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Joint Wars

Author - Triplover | Genre - Action/Adventure | Genre - Angst | Genre - Romance | J | Main Story | Rating - R
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Joint Wars

By Triplover

Rating: R
Summary: After years and years of fighting the Temporal Cold War is coming to its end, and Commander Charles Tucker is the key to ending it….
Disclaimer: Don’t own it, cause if I did I would have taken it to the Sci Fi channel, anything to get it away from stupid UPN! :(

A/N: This story is a sequel to Reflection and Devil’s Advocate. And just so you know this is about a year after the events of "Devil’s Advocate."

Dedication: I just wanted to dedicate this to Zane Gray… if not for him inspiring me with his own stories I would never have come up with these long complicated stories (especially this one!) So thanks Zane! I’d also like to thank DAK as always for being such a wonderful beta! :D


Trip Tucker was about to make the biggest choice of his life, a choice that would change everything, and he had never felt this uneasy about it. Give him a Klingon envoy any day! He couldn’t believe what he was doing. This was insane, and yet he would do it because he loved her, and because he knew a life without her was not an option. Trip knew T’Pol wouldn’t pressure him with her traditions, but in Vulcan society there was no dating. Vulcans would marry sometimes after only meeting each other just a few times! With T’Pol’s mother T’Les, she had only met her future husband once! T’Pol had never been a fan of a forced marriage like the one she would have had with Koss. That was why she had told Koss’ parents that she would not be returning to Vulcan for the marriage ceremony. Still, this was different. It had been a year and one month since they’d decided they wanted to be together after the death of his clone Sim. He knew she deserved a real commitment and Trip was ready and willing to give her just that.

It was true that he felt uneasy about what he was about to do, but he knew why he felt this way. He knew things would only grow harder for the two of them. Trip wasn’t an idiot. Who the hell would enjoy the idea of a Vulcan marrying a Human? Ever since the Xindi attack Earth had slowly begun to move away from relationships with other planets. Earth no longer trusted others, their loss. Vulcans weren’t that different. They never trusted anyone, not Humans, Andorians… they hardly trusted themselves! How would they react to this? They obviously wouldn’t be happy, but Trip wanted to try, had to try. He loved T’Pol and he wanted to be with her, he wanted her as his wife.

“I can’t believe you’re about to do this,” Archer muttered, shaking his head.

Trip smiled at his long time friend. “Neither can I. I haven’t sweated this much since we were in that dumb desert a few years ago.”

“Then you better drink some water so you don’t pass out before asking her,” Archer joked.

Malcolm laughed. “I’d be scared too if I were about to ask T’Pol, of all people, to marry me.”

Trip glared at his friend. “That’s not why I’m nervous! I just want everythin’ to be perfect. This is gonna be one of the best days of our lives if she says ‘yes’. T’Pol’s a special woman and she deserves the best.”

“Relax Trip, everything will go great. T’Pol will love it,” Archer assured him.

Malcolm grinned. “Either that or she’ll refuse and never talk to you again.”

Archer elbowed Malcolm in his side, making the security officer wince. “She’ll love it , Trip. Don’t listen to Malcolm. Everything will be perfect. We’ve got flowers, candlelight dinner, the best wine chef has, and the best dinner you two could ever taste!

Hoshi had the quartermaster make T’Pol the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen, and

Travis says your suit is almost done.”

“I still don’t know why you wouldn’t let me just use one I already have,” Trip sighed.

Archer and Malcolm looked at each other laughing. “Believe me Trip, it’s much better this way,” Malcolm assured him.

Trip frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Uh, nothing,” Archer answered after a glance at Malcolm. “We uh… just think it’s better this way.”

“And just exactly what’s THAT supposed to mean?” Trip asked angrily.

“Nothing, Trip! We’re just trying to make sure everything goes well! And Lord knows your sense of style wouldn’t help,” Malcolm said, mumbling the last part.

Trip glared at the two men. “I’ll have ya know I have great style! I’ve never had a complaint,” Tucker told them indignantly.

Archer and Malcolm glanced at each other again. “I’m not even going to go there,” Malcolm whispered.

“I heard that!”

Archer rolled his eyes. “Look Trip, when’s the last time you asked a woman to marry you?”

Trip cocked his head. “Never.”

“Well, I have, as you well know, so trust me on this. I know what I’m doing.”

Trip raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t the woman you asked say no?”

Archer glared at him. “That’s beside the point.”

Trip smiled at him, suddenly in a better mood. “Well I am tryin’ to get a ‘yes’ here, so how am I supposed to trust you if you got a ‘no’ when you proposed? I’m just sayin’….”

Archer cut him off with annoyance. “Did you get the ring?”

