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Communication 101

Author - TLR | C | Genre - Episode Addition | Genre - Romance | Main Story | Rating - PG
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Communication 101


Rated : PG Mild language
Summary: This story is another take on how the rift between Trip and T’Pol might get mended. It takes place just after the episode “Divergence”. Trip has been aboard Enterprise for just a week, working diligently making repairs to a very messed up Engineering. Other than an occasional offer of assistance, T’Pol thought it best to give him a wide birth.
Enjoy! Again thoughts are in parentheses for easier reading.
Disclaimer: Enterprise is the property of UPN and Paramount Pictures.
March 1st 2005


It was dinner time in the Captain’s mess. Trip and Archer sat across the table from one another catching up on the day’s events. Since his return, Archer had been spending as much time as possible with his old friend, knowing that in just a few weeks he would be gone again and nothing would be the same. Dinner talk was light, updates on the warp engines, finals in the national collegian water polo matches and least of all the missing science officer that always used to grace their table. T’Pol tonight, like the last 3 nights had bowed out of dinner, claiming she had work to catch up on or wanted to rest. This fact miffed Trip a bit, since he felt it was just another way for her to diss him.

“How’s it like working for Captain Hernadez?” Archer asked, absently crunching off another bite of hard roll.

“Good……..real good Captain……” Trip fell short of any other comments, knowing that he didn’t believe what he was saying either.

“Food as good as chief’s?”, again trying to encourage the young man to open up.

“Just bout….. She stole the Admiral’s personal cook just before leaving space dock, but personally I like chief’s pecan pie better.”

“Yeah….he does have a way with sweets…” Archer poured himself another glass of tea and offered the same to his friend.


“How’s the work coming on the warp drive. Did we really mess things up that bad by the cold start?” Jon noticed Trip’s far away expression and wanted desperately to know what had troubled him so to make him leave Enterprise.

“It’s pretty bad Cap’n…. The injectors are fried, the warp coil itself is mangled in about 3 places and the EPS conduits that lead to the startup routines are looking like silly putty.” Trip let out a big sigh… “We are lookin' at about 2-3 weeks work.”

“Did you know it was going to cause this much damage when you did it?

“I knew it was gonna do some damage, but I didn’t know to what extent. But given that we really had no choice in the matter…..I guess in hind sight we really should be glad it only caused the damage it did.” Trip moved his food about his plate, not much of it going to his mouth.

“Not hungry?” The captain noted his disinterest.

“Nah….. I guess I’m really just tired. Between double shifts getting Columbia out of the gate and the added work the shut down has caused, I haven’t gotten much rest.”

“Sounds familiar…” Trip looked at his friend a bit confused.

“T’Pol has been pulling extra duty as well….. I asked her to join us this evening, but she requested time off to rest.”

(Figures…….she’s probably the one making me tired.) Trip just nodded.

“You sure you’re all right Trip?” Archer turned him a concerned glance.

“Positive Cap’n……. I am just beat.” He rose slowly and wiped his mouth before placing the napkin on the table. “ I think I’ll turn in……….. Night, Cap’n”

“Night, Trip.” The captain turned and watched his friend exit the mess.

**** Trip made his way down the corridors and into the turbo lift. He exited on C deck and walked the short distance to his old quarters. He hadn’t been gone long enough for them to reassign the cabin. The smell was the same. Cold steel and stale recycled air. Trip couldn’t help but feel at home again and took a moment to stare at the stars as they lumbered by. Since warp drive was down, Enterprise had been at low impulse since Columbia left. They had made little progress towards the next solar system and were still months away from any usable refit stations in the vicinity. It was up to him to get the old gal up and running again. Secretly Trip hoped the repairs would run over, just so he could stay aboard longer.

Since his return several members of the crew came by to pay their respects and catch up with the easy going southern gentleman. All but one…… T’Pol. Except for her assigned times to work with him, he rarely saw her and wondered if that was by choice rather than by circumstance. He sat down on his bunk and buried his head in his hands.

He was tired….. really tired. His eyes burned and teared because he wasn’t sleeping well. Not since he left Enterprise and maybe a few weeks before. How he longed for a good night’s rest, but knew his mind wouldn’t let that happen any time soon. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes again. In his thoughts he heard the captain’s words.
“I asked T’Pol to join us, but she requested time off.”

(That’s odd…. A Vulcan wanting time off….) He thought and made a conscious effort to understand her true motives. When he couldn’t sense what they were, Trip decided to go to the source.

