. Though the years had slowed Morovitch, he still had that fleet-of-foot ability from his youth; and upon seeing the dark garbed men standing outside the entranceway, he immediately swung around leaping for the control panel in a desperate effort to reseal the storm door. Unfortunately for Morovitch, he was never faster than a disruptor blast either in his youth or in his old age. The beam sliced through the Doctor, rupturing several internal organs as the he slammed against the wall sliding down it leaving a bloody smear.


Chapter 32

Travis Mayweather sat above the opening to the narrow access way. Mayweather was crouched on the ceiling. He had discovered the "sweet spot" shortly before Enterprise's launch. It was the one spot on the ship where artificial gravity had no effect. It was not a section that saw much traffic because of it's narrow confines and with the exception of the Jeffries tubes, this was the narrowest service corridor on the ship. It was also a certain young Ensign's refuge from the shame he felt after nearly causing the deaths of his fellow 70 plus crewmates. He needed to be alone and this was a spot that he could count on next to no one intruding upon. Which is why he was so surprised to hear the sound of footsteps coming from the corridor below. He strained to hear if the person was just passing through or had some business in this section.

"Travis?" a voice called out. "Travis? Travis I know your up there."

It was Captain Soma. How did he know where to look for him? The only one who knew about his "sweet spot" was Commander Tucker. Had the Commander told Captain Soma where he might be? Travis sighed. It really didn't matter. Soma had found him. He knew he would have to face the Captain eventually. Now was as good a time as any.

"Yes, sir." replied the Ensign. "I'll come down sir."

"Don't bother." said Soma "I'm coming up."

The Captain climbed the ladder into the small compartment. As he passed through the hatchway he looked up to see Travis Mayweather crouched in the corner of the ceiling.

Soma smiled. "I figured I'd find you here."

"How did you know I'd be here, sir?" the Ensign asked deciding not to voice his theory.

Soma pushed off the ladder and free floated to the top off the compartment where he took up a "seat" next to the Ensign. "Mr. Mayweather, I may only be the temporary Captain of this ship, but I wouldn't be much of one if I didn't know what was going on aboard her."

"Yes sir" Mayweather who replied in agreement. The young Ensign looked away from his Captain. He wanted to say something to the man, but he wasn't sure what. Stillness hung between the two men for what seemed an eternity. Then Captain Soma spoke.

"You’re bothered by your performance on the bridge today." said Soma.

Travis Mayweather continued to stare at the bulkhead. "I almost destroyed the ship, Captain" he said swallowing hard. "I almost killed the entire crew--people who rely on me. People who are my friends."

Soma nodded. "Yes Travis, you almost did."

Mayweather closed his eyes as the Captain's words seared into his soul. He had hoped somewhere deep inside that the Captain would tell him it wasn't his fault and that he was just persecuting himself for nothing.

"But you didn't," added the Captain after a pause. "Can you tell me why?"

Travis fixed his eyes on the deck below. "Because we got lucky."

"I see," said Soma arching a brow. "So you’re saying that you made a mistake that put this ship and this crew in danger, but you had nothing to do with taking us out of danger?"

Travis looked up at Soma. "The ship wouldn't have been in danger if it
wasn't for me, Captain."

Soma sighed. "No Travis, the ship and her crew would still have been in danger." corrected the Captain. "The Suliban placed us in danger...not you."

"But you said..." started Travis.

"I said you almost caused the destruction of this ship." interrupted Soma. "The Suliban caused the situation. You reacted and your initial action placed us in greater danger. You made a mistake."

Mayweather looked at Soma as the Captain stressed that final word. Travis turned away. "There isn't any room on the bridge for mistakes." replied Travis.

"Really?" replied Soma in surprise. "That's quite an arrogant attitude you've got there Travis."

Travis turned back and looked at Soma.

"We all make mistakes Travis." said the Captain. "It's part of being
flawed and imperfect."