Trip nodded with a knowing smile. “Technically Vulcans don’t wear jewelry, but I think she’ll like it. She never was the normal Vulcan. I’ve been makin’ a few calls to find out what T’Pol’s favorite color is. Apparently she’s always liked blue, so I got her a sky blue diamond, ironically from Andoria. They’re very rare and pretty expensive,” he told them both before pulling out the silver ring with a beautiful light blue diamond on top.

Archer smiled. “It’s beautiful. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re quite the romantic, Trip.”

The Commander grinned. “Me? Never!”

Reed chuckled as he poured the three of them another glass of bourbon. He then raised his glass. “To the most unlikely couple this universe has ever seen.”

“Here, here!” Archer agreed.

Trip eyed them both with a hint of annoyance, as the three clinked glasses and swallowed the bourbon whole. Malcolm coughed lightly, hitting his chest. “Good stuff,” he said clearing his throat.

Trip and Archer laughed as Malcolm struggled to get his voice back. “Havin’ trouble talkin’, eh Malcolm?”


“Are you sure Trip will enjoy this garment?” T’Pol asked once again, frowning at the outfit Hoshi had provided her.

“It’s the anniversary of the day you two first met! It’s a special night. You’ll look beautiful,” Hoshi assured the woman. “Frankly, I wish more men were like Trip. I can’t believe there’s actually a guy in this galaxy who remembers these things.”

T’Pol’s eyebrows rose. “Trip is quite different from most men. If you believe he will like this then I will wear it, though I do not understand the importance of putting on something like this.”

“Like the color? I thought it would go well with your tan skin. Green is such a good color on you.”

“It is nice.”

“Good, the quartermaster worked extra hard on that.” Hoshi grinned at T’Pol knowingly.

“What?” T’Pol asked, frowning upon seeing the look on Hoshi’s face.

“Oh nothing, I just hope you enjoy yourself tonight.”


“Did you remember the wine?”

“It’s right here.”

“How about the music? She likes jazz.”

“I’ve got everything, Trip!”

“The ring! Where’d I put it?!”

“It’s in your pocket.”

“Oh, how’s my hair? I thought I’d do it a little differently.”

“It looks fine, Trip!”

“I hope I got the right candles. Oh god, what if she doesn’t like the smell?!”





Archer smiled at his friend and shook his head. This man was really on edge today. They’d just finished fixing up Trip’s room and now they were trying to get him together before his dinner with T’Pol. “Okay, everything looks great. Just relax Trip, T’Pol isn’t gonna say ‘no’ just because your hair doesn’t look right.”

“You mean it doesn’t look right?!”


Malcolm rolled his eyes and looked at the Captain. “Maybe we should go before the panic attack.”

“I should probably warn Phlox that there might be a medical emergency after this,” Archer mumbled.

“I heard that!” Trip told them as he finished making his bed.

Archer grinned, grabbing Malcolm as they began heading towards the door. “See you later, Trip.”

“Good luck,” Malcolm said then gave him a sly grin. “I’m sure you’re going to need it.”

Trip sighed. “Yeah, I have a feelin’ you might be right.”

Trip walked slowly towards T’Pol’s quarters. This was it. It was either now or never. He chimed the door and his mouth opened wide when he saw who was before him. Was that T’Pol? He’d never seen her look so beautiful before. She had such a beautiful green dress on. It made her skin glow. “Wow.”

“I will take it that you like the dress.”


“Are you going to say anything else?”

Trip blinked and looked up into her eyes. “You look beautiful, T’Pol.”

“Thank you, Trip, you look equally as beautiful.”

Trip smiled at her comment before offering her his arm. “Shall we?”

“Of course.”


When they finally reached his quarters he keyed in the code and took a step back. “After you.”

T’Pol’s eyebrows rose as she walked inside. Trip followed her in to see the look on T’Pol’s face change in surprise. “You did all of this for me?”

“It’s a special night.”

“So I’ve been told.”

Tucker laughed softly. “Come on, chef prepared a really good dinner for us, and I don’t want it to get cold.”


“Chef should be commended. He outdid himself this time,” T’Pol said as she settled her fork down on the empty plate before her.

“I gave him one of my mom’s recipes. She didn’t want to give it up, but once she found out why I wanted chef to make it she gladly gave me the recipe, just as long as chef promised to burn it just as soon as the food was done,” Trip told her laughing. “Can’t have the Tucker family secrets bein’ passed all around the quadrant, now can we?!”

“And exactly why did you have chef make this meal?”

Trip smiled at her and took in a deep breath. “Because I love you and because there’s somethin’ I need to talk to you about.”