(Okay….. now how does this thing work) he concentrated all his thoughts on her.
“Nothing”…. He whispered defiantly then set about trying again.

(Concentrate……if she can get into my head and bug me…….then I should be able to get into hers.)

Trip didn’t understand what had been happening to him aboard the Columbia or even the two other episodes that had happened since his return. All three times were during T’Pol’s meditation, but he did realize if he was thinking about her, that was most likely when they would meet. T’Pol never answered his questions about this phenomenon. All she really would say was that she was meditating and he was interrupting.

(Well it seems you are trying to avoid me in your dreams as well as real life.) He shifted a bit then began concentrating again. (Well not this time sister……I want some answers.)

*****Trip saw himself walking once more in that plain white space. He looked around and found her sitting quietly to his right a few meters away. With determination he walked up to her. T’Pol’s hands were folded in her lap and her head was straight, even with her shoulders. He stopped just beside her and waited for the usual reaction. This time there was none. He waited a minute longer then frustration began to build.

“Oh so now you’re just ignoring me totally…..” He snorted a bit more defiantly.

“I was meditating……” her tone was even, but held some frustration.

“Too tired for dinner tonight…..What was your excuse for last night?”

“I was working on the next three weeks itinerary. Investigating possible coordinates we haven’t explored yet…… Assuming you can get the warp drive back on line any time soon.” That point got Trip’s dander up.

“Assuming I can get the warp drive….. Listen lady….if it wasn’t for me you all would be nothin' but space dust right now. You’re lucky I did as little damage as I did.”

“I meant no offense…. I was merely stating that I wanted to have the data ready for the Captain as soon as we had warp capability.” T’Pol opened her eyes but still looked straight ahead.

“Yeah….right…. Maybe you do need to meditate, cause you’re sure gettin' testy….”

She flashed him a stern look. “Why are you here Commander?”

“I’m here for some answers…… and don’t tell me ta leave cause I’m not going 'til I am good and ready.” Trip plopped himself down on the floor beside her and folded his arms tightly across his chest.

“Now start talking….”

“About what?” she asked evenly

“About what???? About this… this isn’t normal….. I shouldn’t be here..” Trip’s arms became animated, waving around to demonstrate his point.

“Exactly…. You shouldn’t be here….. I am meditating.”

“I said don’t start that with me tonight. I am not leavin' ‘til I get some answers.”

“What would you like to know?” T’Pol squared her shoulders and let out a defeated breath.

“Well first….. who is disturbing who…. Am I in your head…. Or are you in mine?”

“Right now…. I would say you are in mine.”

“How do ya know that?”

“Because I didn’t seek out your mind…..”

“Didn’t seek out my mind….. what does that mean?” Trip was puzzled.

“I didn’t consciously try to contact your mind.” T’Pol wiped the growing tension from her brow. Trip noticed her movement.

“What’s wrong..?”

“I am tired…. I wanted to try and rest this evening.” T’Pol’s voice was weary.

“Well join the club….” He looked around the space then brought his eyes back to her

“Why haven’t you been sleeping'?” His voice grew more gentle, showing his concern for her was still quite strong.

“When I sleep lately….. I have been dreaming.” She closed her eyes and bent her head and shoulders forward slightly.

(Odd…. That’s not like her.) he thought.

“Nightmares?” He asked trying to get her to open up.

“Not as you would call them no….. but disturbing none the less.”

“Disturbing in what way?” The anger in his voice had all but vanished, replaced now by concern and caring.

“They are greatly emotional…. Emotions I don’t know how to handle…. Try as I might, meditation has not been keeping them away.”

“What do you mean….. Sadness?”

T’Pol thought a moment then replied. “Loss is a better term.”

“Your mom?” Trip leaned over to look into the young woman’s face.

“Yes…Somewhat….. I thought I had handled her loss after her death, but I am realizing now that there are many things I need to say to her still. “

“Yeah… that’s the hard part about loosing somebody abruptly… All things you’ll never get to say….” Trip thought back to his baby sister, Lizzy. He knew all too well the pain of missed opportunities.

“Oh I will get to say them…..it’s just I don’t know where to start.” That drew a bewildered look from him.

“What do ya mean…. T’Pol you mom’s dead….. You can’t talk to her anymore…” Trip wondered if she had started to loose her sanity.

“I know my mother is dead…. But I can go back and talk with her if I choose.”

“How?” he asked in silent amazement.

“Through my mind… I can form a place where we can talk once more. It is only an illusion, and only in my mind, but I can still treat the product of this as a memory that will help me deal more productively with her loss.”

