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Joint Wars - Ch 2

Author - Triplover
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Joint Wars

By Triplover

Disclaimer: See Chapter One
Rating: R
Summary: After years and years of fighting the Temporal Cold War is coming to its end, and Commander Charles Tucker is the key to ending it….
A/N: It’s an alternate universe so Talas is alive! Yay! Some things from the show have still happened, but not all (depending on what conflicts with the story!) :D

Chapter Two

Captain Archer stood up from his seat and walked over to Lieutenant Reed. He was not in a good mood after a long night of tossing and turning in bed. “They’re late.”

“From what I hear T’Pol never returned to her quarters,” Malcolm whispered knowingly.

Archer’s eyebrows rose. “Oh?”

Malcolm grinned. “That’s what people are saying.”



Archer looked at his security officer, then turned as he noticed the turbolift doors open and the two they’d just talked about walk onto the bridge. Archer’s eyes went straight to his first officer’s left hand, but he saw no ring. “She’s not wearing Trip’s ring.”

Malcolm frowned. “I wonder what’s going on.”

“I don’t know, but I think I’ll go find out,” Archer said, and moved over to the two and smiled despite how he felt. He’d had a pretty rough night last night and hadn’t gotten much sleep, considering it was only a few days before the anniversary of his father’s death. “You’re late.”

“Sorry Cap’n, that would be my fault.”

“Just don’t make it a habit guys. Trip, my ready room.”

Trip nodded, but as they began to walk away the Captain looked at T’Pol. “I’m going to need to talk to you about something in a minute. Once I’m finished talking with Trip I’ll have Hoshi bring you in.”

T’Pol nodded and walked over to her station as Trip and Archer entered into the ready room. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

“So did you ask her?”

Trip frowned. “Well uh… yeah.”


“It didn’t exactly go as planned,” Trip told him.

“How so? What happened?”

“Ummm well, she kinda said no.”

“She what?” Archer couldn’t hold back his surprise. He had expected there to be problems in Trip’s plan, a dress ripping, or Trip accidentally hitting a glass that falls and breaks… things like that. What he hadn’t expected was T’Pol actually saying no.

“It’s not as bad as it looks. T’Pol was just worried that it wasn’t the right time. I mean, the Vulcans wouldn’t be too happy to hear about us getting married, and I doubt everyone on Earth would accept our marriage either. We’d just be asking for trouble, and T’Pol wasn’t sure we were ready for somethin’ like that. We’ve only been in a real relationship for a year or so. Our relationship might not be ready for that kind of pressure.”

“I see,” Archer almost whispered before turning around to look out his window.

“Just because it’s not happenin’ now doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. When we’re ready-“

Archer folded his arms in confusion. “But Trip… if you love her-“

“I do love her!”

“Yeah, well it sounds to me like T’Pol’s scared.”

Trip rolled his eyes. “She’s not alone here, Cap’n. I see where she’s comin’ from, and I agree with her.”

“Do you?”


“I’m not so sure,” Archer fought. He could see it in Trip’s eyes. He’d known Trip for a very long time, enough time to see that Trip was putting on an act. He remembered the first time he’d seen the act. Trip had went over to talk to one woman they’d seen at a bar only to get shot down. The next thing Archer knew Trip was talking about how much he hadn’t really cared. He was the kind of person who didn’t like looking like a fool, or at least his definition of a fool….

Trip took a step towards him. “Well I am. If she doesn’t think we’re ready, then neither do I.”

Archer was about to say something more, but he stopped himself. He wasn’t about to fight Trip on this. If Trip wanted to wait then let him. It was, after all, his life. “Fine Trip, I’m sure you both have good reasons. Although it would have been nice to be the one to marry you two off.”

Trip smiled. “Just because it’s not happenin’ now doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. When we’re ready you’ll be the first person we call.”

Archer nodded. “I look forward to it.”


The Captain moved over to the com. “Hoshi, send T’Pol in here.”

“Aye sir,” Hoshi said through the com.

Archer walked away from the com and looked over at Trip. Trip cocked his head. “What else did you want to talk about?”

“I got a transmission from Admiral Forrest. He has a mission for us of the utmost importance.”