“What do you wish to discuss?”

“Well, uh, it’s just that we’ve been together for a year now, and in that year I’ve never been this happy. It was like there was somethin’ I was missin’, but I didn’t know what, cause I’d never had it to begin with. I know that sounds weird, but it’s how I feel. You mean everythin’ to me. You’re my world. I never would have gotten over Lizzie’s death without you. Hell, I’d never have gotten through anythin’ that’s happened to me these past years without your help.”

T’Pol moved her hand out to hold his. “I feel the same way. Though it has been a hard year for me, you have helped me through it. Without you I would never have been able to deal with the emotions I am unable to suppress because of my addiction. You have been… my outlet.”

Trip did everything he could to stop himself from grinning, but he knew it was a losing battle. “There’s somethin’ I need to ask you now.”


“I’ve been doin’ a lot of thinkin’ about our relationship. And I realized that for the first time in my life I was sure of somethin’. I’ve never been so sure about anythin’ in my life. I’m sure about you T’Pol.” Trip moved down to the floor on one knee before continuing. “T’Pol, I want you to marry me.”

There was a long pause as his request sunk through. She didn’t know what to say. Still, there was only one answer to give, and T’Pol didn’t know how she was going to say it.

“Are you sure you’re ready for what you ask?”

Trip cocked his head. “Kov told me all about Vulcan weddings, bonding to become one instead of two. Touching but never touching. He didn’t tell me everythin’, but he told me enough. I am ready. I want to be with you, T’Pol. I want you to be my wife.”

“My answer is no.”


“I will not bond with you Trip.”

Trip frowned. “Oh, I see.” He tried to hide his disappointment, but that was a losing battle too. He didn’t know what to say.

“No, you don’t.” T’Pol moved down on the floor with him and put her hands on both
sides of his face. “I do love you, Trip, but I cannot marry you. I have gone against everything my family has ever taught me. With everything that has happened I have
come to realize how dangerous a relationship with you could be. There are many who would not accept such a union. I disregarded this because of my feelings for you, but this is very different. I do not think people would be ready for something like this. If I were to marry you, not only would Vulcan be opposed, but many on Earth would too.”

“That’s not true!”

“You and I both know there is still prejudice between both Humanity and Vulcans, and since the Xindi attack many on Earth trust Vulcans even less than they did before. You yourself were not very fond of me when we first met. I am sure many other humans will feel the same in this situation. Long ago on your world, if a person of African-American origin was to marry a person who was considered ‘white’, there would be many opposing that union. I suspect we would go through the same, though perhaps to a lesser degree because of how much our two worlds have evolved.”

“What are you sayin’, T’Pol?” he asked, as his heart sank more every second. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Was she really going to say no?

“One day things will be different. My world is undergoing a change that will not be easy for them. We are not ready for the burden we would have to carry… and they are not ready for what our union would mean for our two worlds.”

Trip’s head dropped down. “T’Pol, we are ready. I’d go through hell and back just to be with you. I love you more than I’ve loved any other woman. You mean everythin’ to me. Look, I realize there would be a lot we’d have to deal with, but Lorian’s parents had to go through a few things, and they obviously got through it.”

T’Pol moved her hand down and raised his head so he could look at her. “Lorian’s parents did not have to deal with the same pressures. I am sure they would have lasted for a while, but the pressures we would face are more than I think we can take at this moment. I do not want our children to have to deal with these prejudices.”

Trip sighed. “We could do it, T’Pol. You and I both know we could!”

“I have no doubt that we would endure a lot and still be together, but I do not think we are ready for this. Not yet. For what it’s worth, if not for the things I just mentioned I would have said yes. I too have never been so sure about something in my life.”

Trip smiled at her before leaning in and kissing her lips lightly. “I know, T’Pol. I understand.” He didn’t understand. He wanted to fight this, but she was saying no to him, and it was taking the fight out of him. He couldn’t fight her. He was unable to say anything else to fight what she was saying. He didn’t think she was right, but she obviously felt strongly about this. Nothing he would say could persuade her to say yes, he knew her well enough to know that.

T’Pol stroked his face and looked into his eyes as her lips touched his once again. Then Trip looked down and pulled something from his pocket. A box. He opened it and looked down at the ring inside. He pulled out the ring and showed it to her. “You may have said no, but I think you should have it anyway. Think of it as a promise.”

“A promise of what?”

“A promise that no matter what happens, I will always be yours and I will always, always love you,” Trip told her before opening her hand and putting the ring into her palm.

T’Pol looked down at the ring in her hand then looked back up at him. “Sky blue.”

“I heard it’s your favorite.”