“Vulcans can do this?” he asked a bit envious of her second chance with her mom.

“Humans can too. They just have to want it bad enough.” T’Pol saw his wonderment and continued.

“If you had another day with your sister, what would you do with it?”

Trip thought a moment then answered. “I’d go to lunch with her…. The lunch I cancelled because I was too busy working on Enterprise to stop and see her. We got called outta space dock early, while she was gone up north doing a remodeling job. I never got to say goodbye… Not in person, just through some mail once we left with the Klingon on board.”

“So you’d wish to keep that lunch date with her?” T’Pol studied his far away look.

“You betcha…. What I won’t give to have kept that date. Knowing what I know now….”
His voice trailed off and the beginnings of tears started in his eyes.
“Then concentrate on that day and close your eyes.”

“What…. Why should I….?” He looked at her a bit weary

“You said you wanted to have that chance back… I will help you….. Now concentrate and close your eyes.” T’Pol turned to face him. She brought her hands up to find the pressure points on his face and began searching his thoughts. Trip braced a bit at the initial touch, then relaxed as he felt a familiar sweetness enter his mind.

****Now they stood on the beach, he and T’Pol together. Looking around, Trip noticed it was the one that was just a few yards from his home in Florida. Oddly though, in the middle of the beach stood a door, no walls, just a door. He could hear the familiar roar of the waves, feel the fresh salty breeze in his hair. The sun was warm and the sand cool against his bare feet.

“Are we on earth?” he asked not believing how real everything was.

“In your mind we are..” She started, looking around to see the environment that Trip had known as a child.

“What’s the door for?” he asked and pointed in its’ direction.

“It is the door way to the past. Your mind keeps your memories behind it.”

“So I have to go through that door in order to get to those memories?”

“Yes, but first you must concentrate on what it is you want to relive. Remember this will not change the present or anything that has already happened. This is merely to give you peace of mind.”

“Lizzy is on the other side of that door?” He asked again wanting to believe it could all be that simple.

“Yes…… Just concentrate on that day…. The lunch you backed out on….”

Trip closed his eyes and concentrated all his thoughts to that day. When he was ready he opened them again.

“All right….. then walk through the door.” T’Pol ordered pointing in the direction of the structure.
“Aren’t you coming with me?” He asked a bit unsure.

“No…. I can not go for I was not there when it happened. You must go alone and remember you can’t change things for her. It would be disturbing to her and to yourself if you were to try and tell her what will happen to earth.”

“I understand…..” Trip turned and took slow steady steps toward the door. With a final look back at T’Pol the door swung open and he moved inside.

****Trip stood on the veranda of the Insanada Hotel. It was a beautiful place, not far from where Lizzie’s house was. She loved the fresh fruit salads there and always chose it as a place to meet her clients when they were in town. The day was bright. There was a slight breeze that played with the fringe of the patio umbrellas. People in everything from swim suits to business suits sat at the tables enjoying cool beverages and fine Cuban cuisine. Trip now dressed in jean shorts and a light colored cotton top made his way through the tables. He searched the crowd to find the familiar face of his baby sister.

There at her favorite table, just beyond the poolside was Elizabeth. Her golden strands playing in the breeze. She was dressed in a light cotton sundress and sandals. In her hand she sipped on a tall juice beverage and watched as the crowd of vacationers interacted with each other.

(She seems happy.) Trip thought as he moved closer. He was now remembering how beautiful his sister truly was. Stopping just a moment, Trip watched her from a distance. She was relaxed, smiling and most of all didn’t know anything about what was to come.

“Lizzie” he called to her walking through the last of the crowds.

“Trip!” the young woman sprang from her chair and crossed a few feet to greet him.

“Hey big brother…. It's sooo good to see you.” She squeezed him hard and planted a few kisses on his cheek.

“You too….. I’ve missed you sooooo.” Trip returned the gesture, although he knew that his was a much more earnest response.

Parting a bit, Trip looked his baby sister over. “You’re lookin’ prettier as a peach.”

“Why thank you kind sir. You don’t look so bad yourself.” She smiled and Trip’s heart melted immediately.

“Been waitin' long?” Trip pulled out the chair for Lizzie, then settled into one beside her.

“Nah…. A few minutes…. Besides you know how much I like to watch people.” She picked up her drink and began to take a sip.

“I was really surprised you changed your mind about lunch…..What happened to your work on board Enterprise? You think they can get along without ya for a whole hour?”
Lizzie’s voice was teasing, but reflected a gladness in seeing her brother again.