Archer nodded just as T’Pol walked in his ready room to stand next to Trip. “Yes Captain?”

“I got a transmission from Admiral Forrest yesterday. At this time Travis is taking the ship into Andorian territory. There we will be picking up three Andorian ambassadors. Once we’re out of Andorian territory a Vulcan ship will drop off ambassadors from Vulcan. Then we’ll be heading towards a planet where Vulcans and Andorians will be working towards peace between the two planets. That is… REAL peace,” Archer told them.

“Vulcan wants peace with Andoria?” T’Pol asked. “The Vulcans have never even been able to trust Andorians, let alone come up with a treaty that would bring about true peace between our two worlds.”

Archer nodded. “Well, Vulcan has changed quite a bit. With the new government in place I think Andorians are finally beginning to trust Vulcans, and visa versa.”

“Well I’ll be! I never would have thought the Vulcans could pause long enough to get the sticks out of their asses,” Trip joked, earning him a glare from T’Pol which successfully stopped his laughter. Trip cleared his throat.

Archer smiled in amusement. No matter what was going on, the relationship between Trip and T’Pol always made him want to laugh. Who knew there was a couple so meant to be together, that could get on each other’s nerves so frequently? “Well, whatever happened they want us to help. We’ll be arriving at Andoria in a few hours. Vulcans and Andorians may have been getting along, but an alliance would be even better, and this would be the first step towards that goal. This is a very important mission.”

“Understood,” T’Pol almost whispered.

Trip looked over at her. She seemed stuck in her own thoughts. He then turned to look back at the captain. “Understood.”

Archer half smiled. “Good, dismissed.”


“Oh god, Malcolm, do I really have to go over this with you too?!”

“It just seems to me that when you’re in love you’d be willing to stand the pressure,” Malcolm fought.

Trip glared at his friend in annoyance. “Yeah I know! The Cap’n already said all this.”

“Well maybe you should listen to him! How could she say no?”

Trip sighed. “Like this!” Trip looked his friend in the eye. “No! Now drop it!”

Malcolm looked at him in surprise. “Fine. It’s been dropped.”


“I am worried about Trip,” T’Pol said frowning.

“Oh?” asked Phlox, as the bio bed moved out of the imaging chamber. T’Pol sat up and looked at the doctor while he looked through the scans.

“We have not talked for nearly three days since he asked for my hand in marriage. I thought he would understand why I had to say no, but I’m beginning to wonder now.”

“He probably just needs some space. He may understand why you did what you did, but it doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing to accept. He wants your hand in marriage because he loves you. No matter what explanation you give, it doesn’t mean it will make things any easier for him to get over such a rejection,” Phlox explained.

“I have hurt him.”

“Yes you have, but I have no doubt that after a few days when he has had some space there will be no problems. He does love you, T’Pol. Just give him time. Humans have a saying. ‘Time heals all wounds.’ I’m sure when he’s ready you two can further your conversation.”

T’Pol nodded. She had learned from experience that if there was anyone she could trust it was Phlox. He had an understanding of humans that not many had… in most cases that included her. “Perhaps, thank you Doctor.”

The Doctor nodded, smiling. “Why don’t you come back later after I’ve run over these scans? I’m sure I’ll fine the cause for your nausea and headaches in a few hours at most.”


“Captain, we’ve reached Andoria,” Travis informed.

Archer stood from his chair just as Malcolm looked up from his station. “A ship is heading towards us.”

“On screen,” Archer ordered.

Hoshi nodded as the screen changed to show a certain Andorian they all had come to know very well. “Shran,” Archer breathed.

“Archer, how have you been enjoying that Andorian ale I sent you a few months ago?”

“I think I’ve developed a taste for it, haven’t been able to get enough these days.”

Shran laughed good-naturedly. “Then I will have to continue sending our ale to you. The ambassadors that will be coming to your ship are with us.”

“You’ll have to dock with our ship.”

“Of course, my ship is ready. There will be others joining them. They wished for me to get your approval.”

“Oh?” asked Archer.

“For security reasons my officer Talas has asked to join the ambassadors, along with another officer that has just recently become a civilian,” Shran explained.