“I have always found the color to be pleasing.” T’Pol moved towards him and kissed him more passionately. When they finally broke T’Pol rested her forehead against his and closed her eyes. “Are you all right, Trip?”

Trip closed his eyes. “I’m fine, T’Pol. Just know I’ll be ready whenever you are.”
T’Pol nodded against his head before the two turned, so Trip had his back leaning up on the bed with her snuggled up against him. Trip smiled lightly when after only a few
minutes passed before he found her sleeping in his arms. He looked down at the sleeping beauty and kissed her forehead, then gathered her up in his arms and gently laid her on his bed. He pulled the covers over her just as her hand fell across the bed, opening to show the ring he’d just given her. Trip stared at the ring for a long time, thinking of the life they might have if she would only say yes.

Then finally he shook his head. It was best not to think about what might never happen. He stood straight and began cleaning up, but once again he found himself looking back at the ring in her hand when it should have been on her hand, on her finger. He let out a small sigh and closed his eyes. He was not looking forward to explaining what happened to his friends in the morning. Trip rolled his eyes and walked into the bathroom to look in the mirror. “Stupid, stupid, stupid Trip… you are NOT messin’ this up with T’Pol. She’ll say yes one day. You just got to be patient. That’s all. She’ll say yes… if she loves you.” At that Trip frowned.


Archer smiled when he saw Admiral Forrest on screen in his ready room. “Admiral Forrest, to what do I owe this honor?”

“It seems for the first time in years the Andorians are speaking of peace with the Vulcans… because of you.”

Archer’s smile grew wider. “You’re kidding me.”

Forrest smiled. “Not this time. I need you to go to Andoria to pick up some Ambassadors that will be discussing peace with the Vulcans. The Andorians asked for you, Jon. To bring an Andorian ship into Vulcan territory was unacceptable, and the Andorians were not about to let a Vulcan ship in their territory. So you will be taking the Andorian Ambassadors to a planet in neutral territory. Once you’re out of Andorian space a Vulcan ship will be meeting with you, a science vessel that will drop off Vulcan ambassadors. And from there you will head towards the planet. I’m giving you the coordinates, but no one else must know about this. Is that understood?”

“Of course, Admiral.”

Forrest smiled. “I’m also going to be sending you orders, follow them to the letter. Don’t screw up here Jon, this is important. The Vulcans would be very appreciative for any assistance we can give them. The Andorians wanting peace is a very big step towards this Federation you’ve been talking about.”

“I understand, Admiral.”

“Good luck.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“And Jon,” Forrest said, his voice a little more uneven than before.

“Yes, Admiral?”

The Admiral smiled at him gently. “I know the anniversary of your father’s death is coming up soon. I just wanted you to know that your father would have been very proud of you. You’ve done so much with his engines… hell; you’ve saved the world. I just thought you should know that. He would have been proud Jon, very proud.”

Archer smiled back at him. “I know sir, I know.”

Chapter 2

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

A whole mess of folks have made comments

Oh poor Trip:( Seems like T'pol isnt over her fears yet. God I hope she changes her mind before this story is over. Pleas update soon! This one is going to be Gut wrenching in betwean chapters.

I can't believe T'Pol said no to Trip! But her reasoning makes sense given her outlook though what a mistake to put off to some distant future what they could share now. No one knows what the future holds or how long either of them will live. The Universe has a habit of packing nasty surprises along with the good so I hope and pray T'Pol doesn't make him wait too long. I don't think my heart could take it. Ali D :~)

God, I can't believe T'pol said no and Trip is the most understanding man on the planet. How does T'pol know what the future may hold for them if she is not willing to take the risk. Sigh.

I couldn't believe T'pol said no to Trip, but her explaination satisfied to me why she said no. Hopefully they will get a chance to be together and nothing happens to T'pol in Vulcan.

T'Pol better say "Yes" later in this story!
Plus-- what's Forrest doing back?

*long-suffering sigh* T'Pol, T'Pol, T'Pol. How much do you have to put our dear boy through? Great chapter, can't wait for more! :)

Poor Trip! You're horrible to have her say no! Hopefully they'll get things resolved, looking forward to the next installment.

Energy4TripnT'Pol, it's an alternate universe... I can have whoever I want rise from the dead! :D Besides, I couldn't have a story without a little Forrest in it, he was just too cool for me to let him stay dead!

Triplover, I am absolutely honored and humbled to have inspired you. I love your writing too. Please continue!

WOW.... I just spent the better part of today reading the first two parts of this trilogy and can hardly wait to read the third.

I's been fantastic so far!!!!!!

I love the character of Trip sooooo much, and so far your stories have only made me love him more.

I see that this isn't complete yet, I sure hope you update often!