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Fragile-Part 25

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Fragile Universe
An "Enterprise" story

Written by Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY: "Odd things are happening aboard Enterprise."
DISCLAIMER: The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Enterprise' are the property of Paramount. No infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 25


* * * * *

Some things were beyond all understanding. In a daze Trip supposed this was one of them. He felt weak but stronger than he had been. How that was possible he did not know. The darkness was like a soothing blanket muffling his thoughts and blinding him to his confusion. Where he was no longer mattered. Life or death held no sway over this place. He blinked or at least he thought he did. Lack of sensory input could do odd things to a man. Disorientated he simply waited. Endured. Hoped the nightmare would end. Something slid into view, rippling the shadows. Was there something there? Someone? He felt a creepy sensation in his head and resisted the urge to shudder with revulsion. The voice when it came startled him so much that had he been aware of his heartbeat he was sure it must have stopped.

"You are conscious. You hear us."

"Am I awake?"

"In your mind yes."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you live, Commander. For now."

"Why? Ya could just go right ahead an' kill me. Who'd know?"

An odd little silence ensued. He was not sure if that meant the speaker had left or was reacting to his words in some unspecified way. How long he waited he did not know. How many times he closed his eyes to open them again to darkness he knew not. He was feeling more than dizzy now. Nausea accompanying his lucid moments. A yawning chasm of sensations like a drunk on a sailboat. Bobbing. Lost on a ocean with no horizon and no hope of land in sight. Oh God. He was going to die in this nightmare. Not even a quick clean death but one that swallowed him up a mouthful at a time and paused only to spit out the bones.

* * * * *

The only good thing Kai was conscious of was being back in An-aga's quarters with her and Sarsa. Idly he wondered where Sar was but no one said and he did not ask. He was bone weary and heart sick. Wished he could see Trip. Wanted everything to be back the way it had been before they had come to Enterprise. Back when it was just him, Trip, Sar, An-aga and Sarsa living the simple life of free folk on Volara. The planet was not perfect but it was home. He never thought he would miss that place but at least no one tried to part him from Trip. And that was what hurt him most of all.

An-aga hugged him then coaxed him to go to bed. He wanted to quarrel. Resist. But she told him that if he went to bed then come morning they would go to see the Captain to find out whether he could visit his father. That one bright hope made everything else bearable. Sarsa tugged his hand. Her much smaller fingers wrapping round his hand as if she would never let go. He smiled at her and squeezed back. Kai knew he would not be able to sleep. An-aga did not disabuse him of his certainty but kissed him and tucked him in bed, then put Sarsa to bed just across from him so that he would not be lonely.

"Remember one thing, Kai. Your father loves you very much as do we. Take no bitterness with you into the land of dreams."

"But I'm angry."

She smiled gently, kissed his forehead, and settled her wise eyes on his troubled ones. "Sleep, Kai. If you wish to be angry in the morning be angry in the morning not now."

That made him smile. Then she was tucking Sarsa in bed and telling her she was loved. The comforting sounds of An-aga moving about lulled the boy until finally sleep claimed him. An-aga paused as she watched the children sleep. Hoping with all her heart that her husband could find a way to change the Captain's mind.

* * * * *

"I'm telling you it was the creepiest thing that's ever happened to me."

They were in the mess hall. The inventory had been completed. Stores sorted and put to bed. All that was left was a last meal before calling it a night. Ensign Peter Wicks chuckled around his hash browns, fork almost as busy as his mouth. "There's no such thing as ghosts, Andy."

Crewman Marks had a slightly sour look on his face. Now that they were well away from the storage bay he felt braver and more curious about what he had felt and sensed. "I never said it was a ghost."

Wish chewed and swallowed his mouthful of food, bright eyes lifting to settle on his crewmate. "So you're not saying the ship is haunted?"

Andy shook his head emphatically. "'Course not, it's just creepy."

His friend had another couple of mouthfuls of food, ate in silence, then paused to regard Marks with a more sober eye. "What do you think it was then?"

"Hell, Wish, if I knew that it wouldn't be bothering me."

"That so?"

Marks flushed slightly. He had not intended to let on how much the experience had unsettled him. "If I tell you something, promise you won't laugh?"

Wish raised his fork and made the sign of the cross over his heart. "Cross my heart and hope to die."

