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Who Says a Vulcan Needs a Bodyguard? - Part 4, by myst123

Who Says a Vulcan Needs a Bodyguard?

by myst123

Disclaimers in Part 1


AN: My story decided to take a very different turn. I was trying to make it funny, but then suddenly Soval wanted to talk with T'Pol and make sure she was OK. I hope the sudden turn isn't too harsh. In the end, the story may not work, but eventually I am going to try to pull it back from so much sadness.

My apologies if I have mis-used Surak’s words about the past, future, and present. Surak’s teachings are from the Vulcan Culture Institute, http://home.teleport.com/~vli/surak.htm.


Part 4

Soval continued to drift in and out of consciousness. Enterprise was returning to Vulcan to pick up Archer and T’Pol, and then return to earth, recalled by Starfleet.

Trip entered sickbay, inclined his head in greeting to Phlox, and made his way to the area where Soval slept and Amanda kept watch. Phlox followed.

“How’s he doing?” Trip asked.

“He is still recovering from the experience, but he is improving,” Phlox reported.

“Good. Amanda, the Cap’n wants Soval present for some sort of ritual on Mt. Seleya. Something about a relic he and T’Pol found in the Forge. It sounds important. I’ve got to get to the repairs in Engineering, so Malcolm has the bridge. It’ll take us about 24 hours to get to Vulcan. In the meantime, Malcolm wants you to remain here until we’ve got a better understanding about the situation on Vulcan. Soval could still be a target of either the Vulcans or Andorians. So you sit tight, OK?”

“Yes, sir.”

Trip nodded, raised a hand in farewell towards Phlox, who had return to his work across the room. The doors slid open and he departed for engineering. Amanda watched him leave, staring at the door for a few moments after it slid closed behind him. As always, she felt a pang of regret that he wasn’t available. He was such a good man. She missed their times together. Shaking her head, she pushed those thoughts away and turned back to her duties and discovered Soval watching her.

“Commander Tucker was just here,” she told him.

“Yes, I heard what he said.”

“What do you suppose Captain Archer and Commander T’Pol found that is so important?”

“I don’t know, but I’d like to speak with T’Pol, if that can be arranged.”

“Let me see what Lieutenant Reed can rig up.” Amanda pushed the com button and relayed the request. Malcolm said he would have Hoshi set it up. Upon request, Phlox brought a portable communication screen to Soval. All was done efficiently and without fuss. Soval had struggled with suspicious humans for so long that he was surprised how much care they were giving him. He didn’t realize that by winning the trust and respect of Commander Tucker he won the trust and respect of the rest of the crew. He lay quietly while Amanda and Phlox readied the equipment. A few minutes later Hoshi’s voice came over the com, informing them that she had located T’Pol and would put the connection through. Amanda and Phlox adjusted the biobed so that Soval was propped up.

A weary-looking T’Pol appeared on the screen. Soval’s brows drew together.

“You are unsettled. Are you well?” he demanded in Vulcan.

Both Phlox and Amanda suddenly sensed this conversation was more personal than expected. Phlox quickly turned off the universal translator to give his patient some privacy. Amanda moved to the side, still in close range of the bed, her eyes focused on the far wall beyond Soval. She was fully aware of her surroundings, but didn’t look directly at Soval.

“It has been a…difficult..few days,” T’Pol answered, her voice containing an edge of stress.

“What has occurred?”

T’Pol was silent. Soval watched her struggle to retain her stoic expression. Eventually, she spoke. “You know that the Vulcan High Command bombed the Syrrannites in the Forge?”

“No, I was unaware of that.”

“Mother…had joined the Syrrannites. She was…killed…in the bombings.”

Soval became very still. Minutes passed. The two stared at each other in silence. At last he said, “I grieve with thee.”

T’Pol bit her lips.

“I will be with you in 23.5 hours. We will talk of your mother then.”

Suddenly looking very vulnerable, T’Pol nodded.

“Commander Tucker said you and Captain Archer found something in the Forge. What?”

As economically as possible, T’Pol explained about Arev, T’Pau, the Syrrannites, Surak, Archer carrying Surak’s katra….

“Archer carried what?”

“You don’t want to know,” T’Pol replied, sounding very human. “But as a result, we found Surak’s Kir’Shara. Captain Archer and T’Pau were able to gain access to the Vulcan High Command and successfully prove it does exist and is a legitimate artifact. V’Las has been removed from the VHC, and the monks at Mt. Seleya are preparing to accept both the Kir’Shara and Surak’s katra from Captain Archer. The Captain and T’Pau are already there, awaiting the ceremony.”

Silence fell once again.

“You say nothing,” prompted T’Pol.

“I am not certain if these are dark times, or if Vulcan will emerge from this stronger than ever.” Soval had never experienced such a sensation before. He felt …uncertain.

“Everything has been lies,” T’Pol burst out. “Our whole lives. Our society. My mother. It has all been lies.”

“T’Pol, you must meditate. It is true, the news you have conveyed is unsettling, but remember the present is the crossroads of the future and the past. We will discover what were lies, but we may discover that our past may bring new wisdom for our future.

“’Vulcans aren’t so tough after all,’” T’Pol said bitterly.


“A human said it to me, and it is true. We have weaknesses within us which we don’t face.”

“T’Pol. Peace. Meditate. I will be with you tomorrow. We will discuss all that has occurred. Where will you reside tonight?”

“I’ll go to my mother’s house.”

Gently, he probed. “Is that the best plan for you, T’Pol?”

“I have nowhere else to go,” she cried out. Again, she caught herself and struggled to regain control.

“Surely you have old friends who would take you in.”

“I don’t want anyone. I need to be alone.”

Soval felt a familiar sensation. He was becoming anxious about T’Pol. She was rubbing her eyes, her upper body slumped, very unlike her normal erect posture. She looked defeated. He worried, for he knew her nature to be impulsive and he wasn’t positive he knew what she would do.

“T’Pol, go to your mother’s house. Meditate. I will contact you again in a few hours.”

T’Pol agreed in a quiet voice.

“Live long and prosper.” He raised his hand in the familiar Vulcan gesture, fingers forming a “V.”. He waited for her to sign off before he did the same.

After he disconnected, Amanda’s eyes shifted to him. The Vulcan looked ill. She called for Phlox who came over to examine the patient. Soval simply closed his yes to avoid communicating with the other two. Phlox motioned to Amanda to help recline the bed, then ran scans.

“Your blood pressure is slightly elevated. You need to rest,” was Phlox’s advice.

“I need to meditate. I need silence. I need to be left alone.”

Amanda had her orders. “I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t leave. You won’t know I’m here.”

“I can hear you breathing. Of course I will know you are here,” Soval snapped at her.

“I’ll breathe as quietly as possible, sir.”

Soval didn’t respond. Amanda and Phlox exchanged glances and slightly worried shrugs. Whatever the conversation between T’Pol and Soval had been about, it had upset the man before them. On top of the residual effects of the torture, the conversation was a setback to his recovery. Amanda resumed her post, and Phlox lowered the lights around Soval and returned to work. Both the human and the Denobulan felt unexpected concern for this bitter old Vulcan, a man who had for so long been a symbol of Vulcan arrogance, and both were as quiet as possible to allow Soval to help heal himself through his Vulcan ritual of meditation.


Continue to Part 5

Return to Chapter 3