“They’ll be lost, but having lunch with you has gotta take priority.” He waved his hand in the air to get the waiter’s attention. “Waiter..”

An eager Hispanic gentleman dressed in a white cotton top and dark loose trousers hustled up to the table.. “Yes Sir” His accent thick slurring his words a bit.

“Can I get one of those.” Trip pointed to Lizzie’s drink.

“Right away Sir” and off the young man went.

“So Big brother.....anything interesting happening in your life..... Seein' anyone special?”
Trip blushed a bit at his sister’s interest.

“What about Ruby.... you still trying to guess the name of her future children so she’ll marry you?” Lizzie giggled slightly and sipped from her glass

“Nah.... There is someone though.... Someone really special.” Trip thoughts extended toward the bond.

“Great....who is she......what does she do..... Where’s she.....” Lizzie’s questions came rifling out one after another.

“Hold on.... What’s with the third degree?”

“Payback..... for all the guys you ran off from me in high school.” Her smile was warm and caring.

“Her name is T’.......” He paused a moment “.... Polly. She is a crewmember aboard Enterprise.” Trip thought it better to not worry his little sister with the pressures of an alien relationship.

“Great.... so you work together..... Wait isn’t that fraternizing. Couldn’t you get into trouble?”

“No, she holds an equal rank, so it doesn’t qualify... Besides she’s a rather unique lady... no one would dare accuse her of anything.... Not if they knew what was good for '‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘em.”

“Feisty is she.... Good you need someone like that to keep you outta trouble.” Lizzie flashed him another mischievous smile.

“She is incredible.... I’ve never known anyone quite like her.” Trip’s words held so much tenderness, it made his sister turn a bit emotional.

“Man.... you’ve got it bad.... Does she feel the same about you?”

“I think so.... she’s goin' through a hard time.... she just lost her mom suddenly in an accident...... Things have been kinda rough lately..” Trip turned his head to the table.

Lizzie put her small hand on her big brother’s shoulders. “Just hang in there..... she’ll work it out and things’ll be okay. Besides..... who could possibly resist my big brother’s charm,...that face and those adorable baby blue eyes.”

Trip looked at her in wonderment. This was just in his mind and yet her words to him were so real. Just as if she were really here. The way she spoke of him.....just like when they were kids. It had been hard for Trip raising his teenage sister after the death of their parents in a freak hurricane 12 yrs ago. Lizzie was 17 and Trip was 22 going to the academy just outside of Miami Florida.

She was a precocious teen, sneaking out late... Coming in after her curfew, and yet she turned out to be one of the sweetest, most talented young women he’d ever known.

“Is she from Florida too...?” Lizzie asked trying to bring Trip back from his study of her.

“No....she is from the East, but is currently residing in San Diego.” That wasn’t exactly a lie. Vulcan is east of Earth on any star charts.

“She sounds lovely...when can I meet her?”

Trip thought a moment of calling out to T’Pol to join them then remembered her words to him.
“She’s very busy with the start up of the ship... Maybe another time....”

The waiter arrived with his drink and some menu’s . After a moment they made their selections and he was off again to put in their order.

“How about you..... you okay Liz’beth?”

“I’m fine.... I just got word that I won the bid on a big new remodeling project up north in New York. I leave for there on Tues.”

“That’s great...... you’ll do a bang up job.... I know you will.” That statement garnered a broad and appreciative smile from her lovely face.

“How’s Kenny. Still taking you for granted....” Trip asked a bit protective.

“Not since Simon came around...” she returned with a sly smile.

“Simon.....who’s that? Do I know him....” again the protectiveness was showing.

“Simon is a new associate at work... tall, handsome and 21 yrs old.....Yum....”

“Yeah but what do you know about the guy?” Trip asked annoyed at her lack of information.

“Cool it Trip.... Once Simon started talking to me...Kenny can’t stop hanging around....He has even started sending me flowers daily.....”

Trip eased back into his seat. It took him along time to approve Kenny as a suitable suitor for his baby sister and didn’t want to have to worry about checking out someone new. “So you’re playing one against the other.” He replied.

“No.... I’m simply being friendly.... I can’t help what Kenny thinks is going on.” Again the sly smile returned.

“Well be careful... That’s how big misunderstandings happen.” Trip knew all too well how T’Pol reacted to his friendliness with Corporal Cole. That bit of friendship landed him the night of his life and Corporal Cole the most painful shock she had ever experienced in her 5 years as a MACO, even with her training with the pain sticks. After that neuropressure session, she didn’t feel the need to have any more or to ever hang with Trip again.