"It was like being possessed." Marks whispered across the table at him. Voice hushed so as not to carry beyond his partner.

"How do you know what it's like to be possessed?"

"Hell, you know what I mean Wish. It felt evil."


"Yeah, like it could read my thoughts. That kind of thing."

Ensign Wicks resisted the urge to huff a great sigh. He did not want to offend or anger his colleague but this whole thing was beginning to wear thin for him. The joke had got old real fast. Only his friend's obvious distress stopped him from saying outright that he was imagining things. "Andy, I was with you - remember? And I didn't see or hear a thing."

His voice became dull. Flat. "You don't believe me."

"I didn't say that."

"Doesn't matter." He pushed his barely touched meal away.

"What do you mean?"

"It means I'm gonna speak to someone. See if the sensors have picked up anything unusual."


"No, Wish. I have to do this. I have to *know*.

Ensign Wicks looked at him for a moment, eyes steady. Food forgotten on his plate. He had known Marks a long time. He had never seen him like this. "You want to end up in a psych ward?" He asked quietly.

"Rather that than go nuts for real."

For a long moment they just stared at each other. Then biting back a sigh, Ensign Wicks nodded. It was twenty minutes later as they walked down a corridor towards the crewmen's quarters that the distinctive slide of ice rippled through Crewman Marks' body. He stumbled, his face suddenly white. Wish turned his head and felt his heart miss a beat at the look of horror on his friend's face. He moved just quickly enough to catch his friend as he collapsed. Without having to think twice, he laid him down and put him in the recovery position then ran to the nearest com and slapped it on as quickly as he could. To hell with seeing a shrink. He was taking his friend to Sickbay.

* * * * *

Sub-Commander T'Pol was already lying unconscious on a biobed in Sickbay when the wave hit. Though she did not feel it, the ripple bounced back and lapped at her mind. For just a moment the air seemed to shimmer round her in little more than a subtle shift. Lt. Reed's head came up. Not sure what had caught his attention. His eyes narrowed. "What was that?"

Sar was sitting watching over the Sub-Commander. They had left Koss under guard kicking his heels in a cell in the brig. Commander Tucker had been conveyed to Sickbay and was currently in the scanning chamber. An anxious Dr Phlox keeping an eagle eye on the readings he was taking. Sar looked across the bed at the Armoury Officer, an anxious look in his normally placid golden eyes. "What have you seen?"

"I don't know."

Before Sar could question him further Dr Phlox rejoined them carrying a hypospray. All conversation ceased as they watched him empty the contents into the side of the Sub-Commander's neck. The slight hiss testified to the administration of the fine particles of drugs administered directly into the jugular. No needles. Just very fine particles of the necessary medication pumped quickly through the pores of the skin by the piston effect of highly compressed air. An efficient and painless way to confer medication without breaking the skin. Lt. Reed looked at the doctor.

"How is Commander Tucker?"

The doctor tried to hide his concern but no one was fooled. "He appears to be in a coma but closer examination of his life signs and brain activity appear to obviate that possibility." He paused looking close to glum. "I can find no reason why the Commander has not regained consciousness or for the sharp drop in his basal temperature."

Sar and the Lieutenant exchanged a worried look just as the Sub-Commander began to stir. Dr Phlox visibly brightened at the sign that at least one of his patients was responding as expected. Sub-Commander T'Pol groaned and opened her eyes. "Ah Sub-Commander, good of you to join us."

She frowned at his inappropriate levity. As she struggled to sit up memory came flooding back. Her eyes widened in alarm. "Koss!"

The doctor put a hand on her shoulder. "It's alright Sub-Commander. Koss has been apprehended by the good Lieutenant here with the aid of our Volaran friend."

Sub-Commander T'Pol blinked. Lt. Reed could not blame her. That was rather a lot of information for someone just struggling with the notion of being conscious again. She did however recover quickly. Focus sharpened the look she gave them all, slotting events into her mind and wanting answers. "Koss intended to take me from Enterprise. I don't understand how he was able to get on board without anyone knowing."

"His ship has an advanced kind of cloaking impervious to our sensors, Sub-Commander. If it wasn't for Sar I wouldn't have known you were in danger and we wouldn't have been able to see anything."