"But I can't afford to make mistakes." said Mayweather. "If I do then people can die because there isn't any room for error."

"What do you think I should do then Travis?" asked Soma. "If it were up to you."

"If it were up to me?" said Travis. "I would relieve myself of bridge duty ."

"I see" said Soma, "but if I did that I would be losing a good officer.

"A good officer?" exclaimed Travis.

"What do you think makes a good Starfleet officer Travis?" asked Soma.

Travis looked down at the floor for a moment as he considered the Captain's question. What DID make a good Starfleet officer?

Looking up Travis replied. "The ability to make decisions with as few mistakes as possible."

Soma gave the young Ensign an arched brow.

"Mistakes cause injuries and even worse." insisted Mayweather. "A good officer does his or her best to make sure his decisions won't cause harm to come to his ship or crewmembers."

"No Travis." explained Soma shaking his head. "I don't care if an officer makes mistakes. What's important is his or her ability to deal with his mistakes. A good officer is one that can react to a given set of circumstances and also react to what that action causes."

"But--that leaves people in danger." said Travis.

"Mister...danger is the business we're in as Starfleet officers." said Soma. "Not one member of this crew joined Starfleet thinking it was going to be either safe or easy. There are dangers out there Travis...but the human spirit demands we face those dangers...no matter what the cost."

"Maybe I'm not cut out for it, sir." said Mayweather.

"Do you really believe that Travis?" asked Soma.

Travis shook his head meekly. He wasn't sure what he believed.

"Travis, we all make mistakes." said Soma. "We try our best not to, but the odds are stacked against us. Eventually, we make the one that we feared would happen...and someone dies. That's part of being a Starfleet officer and even more so...a Starship Captain. You make the hard decisions"

"Have you...have you had to make that decision, sir?" asked Travis.

Soma pursed his lips and looked down. "More than once Travis." said Soma, "and even worse."

"Worse?" said Mayweather.

"Travis, the worse thing for a Commander to do is decide which members of his crew get to live and which ones have to die. It's not even about mistakes--it's simple numbers. The only shuttle pod left can take off with nine people and I have fifteen. Do I take a chance with fifteen lives in a gambit I know will never work or save nine lives I know I can?"

"What did you do?" asked Travis.

Soma sighed. "I left six people behind Travis."

"How do you get over it?" asked the Ensign.

"You don't." replied Soma "You realize that as a Starfleet officer your called upon to make decisions you don't want to and sometimes you make mistakes along the way. The only thing you can do is keep going, because THAT is what your fellow officers are counting on. They know you can make a mistake but they are counting on you to keep your head and get the job done so that their sacrifice has some worth or meaning . That is a Starfleet officer Mr. Mayweather...and from where I'm sitting your a pretty damn good one."

Mayweather looked up at the Vulcan and gave him a smile. "Thank you Captain."

"You can thank me by returning to duty." replied Soma.

"Yes, sir." said Mayweather "Sir...can I stay here a few more minutes? I'd like to think a little longer."

Soma nodded. "Ten minutes and I want you back on the bridge mister."

"Yes sir." replied Travis as Some floated down to the ladder "Thank you Captain...I appreciate what you said."

"It's part of my job Ensign." replied Soma. "I'm not going to let Starfleet lose a good officer if I can help it. See you on the bridge."

"Aye sir." replied the Ensign with a smile.

To Be Continued


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Four of you have made comments

I am so pleased to see this story back up and running. I think it's the best one you've written.

Excellent! Very dramatic, but I savor the interpersonal relations between the characters as well. I loved the exchange between Soma and Travis - Soma learned to be a counselor from someone, and I hope it was his father.

Please, keep writing. Thanks!

Thank you for continuing with this story. I really like how you're protraying all of the characters, and here we get see a development of the relationship with Soma and Travis. Will the travis in the fiture now remember this? Gotta love time travel. Please, continue writing!

Heya. Brilliant work. i must say.