**** Lunch progressed smoothly.... Between the catching up and the joking banter, both had a most memorable time. After lunch, they managed to do a little window shopping and Trip bought a cute knick knack his sister was eyeing, which he gave it to her as they moved toward her transport.

Trip hugged her hard..... never wanting to let her go.. He planted several small kisses upon her head and his eyes started to tear thinking about what she would have to go through.

“Love ya Lizzie.... Always remember that.” Trip whispered into her hair as a tear ran down his cheek.

“Love ya too...” Her words held a strange sense of understanding. And both stood there a few minutes longer holding on to one another tightly.

“You tell this Polly... she has gotta take good care of my big brother... ya hear...” Lizzie rested her cheek against the softness of his shirt.

“She does.....she will......” Trip sniffled a bit.

“And I expect you to write me....often.... Don’t let those engines get you so interested that you forget....”

“I won’t ..... I promise.” Trip smiled softly. “First time we hit warp 5, you’ll be the first to know....”

“It’s late....” she sighed pulling away for the young man.. “I have gotta get back to the office.” She kissed him gently on the cheek and once more flashed him a warm and loving smile.

“See ya...” She said sadly and with that she turned, entered her transport and drove off.

“Good bye Elizabeth.... I’ll love you always.” tears began to fall more steadily and he tried to wipe them away with both his hands.

Once again the door appeared on the sand just below the boardwalk and Trip walked towards it. It opened by itself and he walked through.

Tears streaming steadily now, he returned to T’Pol’s side. She raised a hand to his shoulder and waited to hear of his memories.

Trip again wiped back the tears... His pain was a sweet pain now that he had that time with his sister. Choked up he could say no words, just gave her a knowing nod that everything went well.

T’Pol took his hand and led him down to the dunes. Encouraging him to sit with a gesture of her hand, she sat beside him and began studying the waves as they crashed onto the shore.

When he’d composed himself... Trip whispered quietly. “Thank you......” his words trailed off looking for a way to express his gratefulness. “Thank you for giving me that time with her.”

T’Pol simply bowed her head in understanding. She studied his eyes and watched for signs that his distress from the journey was lifting.

“I understand know why you are finding it hard to go back to speak with your mom.” Trip could feel the loss and yet could remember the wonderful time spent with his baby sister.

“It must be very hard to deal with what you are going through..... I wish I could help you like you did me...”

“You have.” came the shy admission. Trip looked at her a bit perplexed.

“Until now I was too afraid of walking through that door....” She turned to face him. “Now I am not.”

“Well..... I’ll be right here waitin' for ya.” He flashed her a caring smile.

T’Pol nodded and stood. Trip rose too and extended his arms out to her. She walked into them and accepted the loving embrace he offered then turned toward the same door in her mind. It opened as she approached and T’Pol turned back to look once more at the handsome man standing there admiring her. He nodded softly and smiled as she walked through the threshold.

The End

There is a sequel: Communication 102

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

awsome!! loved it please update soon

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, update soon!!!!

Aww.. they're bonding. See, this is what I would have liked on the show. They have had a common experience. WHy not share that?

what a nice "feel-good" story - am anxiously awaiting the next part -
just one thing though - Trip's parents aren't dead...they live in Mississippi!

Thanks for the feedback.... Sequel 102 is almost complete. Will have it done in a day or two. T.

Very cute!!!!!! Can't wait for the sequel!!!

Wonderful, but how I wish T'Pol would treat Trip like this for real. It is causing them both so much needless pain. Ali D :~)

can't wait for that sequel!! great job.

I'm NOT gonna cry, I'm NOT. That was beautiful, can't wait for more! :)

Sequel!!! That was so sweet. I want more!

That was so tender. it made me cry. I can't wait for the next segment.

Sequel is on it's way. I am finishing as I type.. In the meantime my friend Dee and I worked together on another cute piece I have submitted. Called "Of Love and Hope part 1 & 2" It should be coming soon and is really full of the tender trip stuff. Thanks again for your comments.

loved it... T'pol better explain what's going on....

you update ppl on when the next chap is up?


I really liked this, the interaction was so real. It is so great to let Lizzy live a little. And I look forward to seeing you revive T'Les a little when I read your next story.

I really liked this, the interaction was so real. It is so great to let Lizzy live a little. And I look forward to seeing you revive T'Les a little when I read your next story.