Her frown deepened. She looked at Sar and raised an elegant brow. His expression was solemn and grave. "Something is wrong on this ship, Sub-Commander. I felt it. An-aga felt it. But the Humans lack that sensitivity."

"What did you feel, Sar?"

"Subtle changes in the air around us, as if something was moving through the air at a higher vibration than we are."


"There are interdimensional beings as well as those from other dimensions. And. Rarer even than these are those that have adapted the technologies from other dimensions to expand and exploit this one."

Lt. Reed gave Sar an exasperated look. "What are you talking about Sar? Are you saying that Koss came from another bloody dimension?"

He shook his head. "No. I am saying the technology he used did not come from this one."

For a moment they just stared at each other in silence. Dr Phlox left them and went to check on the Commander. Seeing that the scan was complete he slid Commander Tucker out of the body scanner, anxiously checking the readings and his life signs. Sub-Commander T'Pol slid off the biobed when she caught sight of Trip. Lt. Reed put out a hand to stop her, intending to advise her to stay where she was until the doctor could finish checking her condition but Sar shook his head. One large hand gently brushed the Lieutenant's hand away. Nothing was said but the big man's eyes conveyed his meaning.

* * * * *

"Why did you not take her?"

The deep resonant voice was calm and measured. "She confirms the Human's assertion."

"She could be lying."

A pause. "I think not. Watch. Observe."

So they did.

* * * * *

T'Pol felt her heart lurch painfully. Her breath catching. He looked so pale and still. A body laid out for burial except there was a yet a heartbeat. Steady and strong. It seemed incongruous when the rest of him was so still. It was the only sign that he was alive. His face was a dull wash of muted colour. She brushed back his damp hair, eyes sorrowing as she searched his pallid face. So gentle, her whole world condensed to the compass of this one man. Trapped within the curtilage of a life on hold. Nothing else mattered or held worth for her. If he should die she did not want to live. Bad enough that her species outlived his. Her hand dropped to caress his cheek, two fingers brushing his face in the equivalent of a kiss. Then she bent her head and gently kissed his still lips. Her warm ones brushing his cold ones. A silent tear falling on his unmoving face. Her warm breath fanning his cheek with barely audible words. A prayer from the heart begging only for his answer. "Return to me, Ashayam. For I cannot be whole without you."

There was no response. Lt. Reed felt his heart crack to see the stoic emotionless Vulcan so distraught. She seemed oblivious to the hovering doctor. One hand covering Trip's hand, the other cradling the side of his face as if her warmth could revive him. At that moment there was a sudden burst of activity as the Sickbay doors swished open. A couple of Malcolm's armoury officers were guiding in two crewmen, Captain Archer in animated conversation with one of them. As they entered Sickbay Lt Reed recognised Crewman Marks and Ensign Wicks. His men, Ensigns Murray and Jackson, gave their Armoury Officer a nod which he returned giving them leave to return to their posts. He crossed over to them and looked questioningly at the Captain. Captain Archer looked tired and stressed but his first concern was for his crew.

"Don't ask me what happened, Lieutenant, because I don't have a clue."

Ensign Wicks appeared to be trying to reassure his colleague while coaxing him over to where the doctor was waiting for him. "He's seen some kind of ghost, doc."

"No, not a ghost!" Stated Crewman Marks fiercely. His voice low and intense, his eyes pleading with his friend not to use that term.

Ensign Wicks swallowed hard. "Sorry. My mistake."

Dr Phlox took over. His voice calm, soothing, professional. "Crewman, why don't you just tell me what happened?"

Captain Archer stepped passed them. He nodded to Sar and Lt Reed then walked up to Trip's biobed. The Sub-Commander barely acknowledged him. The Captain felt his heart miss a beat. *Oh God, Trip, what the hell is going on?*

* * * * *

They observed and learnt much.

"This one is loved."

"The Other lied."

"We should release him."

"Where is the Other?"

A pause. "They have him."


"It is a place of confinement."

"Ah, a cell."

"Where we found this one."

"Why did they confine the Commander if he is one of their own?"

"For loving the Vulcan."




"They must be xenophobic."

"Yet the Vulcan, T'Pol, serves amongst them."

"She is one among many Humans."


"Yes. She stays for the Human. The Commander."

"She calls him Ashayam."


Agreement hummed between them. "Are they bonded?"

"Hearts. Minds. Souls."