Archer nodded and looked over at Malcolm. “Promise you won’t let Talas sabotage the ship again?” Malcolm joked.

Archer smiled at his officer then looked back at Shran, who seemed just as amused. “That would be your job, Mister Reed.”


Archer, Malcolm, Hoshi, and T’Pol walked down the corridors until the reached the doors to the Andorian ship. Archer nodded at Malcolm and he moved to open the doors, which revealed five Andorians. Three of them moved up. “I am Ambassador Tath, and these are my associates, Ambassadors Shec and Tel,” the Andorian in the middle said. All three inclined their heads in respect. Malcolm, Archer, Hoshi, and T’Pol did the same. “I know you’ve already met Talas, and this is Mr. Tor.”

“It’s good to meet you all. Ensign Hoshi Sato will be showing you to your quarters. Once you’re settled in I’ll come by and inform you when the Vulcans are on board.”

Ambassador Tath nodded, smiling. “Thank you Captain.” He then looked over at T’Pol, and after a few seconds went by the Andorians followed Hoshi to their quarters.

==Starfleet Command/Daniels Timeline==

Admiral Johansen smiled when he saw Mr. Daniels walk through his office door. “You wanted to see me, Admiral?” he asked.

Johansen nodded. “I’ve been reviewing your dealings with Captain Archer. Observers say that he is just about to take the Andorians and the Vulcans to an undisclosed planet to talk of peace,” he informed the man.

Daniel’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “You’re worried that another faction will intervene with something so important now at hand,” he said frowning.

Johansen again nodded in agreement. “I want you to keep a close eye on what’s going on. I suspect the Sulibans will want people nearby, and I’m going to do the same. I spoke with your superiors and they agree. With the same six ambassadors that will support the Federation together, on a ship commanded by the very Captain who will be creating the Federation, it wouldn’t surprise me if Silik decided to make an appearance. Mr. Daniels, this new branch of the Federation is here to watch when the timeline is being changed. It’s your duty to fix things that this damn cold war is messing up. Now this is important. Watch them.”

Daniels’ frown grew. “Oh I intend to.”

Johansen smiled. “You’re dismissed.”

Daniels walked out of Admiral Johansen’s office swiftly to the man who’d been waiting for him. He nodded for the man to follow, and he moved right along side him.

“We have a slight problem. We have to stop the Andorians and Vulcans from ending their confrontations for good,” he whispered.

The man beside him almost gasped in surprise. “What about Commander Charles Tucker and Commander T’Pol?”

“There’s been a change of plans. Things are already proceeding according to history. We’ll deal with them later. Contact Mr. Marrick and see if everything’s ready. If I’m going to do this it’ll mean changing the course of history. I need to be ready, Toby, for everything.”

Toby Williams nodded hesitantly. “I’ll do what I can.”

Daniels smiled. “Good. Archer cannot be allowed to go forward with this, not now. If he does, all my plans will be ruined. We’ll have to work quickly. I will need to travel to their timeline.”

Toby paused in surprise. “But sir, when the branch brings you back you’d be arrested!”

Daniels shoved his hand in his pocket and revealed a small device. “There will be no one left if I’m able to change history. Besides, with the new device Mr. Marrick has built they won’t be able to interfere. Just do what I told you to do, and report to me when you have the device. I’ll need it before I step through the portal.”

“Of course, Master.”

Toby began moving away when Daniels turned around. “And Toby.”

“Yes, sir?”

“Send a ship after Enterprise. The Andorians and the Vulcans will not be meeting today.”

Toby nodded slowly. “Yes, Master.”

Chapter 3
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Half a dozen of you have made comments

Well atleast Daniels isnt after Trip and T'pol this time. Gee I wonder what could be causing T'pols nausea and headaches. ;) I cant wait for the next Chapter!

I WANT MORE !!!!!! This story is as great as Devil's Advocate !!!! Please write more soon !!!!!!

I really have developed quite a dislike for Daniels. What a duplicitous individual he is. Let's hope Malcolm catches him out before he can ruin everything. Ali D :~)

OoooOOOooo! This looks promising! Do go on, I can't wait for more! :)

This is awesome stuff! Keep it up! :-)