"It shall be done."

"We will breathe into his consciousness."

"Return his waking life."

"What of the Other? He is forfeit."

A long, long pause. Consideration beyond immediate punishment. "They want redress."

"He will not give it."


"They will get lies."

"Let us watch a little longer. In the meantime it is time for this one to return."

"Shall we tell him?"

"Prepare him?"

"No. He has suffered enough."

* * * * *

Dr. Phlox listened carefully. Crewman Marks was glad that the doctor did not laugh at him. Reassured that his friend was being supportive, not mocking. "Hmm, you appear to have had an interesting experience, Crewman Marks."

He looked surprised. "You believe me?"

Dr. Phlox straightened a little, arching his back as if to stretch the vertebrae. A little physical quirk that somehow emphasised his sincerity. "I see no reason to doubt you, Crewman. A great many unexplained things have been happening lately."

"They have?"

"People morphing through walls, invisible ships, the dead coming back to life..."

A look of horror stole over Crewman Marks' face. Dr. Phlox was quick to reassure him. "I am not mocking you, Crewman Marks."

They did not hear Lt. Reed cross over to them. His quiet voice made them look round in surprise. "*There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophies, Horatio.*" He quoted. "I always liked that quote." He paused. "The doctor's right, Crewman. I can't begin to explain what you saw or felt only advise you that you are not going mad."

The man looked so relieved it was almost comical. Dr Phlox patted him on the shoulder and gave him something to help him sleep. Ensign Wicks offered to take him back to his quarters. Thoughtfully, the Armoury Officer watched them leave. He looked at the strained face of Captain Archer and wondered idly when the man had last slept. "What do you think it was, Captain?"

He sighed and looked away from T'Pol and Trip. "I have no idea."

Just then there was a stir. Captain Archer turned back in time to see Commander Tucker begin to wake. His mouth dropped open. Sub-Commander T'Pol was crying silently, a rare smile breaking out on that austere face that affected him more than any other thing he could remember seeing. Dr Phlox looked momentarily stunned then pressed forward. The first thing Trip saw when he opened his eyes was T'Pol's shining face beaming down on him. Nothing else existed for him. He raised a hand to touch her face, a look of love shining in eyes tinged with awe. His heart aching as he silently adored her. "T'Pol."

T'Pol looked deep into his eyes. Losing herself in those blue depths. "I have missed you, Ashayam."

"I've missed ya too, darlin'."

Then oblivious to those around them, T'Pol dipped her head and kissed him. The hand that cradled his cheek automatically reaching for the contact points and reinforcing their bond. The Universe seemed to hold its' breath. A slow smile of joy stole across Captain Archer's weary face. His friend was definitely going to be all right. He glanced at Dr Phlox. "I'm going to get some sleep. I suggest the rest of you try to do the same."

Heads nodded. Everyone quietly leaving Sickbay to the only two people actually making use of a biobed. Dr Phlox smiled gently and dimmed the lighting. Then. With a look of quiet satisfaction on his face he retreated to his office.

* * * * *

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Have a comment to make about this story? Do so in the Trip Fan Fiction forum at the HoTBBS!

Half a dozen of you have made comments

At last! Sigh.

But what about the dastardly Koss? And are they going to keep Trip in the brig still?? So many questions...

This is so good! Thanks! On a side note, I certainly hope your imagination remains in high gear over the summer hiatus! :-)

Looking forward to the next chapter as always!

Yes!!! Though I do have to wonder what those aliens are going to do with Koss. Or what are the humans going to do with him? Is Trip going back to the brig? Will T'Pol have to return to Vulcan? What's going to happen next??

You have such a great way with words, such a gift of catching your reader and taking them on a roller-coaster ride.

The emotions really get pulled every which way in this, such angst, anger and now joy as Trip is returned, unharmed.

The unseen aliens had me worried, the way they could torture and even kill Trip with no-one being able to help, not even Sar. But now they've seen that he told the truth and is greatly loved, and have set him free.

Hopefully, that's his 30 days forgotten about, but what about the baddie in the brig?

Holding my breath, here...

Wonderfully written chapter. Are we near the end with everything tied up neatly together or will our favorite couple suffer more in the days ahead? And more importantly, will Ali D. be supplying us with more terrific stories over the summer so we can get through the re-run break?